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Canterbury park and ride 'aire'


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I live near Norwich where one of the park and ride sites (Costessey) has no height barrier and is okay for motorhome parking. I emailed the Council about parking overnight and was told this was against the 'traffic regulation order' that governs the site.


Considering the site never seems to be very busy and there are no houses nearby (so no complaints) I think they are missing out on some extra visitor trade. I might have another go at them.




PS I just emailed the Council, I'll let you know what they say.......

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sshortcircuit - 2014-01-23 3:01 PM


We arrived on a Sunday and stayed overnight at a nearby CL so got into Canterbury fairly early. There were a few MH in and the most spent the day there moving off next day and like us visited the town so in my experience it did attract money to the town


That's good to hear..because if it can be shown that such a facility is beneficial to the actual town/location(rather than is just "handy" for MHers),then it's a good case to put forward as an example to other councils...

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The site looked fine to me back in December only problem was I could not get in as we did not arrive till about 8pm and the place was locked up !!!

Would have been glad to pay but could not get in. Had to find a place of the road and all worked out for us so Canterbury council you lost out.

Hope they change to opening times in the future so more of us can use this site and maybe spend money in the town. :-S

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Had the same problem barriers lock at 8:30, no notice to say so anywhere if you look hard enough it does mention it in the middle of the text on their website but not obvious.

It is great to see the council doing this sort of thing but it really does need longer access times especially for an Aire so near to a major port.

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Hi all


Stayed at Canterbury many times ,have passed on opening hours comments to Colin Perris at Canterbury City council ,he has been involved in Park and Ride from start .Think maybe the problem is that the entrance barrier's also serve the main car park ,making it accessible to all.

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pepe63 - 2014-01-23 3:11 PM


sshortcircuit - 2014-01-23 3:01 PM


We arrived on a Sunday and stayed overnight at a nearby CL so got into Canterbury fairly early. There were a few MH in and the most spent the day there moving off next day and like us visited the town so in my experience it did attract money to the town


That's good to hear..because if it can be shown that such a facility is beneficial to the actual town/location(rather than is just "handy" for MHers),then it's a good case to put forward as an example to other councils...


Last time we used to Canterbury facility, it was mainly occupied by visitors from across the channel, (17 foreign & 2 UK reg. vans) Without exception the continental visitors got the bus into town, so my guess is it's generating plenty of income for the town, other than the parking cost.

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Well it could also be used by motorhomers to park up for a few hours while they visit Canterbury and then move on somewhere else.As such its still worth its weight in gold because we all moan, often rightly, about the difficulty of parking our motorhomes in a town/city even village that we want to visit.
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Stayed at Bath for New Year at the Marina site. OK for a few days. Noticed the P&R opposite at Newbridge and thought this looks great for a visit as there are two parks with loads of room......ah, guess what? Just noticed that both parks have height barriers.

Now, ill not moan if the council dont want overnighting but when a park and ride doesnt allow you to park, thats a joke.

At some point, this country has to sort out the 'tresspass' laws to allow the police to act rather than having to get court orders etc to remove undesirables. Untill then, we are subject to the 'sledgehammer to crack a nut' rulings and the use of barriers designed to keep out those who can currently abuse the facility.

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If using the ferry port at Plymouth use the George Park and Ride site. I've seen many motorhomes there and 1 or 2 overnight. Seems fairly safe and overlooked by houses. There is a pub across the road and no entrance/exit barriers. You don't pay to park, there are no dump facilities. Bus return to town is £2.70.

50°25'38.28N 4°06'39.84W

This is on the A386. There is another by the Argyle football ground nearer to town, but not quite as nice in my opinion. The one near to Sainsbury has height barriers. :-D

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Hi all with regard the times you can get into Canterbury PR,please see below reply to email I sent to Colin Perris of Canterbury Cc


Thanks Frank.

The issue here is that the site is for Park & Ride use and Motorhomes are allowed in for that reason. It isn’t really an Aire which is just for parking.

We have VAT issues which prevent us from offering that facility and so the gates lock about an hour after the last bus … by 8:30pm entry isn’t possible however if you’re in the site you can always get out as I don’t lock the exits so best to plan to arrive before that time….and with respect the website does say that.

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Doveyman - 2014-01-27 12:53 PM


pepe63 - 2014-01-23 2:54 PM


Although, it would be interesting to know the numbers, as to how many actually stay/visit and spend reasonable money in the area, as opposed to just getting their head down before clearing off to the ferry...


With respect, they are doing exactly that, paying money to stay overnight in an otherwise deserted parking area, if that's all they spent it's a little extra in the councils coffers.........../cropped/....

...I say all kudos for at least one council gaining extra revenue from park and ride car parks that are otherwise deserted during the night all over the UK.


Hi Dovey/"Mike"/1foot'..


As per my previous post, if folk are jumping on the bus and actually spending decent money in the town, then that is great, as it's win win situation... ;-)


My initial query/point was, that without any additional spending in the town or at local businesses, at only £3 for 24hours parking/overnighting, which includes the bus travel (every 8mins! 8-) ), grey/black waste disposal and fresh water point, then I don't really think we could pretend that MHers would be doing Canterbury any great favours or would be making any major difference to the council's budget... (lol)

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I'm sure most Mh's using this spot will be just overnighting on way to or from France but even if it is only £3 a night and the site is open 365 nights that will amount to a nice little sum, that is IF you can get in the place. I did not think arriving at 8 at night was late, we normally park up before that but in the case of just catching the ferry or tunnel next morning 8 is not late......... B-)
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I use the Canterbury P&R usually 4 times a year going to or from France and always make a point of staying for 24hrs or so to enjoy a meal and a pint in the nearby pub and also take a trip down into the City centre so that my Wife can have a little retail therapy either before or after a continental trip.


I can see that if a traveller simply wants a place to sleep before moving on, then the fact that the access barrier shuts mid-evening can seem a little unreasonable. I must say though, that for those staying over, it is nice to have a peaceful evening and night without the inevitable frequent disturbance that would result from traffic entering and parking up at all hours (a la Calais Aire).


I can see that the mandarins at Canterbury Council will want their excellent P&R facility to serve local commerce so it will see little benefit in having 24hr access for traffic to simply 'pass in the night' and they will be unlikely to change the present arrangement I suspect.



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