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smoking in your car?


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antony1969 - 2014-02-05 7:17 PM


CliveH - 2014-02-05 7:13 PM


antony1969 - 2014-02-05 7:00 PM


If anyone's interested I've just tied the rope around the tree


The only time i did that was when in my youth I took a lady of ill-repute into a wooded area one hot summers evening.


She asked " Have you taken precautions? "


And I said " Yes - I have tied my feet to that tree "








Instead of going doggin Clive she took you loggin , tough luck


Oh! I don't know!! - I have fond memories of the encounter - my mates had very similar ones as well!


Sad to think as I am now 61 - she will be 70 ish - I hope she has had a great life - as good as mine - and she lives a long and happy life and dies in her bed. Just not with me in it with her.










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CliveH - 2014-02-05 7:23 PM


antony1969 - 2014-02-05 7:17 PM


CliveH - 2014-02-05 7:13 PM


antony1969 - 2014-02-05 7:00 PM


If anyone's interested I've just tied the rope around the tree


The only time i did that was when in my youth I took a lady of ill-repute into a wooded area one hot summers evening.


She asked " Have you taken precautions? "


And I said " Yes - I have tied my feet to that tree "








Instead of going doggin Clive she took you loggin , tough luck


Oh! I don't know!! - I have fond memories of the encounter - my mates had very similar ones as well!


Sad to think as I am now 61 - she will be 70 ish - I hope she has had a great life - as good as mine - and she lives a long and happy life and dies in her bed. Just not with me in it with her.










My mums in her 70s Clive and for a time lived down your way , what's the chances we could be related in some way ?

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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2014-02-05 6:51 PM


When you have done as much manpower training as I have Frank! - If you had then you would realise that psychology is a vital factor in successful training.


Many of the fundamental principles of psychology form the basis for management training.


Three major areas from a management training perspective would probably be:-


* the individual psychological processes of learning, personality and motivation which are at the heart of most management training courses


* the social psychological processes of group dynamics, leadership and stress which all arise from the interaction of people


* the psychology of the actual training experience including the crucial training skill of communication and what is needed to meet the organisational training needs


The second point is where you intrigue me Frank - you have little or no skills or understanding of this area of "interaction" whatsoever! Which as I have said before - given your oft cited relative success in life - is indeed surprising.





As I said Clive, I bow to your knowledge of everything that comes up on this forum. You are an expert on every subject under the sun.


Although I'm not sure why you needed any of this management training as you were just a one-man-band IFA in a small town. I on the other hand have fifty staff and many of them have been with me since we started or since we opened a branch in their town, maybe twenty years ago. They seem to like the way I treat them. Odd that isn't it? Then again, you're not bright enough to understand that we tend to treat those we like and need very differently from some pompous, jumped up failure that we may come across on a forum. But as I said, despite your extensive Wiki-ing, you're actually not that bright and neither have you proven yourself to be a success in business.


Still, as I said, you are an 'expert' on every subject under the sun, I'll grant you that! ;-)

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Guest pelmetman

Don't forget to mention your 1.6m turnover, and you've done wonders for China exports to Frank ;-)..................



Although probably not so much for Britain's trade deficit :-S..................

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Had Enough - 2014-02-05 9:18 PM


CliveH - 2014-02-05 6:51 PM


When you have done as much manpower training as I have Frank! - If you had then you would realise that psychology is a vital factor in successful training.


Many of the fundamental principles of psychology form the basis for management training.


Three major areas from a management training perspective would probably be:-


* the individual psychological processes of learning, personality and motivation which are at the heart of most management training courses


* the social psychological processes of group dynamics, leadership and stress which all arise from the interaction of people


* the psychology of the actual training experience including the crucial training skill of communication and what is needed to meet the organisational training needs


The second point is where you intrigue me Frank - you have little or no skills or understanding of this area of "interaction" whatsoever! Which as I have said before - given your oft cited relative success in life - is indeed surprising.





As I said Clive, I bow to your knowledge of everything that comes up on this forum. You are an expert on every subject under the sun.


Although I'm not sure why you needed any of this management training as you were just a one-man-band IFA in a small town. I on the other hand have fifty staff and many of them have been with me since we started or since we opened a branch in their town, maybe twenty years ago. They seem to like the way I treat them. Odd that isn't it? Then again, you're not bright enough to understand that we tend to treat those we like and need very differently from some pompous, jumped up failure that we may come across on a forum. But as I said, despite your extensive Wiki-ing, you're actually not that bright and neither have you proven yourself to be a success in business.


