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Is your insurance on the MIDS database

mike 202

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Following on from Mel's problems with her insurance company I thought that a mention of Mids www.askmid.com may be beneficial to forum members.

I suggested that Mel check that the insurance details are on the MIDS data base (motorists insurance data base) as her insurance company messed up so many times.

This is a Diy service, you just go to www.askmid.com on your PC then type in the registration number and it tells you Yes or No and the actual model of vehicle registered.


The reason is that the Police use this data base when they do a check for insurance. Some people who pay for insurance then cancell keep their 12 month insurance certificate to show that they are insured when in fact they are not. The Police have got wise to this and use the MIDS data base. There have been cases where the person IS insured but not recorded on the data base and the insurance offices are closed (say stopped late at night), the Police have then confiscated the vehicle and you have to pay to get it back. I believe this has happened to at least one motorhome.


Better safe than sorry


Regards Mike

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As for Mikes example of the motorhome being 'Confiscated' , they would have to put up with us, and two dogs sleeping in it, as we wouldn't just 'Vacate' it . For a mistake on a database. Even if they were armed ! too old and past worrying about crap like that. lets just hope it doesn't happen eh. *-) Ray


Seems the CC have done their job properly.legal.

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nuevoboy - 2014-01-15 3:27 PM


Mmm, just typed mine it to find that it is insured.......



...but the owner is registered as:




My Hobby motorhome has the same entry on the MID and it's likely that the majority of motorhomes do too.


3 years ago, on the "YAHOO Answers" website, this question and answer appeared:




Car/motorcycle insurers use the phrase "DUMP CODE COMPANY USE" , What does this mean?


ANSWER: (Source: I work as an underwriter for a UK insurance company.)


It is not insurers who use this code, but the Motor Insurance Database (MID). This is the company that holds the data that the police use to check if a vehicle is insured.


Usually, when someone insures a car, the insurer will send the registration number to the MID to show that the car is insured. But, as registration numbers can be keyed-in wrongly due to human error, the insurer will also provide the make and model of the vehicle. The Motor Insurance Database company will then check that the registration number matches up with the make and model on their records and, if not, will ask the insurer to contact their customer to make sure that the registration number is correct.


When we provide the make and model information, this is not manually keyed in as this would be time consuming. We use what we call an 'ABI code' (Association of British Insurers code), with each code relating to a specific make/model of car. However, the list of ABI codes applies to standard cars but not to specialist vehicles.


If the vehicle is something unusual like a motorhome, a black cab, a kit-car, a rare vehicle, a vintage car etc, we will not have an ABI code for it, so we send off the registration number without the code. MID will then register the vehicle as being insured based on the registration number data but, for the make and model, it will show 'Dump Code Company Use'.


It is nothing to worry about. It is simply because there will always be vehicles that crop up that are not on the ABI-code list and the MID database needs to have something in the make/model data-field.



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Derek Uzzell - 2014-01-16 8:59 AM


nuevoboy - 2014-01-15 3:27 PM


Mmm, just typed mine it to find that it is insured.......



...but the owner is registered as:




My Hobby motorhome has the same entry on the MID and it's likely that the majority of motorhomes do too.


3 years ago, on the "YAHOO Answers" website, this question and answer appeared:




My van has always appeared (since april 2011 when I first checked) as 'motor home all'

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This 2008 "Motorhome Today" thread includes a MID "DUMP CODE" explanation from Comfort Insurance




Based on the following webpage there are evidently variations on the DUMP CODE phrase




I can't see the MID's DUMP CODE thing mattering much, as the interested authorities will be aware of it and it's the insured-or-not indicator that really counts.


Plainly, if the MID entry is contradictory and, say, my Hobby motorhome were described as a motorcycle, I'd want that error corrected. But the fact that the MID entry for my motorhome has "DUMP CODE COMPANY USE" rather than "Hobby T-600FC", or "motor home all" doesn't concern me.


I can see the police preferring to have an accurate combination of vehicle registration-number and vehicle-description on the MID but, if the MID system and/or the insurers' data-handling systems can't provide this, I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

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I payed for my renewel about 5 days before it was due on the16th of this month, had cert e mailed to me by 16th.


MIDS check on 16th showed not covered but was OK by today. It looks like there is an overnight delay .


From memory the legislation used to say you were not covered until the Cert was delivered into your hand but not sure if that has been amended in recent years.


Best to have the paperwork with you on the road especially in the first couple of days after cover commences.

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