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Weight distirbution on tag motorhome.


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Hi every one.


I have been looking at grip mats for my tag axle motorhome. Not only for getting me out of slippery situations but also to put under my rear wheels to stop any sinking into soft, wet grass.

The only problem is that I cant find anything that will cover both my rear wheels, approx. 1.4m.

I know that people will say don't park your motorhome on the grass but sometimes when I stop at a campsite there might not be any hard standings.

The longest mats I can find are 750mm in length, well short.

Plus its a 5 ton max motorhome so what ever I need must be able to handle the weight.

Any suggestions please.


Andy.. *-)

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....you might try searching on "sand ladders" "waffle boards", "bridging ladders" and similar.


They are certainly available in the length you describe, but the pricenew might be a bit excessive.


A used GRP set from eBay might do the job, though.


(Generally used by 4x4 owners, and though I wouldn't choose to use them for "bridging" for a 5T motorhome, they'll probably be all right for standing on).



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lennyhb - 2014-01-27 11:00 PM


How about Ground Guard tiles you can clip then together to make whatever length you need.


We switched from our well worn tatty chunks of plywood too those "Ground guard tiles" about 3-4 years ago..and they've got us off some really muddy festival sites....

We did keep a lookout for bread crates biut we couldn't come a cross any(..not any that were going "spare" anyway).

But for just sitting the non-driven wheels on, then even those yellow Fiamma *Grip mats, are better than nothing..(* "Grip"..!?..yeah, right... *-) ;-) )

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Hello lynandi I agree with vindiboy the bottom of bread crates are the best thing we just grinded (not a word I know) the edges off and used the bottom they do an excellent job I have two spare if you need any .......have sold my van and don't need them you can have em for nowt if you passing thru donny pp
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