Still, as I said, you are an 'expert' on every subject under the sun, I'll grant you that! ;-)


Yes well - Frank once again proves the point for me! - the idiot is no more than a psychological projection of his own twisted personality. Thanks for confirming it Frank - as if we needed it.


Anyway getting back on topic:-


I have pondered a fair bit on laws and their enforcement. A law that in practice proves to be unenforceable would clearly be irrelevant to the actions and consciousnesses of those to whom the law applies. So do "bad" people abide by laws so that they are not punished for the gains of those offenses, where "bad" means readily willing to commit illegal acts?


But remove the possibility of punishment, and the law is worth no more than the paper it is printed upon.


The fact is that "unenforceable laws" are really politics at their very worst: i.e. Gesture Politics.


Trying to make a display of apparent moral conscience, without the law having any real substance or meaning.


Of course, here the issue is only regarding "de jure" laws, that is laws passed by government and enforced by agencies of governmental.


Where we are now in this debate is that we know that morally – smoking in front of kids – especially in a confined space such as a car is wrong. I think even smokers would agree with that.


And this is “de facto” laws, or those created by societies in the forms of moral and ethical norms as well as socially-constructed norms pervading in any given culture. In a sense, these "de facto" laws are subjective laws, mandating or condemning certain action; but they are also unenforceable in the subjective sense in that one may choose to violate them and ignore the consequences.


You may get a pat on the back or a frown from your peer group depending on your actions - but that is about it unless we resort to being vigilantes.


Confusing moral and ethical standards with the laws as set down by politicians is not a sensible standard to set. If the law is then ignored by the Police and easily circumvented by the majority of newly made “bad’ people (“it is an e-cig Officer – puff puff – you prove that it wasn’t!”) then more and more people come to believe that "the law", in its far wider sense - is an ass.


And that is far worse.









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Had Enough - 2014-02-05 5:51 PM
RogerC - 2014-02-05 5:35 PMWith such a pathetic response I take it that my comments have hit home and you really have no counter or, as is your wont, any tangential argumentative comment to make.


It is interesting that when faced with fact you have no adult, educated comments to make and simply resort to type............juvenile.  I have noticed your propensity for resorting to the juvenile quite a lot when you have unequivocal fact offered in response to your rampant admiration for the 'good and great' leadership of Public Office.......it is quite funny.


Please do tell where you get your deeply rose coloured glasses from? I presume it is the wearing of them that colours your opinion of the 'high and mighty'...............or maybe it really is a case of 'ignorance is bliss' because you are certainly that.........ignorant!!

I was being serious. I genuinely believe that you have a severe problem and that you need help. I've heard of glass half-empty people but you're a glass completely drained sort of chap.I don't have rose coloured spectacles but what I have is the brains to know that not all public servants are corrupt, self serving and avaricious.I also feel eternally grateful that I live in Britain, a country where our standard of living and longevity has improved tremendously over the years since I was born, and this is because of the measures put in place by those politicians that you despise.You are without any doubt, the most negative, miserable and depressing individual that I've ever come across. But what's worse than that is your overbearing arrogance that leads you to believe that only you have the answers and that everyone else in any position of responsibility is an idiot, or a thief or at the very least is only in it for personal aggrandisement and gain. You are a sad, deluded and depressing person and I truly feel sorry for you as you seem burdened down by hatred for everyone in any position of responsibility in the public sector.I believe that you need help. For anyone to go through life with your outlook can only lead to illness and depression. Please, have a close look at yourself and at your outpourings on here and consider the reaction of those close to you. Living with you must be hell.


Ah so you qualify a post by saying: 'I was being serious'.  By inference that implies you have a sense of humour.  Something I very much doubt.


Once again you show your complete lack of attention span regarding the written word.

I will reiterate for you:

I have maintained and stated that it is 'SOME'.... NOT ALL PUBLIC SERVANTS.


Regarding your comment about standard of living and longevity.  The credit for that is not entirely down to those you appear to lavish adoration upon.  Most of it is down to medical science, captains of industry and the advancement of technology.


I have never posted a comment regarding, as you put it:  that everyone else in any position of responsibility is an idiot, or a thief or at the very least is only in it for personal aggrandisement and gain.


My comments have been with regard to those who abuse their powers of 'office' to further themselves in terms of finance or status.  Those who hold public office should remember that they are there to serve the greater good and not themselves.

You might recall that a number of MP's fiddled their expenses, bought second houses on the proceeds of dubious 'domicile' claims etc etc............or is that OK with you because they are supposedly highly educated pillars of propriety and integrity?  To do what they did shows a complete lack of moral compass and a high degree of dishonesty. 

The Head of the NHS covered up unpalatable facts regarding the 'unnecessary deaths' of over 1200 people............or is that OK because he is the Chief Executive of a grand public body?  It was only 1200 deaths but because the incumbent was a Lord that's alright is it?.  Incidentally his wife is now reported to have presided over a £1.3 million series of over-payments at Birmingham Childerns Hospital, but that's OK isn't it because she is the wife of a Lord and is a Chief Executive?

MP's are only now asking why, at the age of 32, almost five years ago was she appointed to such a lofty position of responsibility. 


Last night Tory MP Charlotte Leslie called Ms Marsh’s competency into question, saying she was ‘very concerned’ at the chief executive’s ability to run the hospital.

Ms Leslie, a member of the House of Commons Health Select Committee, also raised the question about how Ms Marsh came to be appointed nearly five years ago at the age of 32, making her one of the youngest hospital bosses in the country.

She said: ‘There are big questions over her competence and how she got that job in the first place.

‘She is wasting hundreds of thousands of pounds of public money because she can’t run a tight ship. I am very concerned.’

Ms Marsh, who announced she was to marry Sir David at the end of 2009, first met him in 2002 when, as an NHS graduate trainee, she was sent to work as his assistant for six months.

At the time he was director of health and social care for the Midlands and East of England. The following year he gave her a reference when she applied for the post of head of planning and development at Walsall Hospitals NHS Trust. She got the job.


He also gave her a reference when she applied to be chief operating officer at Birmingham Children’s Hospital in 2007, which she secured.  Unquote.

Now if you can't see something wrong with the foregoing it is my opinion that you have a very serious lack of understanding.  Either that or you can see no wrong in the actions of the 'high and mighty'.......or am I just being a silly conspiracy theorist?

I could add more about Police Commissioners fiddling crime figures or Social Services failing to act and stop the deaths of children and more recently the head of the Environment Agency who has failed so badly that the Prime Minister has had to step in and do his job for him?

If you can not see that there is something seriously wrong with the 'establishment' you must be blinded by your adoration.


There is an old adage you would be well advised to read and digest because it sums up 'SOME' of those who hold positions of great power and influence over our daily lives:


'Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely'.  Unfortunately SOME have succumbed to that heady drug and self interest and aggrandisement has taken over.  For whatever reason SOME of them seem to lose their moral compass.


As for me believing that it is only me that has the answers....you couldn't be more wrong.  I have a healthy skepticism towards those who prevaricate and bluster when they are trying to cover up their failings in public office.  The term 'lessons will/have been learned' is tailor made for those who fail in their duty and can not, or will not accept responsibility for those failings.  I have a severe dislike of those who abuse their positions of power for financial gain.  I despise those who, in public office, put themselves before duty.  It used to be the honorable thing to resign if one failed to execute ones duty in a fit and proper manner.  Unfortunately these days those who do fail have no compunction in carrying on as long as they can.  It is self serving and disingenuous.  It is wrong!

If you are prepared to go through life being blinded by abject gratitude and not question those who would do you, me and the country wrong then I pity you. 


I call my attitude healthy.  I consider your blind adoration of the ruling elite/experts to be very unhealthy.  Just because an individual is in a position of 'power' or occupies some other lofty perch it does not make them to be always correct.  A degree of scepticism is healthy.....you call it 'conspiracy theorist'.  I know which I would rather be.............skeptical rather then 'led by the nose'.


Now do please try to digest what I have written and not rant on about what you think I have written.  It is becoming so very tiresome.


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CliveH - 2014-02-05 10:28 PM d In a sense, these "de facto" laws are subjective laws, mandating or condemning certain action; but they are also unenforceable in the subjective sense in that one may choose to violate them and ignore the consequences. 


I have reduced your last Clive because it supports something I read some years ago quoted to a BBC reporter who was in France interviewing individuals about how they perceive the plethora of laws/rules emanating from Brussels.


Unanimously the answer was:


"Monsieur if we think a law is stupid ...it does not exist".


Don't you just love the Gallic approach.......  :-D


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Indeed Roger - tho my take on it is that the EU often produces sensible guidelines and then OUR Government/ Government Agencies then "Gold Plate" these guidelines into laws that go way beyond the original intentions.


Probably the worst example is the Cheese industry in the UK that was decimated by the then new laws on manufacture - small firms could not afford the new all stainless steel workplaces and so shut up shop.


Nothing could underline the "Gallic difference" more than how the French treated these EU guidelines where they simply added the rider that "traditional" manufacturing methods were excluded. This meant that some of their wonderful local speciality cheeses could carry on regardless.


What a contrast to here in the UK where the Gold Plating of these guidelines is still an issue for the UK food manufacturing industry.





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Guest Had Enough
RogerC - 2014-02-05 11:59 PMRegarding your comment about standard of living and longevity.  The credit for that is not entirely down to those you appear to lavish adoration upon.  Most of it is down to medical science, captains of industry and the advancement of technology.


I have never posted a comment regarding, as you put it:  that everyone else in any position of responsibility is an idiot, or a thief or at the very least is only in it for personal aggrandisement and gain

You probably can't work out that it's our political system that encourages medicine, business and technology and creates the conditions in which it thrives. But anyway, here's another couple of examples of the 'moderate' comments by our favourite whinger, which give the lie to your claim that you've never tarred everyone with the same brush:This from the 'Not Good News For Crime Statistics thread'.'Like all of these 'Public' bodies the senior management are hell bent on being too bloody PC.....covering their arses..... and 'lying to us' in an attempt to keep their snouts in the trough of the public purse. If they were in a 'real world' job and job retention was based on performance and honesty the amount of 'manipulation and outright fiddling of facts and figures' they seem to either condone or do themselves they would rightly be out on their ear. Bloody leeches the lot of them..............and integrity should be deleted from the 'Public service dictionary' because it's apparently never used these days.,'Like ALL these public service bodies -Bloody leeches THE LOT OF THEM!Got to work until 66 thread:'And this just reinforces my response to the use of 'Government and sensible' in the same sentence.....a classic example of an oxymoron.'You really have no idea what you've said in the past have you? I'm not sure whether your memory is failing or you're hoping that we've forgotten. You appear to be unaware that your posts drip with hatred and venom to anyone in government or the public services. You have a real problem and it will be corrosive. Do get some help.As for me, I know that not all public servants and MPs are perfect. Some have erred and a tiny number have committed criminal acts but I also know that most MPs enter Parliament because they want to influence or change our country and whether that's to make it more Left or Right is irrelevant.If you were really as clever as you think you are you could start by asking why some of our leaders, who could earn hundreds of thousands per year in the Law or in business are prepared to work for the pittance that we pay MPs.As I said, you are the most hateful, bitter and miserable creature I've ever come across. Your bile is appalling and I feel very sorry for you. Your life, and the lives of the people who you have to share it with must be hell.Just for once, try to think of the advantages that you have had by living in this country with its wealth and freedoms that most of the world would give an arm and a leg for.I shall be travelling for a couple of days and may not be in contact, so you can slag me off with impunity for a while. ;-) And before you accuse me of trawling through past threads, it was easy. I just did a search for posts by you containing the word 'trough'. It's your favourite phrase, 'Snouts in the trough'.Oink, oink! (lol) (lol)Edited to say:Your last paragraph said:'Now do please try to digest what I have written and not rant on about what you think I have written. It is becoming so very tiresome.'I think I've just done that! Again!! (lol)
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Well you do trawl through past posts Frank - "trawling" for any perceived slight or crumb of information the you can spin and manipulate so as to bolster your "position"


I am sure you do find it easy - obsessives do find such tasks both satisfying and rewarding.


But I think the rest of us just look on in sadness.


Get a life mate.





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Guest Had Enough
CliveH - 2014-02-06 7:42 AM


Well you do trawl through past posts Frank - "trawling" for any perceived slight or crumb of information the you can spin and manipulate so as to bolster your "position"


I am sure you do find it easy - obsessives do find such tasks both satisfying and rewarding.


But I think the rest of us just look on in sadness.


Get a life mate.





As I explained, there was no trawling and I have a memory. RogerC accused me of misquoting him. It took me a couple of minutes using the word 'trough' to show him that I wasn't.


However - some time ago Brian Kirby and others accused you of ruining many a thread because of your obsession, an obsession never to give in or admit that you may be wrong. You acknowledged this and gave the impression that you'd try to modify your behaviour.


But here you go again.


I told you that I was giving up arguing with you in this thread. I knew you'd have the last word and actually, I don't mind that.


But can you stop? Our resident clown posted something disparaging about me and off you go again with a nasty and insulting post about psychology!


I responded as it deserved it. I woke up this morning to yet another post from you but I decided to ignore it in the hope that you too may have the good sense to let things lie.


No chance! In a discussion between me and another member you, once again, have to stir the pot?


Why Clive, haven't you learnt a lesson? Why don't you know when it's the right time to give in and let things die?


As was said, you've ruined many a thread and this is going to be another one.


Now do us all a favour and grow up.


And as for 'get a life'. I'm on my way back from a five week trip to Morocco. I'm having to come back because of nothing more than a busy social life in the UK. In May I'm off to Hungary and Bosnia.


Where are you going this year Clive, your touring caravan on a site twenty miles from home?


Finally, why can't you learn about criticising my business skills and saying once more how amazed you are that I have done well in business considering my intelligence, my mental state blah, blah and blah.


Haven't you learned by now, that whenever you do this it is just so easy for me to point out to everyone that I've been successful in business but you have been an abject failure?


Why do you constantly want to draw attention to the vast gulf between our achievements?


Now please Clive, for the sake of everyone, learn when to stop, realise that your inability to let go is ruining threads.


Now go away and leave me alone and I'll leave you alone.

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Good I am pleased for you - but whatever you do Frank - you are not a happy man I would suggest.


You constantly try to infer that I am somehow a failure - why you would think this I do not know.


But it emphasises you obsession with me. How true it is that if you correct a Troll - the Troll hates you and wants to get "even"


You may be in Morocco physically - but your obsessive mind is elsewhere - on here trying with increasing desperation to score points.


And anyone who has to tell you they have a busy social life usually dosn't.


"Where are you going this year Clive, your touring caravan on a site twenty miles from home?"


Yes we shall continue to do this - we like it - the company is great - and the site delightful. We are planning another trip to Brisbane in November but first we have a week at Yaxam Waters in Norfolk to attend a family wedding. But one thing I am certain of - when I am away on holiday wherever we are! - the very last thing I do is sit behind a keyboard posting abuse to others!


You keep telling me that i am an "abject failure" but sitting here reviewing the pinks, planning the day looking forward to seeing an old client for lunch - I simply see you increasingly desperate attempts to spin the reality of your sad life as Psychological Projection.



Ask yourself a question Frank - why the heck are you posting such abusive personal attacks against people when you should be enjoying the delights of Morocco?





Sorry mate - it just does not add up.










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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-02-06 7:57 AM


Haven't you learned by now, that whenever you do this it is just so easy for me to point out to everyone that I've been successful in business but you have been an abject failure?


Why do you constantly want to draw attention to the vast gulf between our achievements?


A business that has spent 20 years adding to the UK trade deficit? ;-)...........


When it comes to the health of the UK balance sheet Frank..........It appears that your business model is the mercantile equivalent of smoking in front of a small child :D ........


I like that analogy :->


Maybe there should be laws against that kinda thing >:-)

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In response to HE (Heartily Exasperating):

You once again choose to be selective and to be either  incapable of understanding or have an unenviable propensity to twist what has been written:


I agree the Government 'encourages' medicine, business and technology that has 'helped' to create the conditions we have today. It is the job of Government to do so and I have never denied that, in fact I have never (to my recollection raised the issue) but you seem to think I have.  However it is more often than not financial incentives that cause these interests to  have their presence in the UK.  For example tax breaks, access to markets etc.  This is no more than any so called 'first world' country does.  However take Dyson and Triumph Motorcycles for example.  Both have moved their once very successful manufacturing processes to Thailand because it was no longer financially viable to do so in the UK.  In doing so it has cost the country in terms of unemployed people requiring State support.  The Bombardier Company laid off over 600 workers because the Government messed up the contract terms.  By making Siemens, a German company the 'preferred' bidder Bombardier (Canadian Company employing at the time 3000 people in the UK) had insufficient orders on it's books and 400 permanent and over 900 temporary contractors lost their jobs.  So from a very limited number of examples, from a very much longer list, it is hardly a good example of how to encourage or maintain business presence/employment over here.


As for your cut/paste of my comments where you imply that I have 'tarred everyone' with the same brush you have obviously not got the intelligence to understand that it is simply not possible to list by name every Senior Executive/MP etc that has failed in their duty, or been financially or morally corrupt in order to illustrate a point.  In the main it is Senior Management/Executives/MP's etc who make the mistakes that cost dear and then try to cover their asses.  It is Senior Management/Executives/MP's etc who are in the position which enables them to abuse the financial system.


Anyway I am tired of your tangential, twisting....nay warped discourse. 


You can never respond to the negatives regarding Public Servants failures or the fact that SOME are corrupt both financially and morally.  You can not accept that SOME are manipulators for their own ends.  I, on the other hand can see both sides of the coin.  Yes there are some in Public Office who are there for altruistic reasons and I applaud and admire them.  A great many others are there for the status and opportunities it will bring either now or later in life.  You might like to recall the Lords/MP's who were prepared to 'sell' their positions to enable certain elements access to ministers/the Prime Minister...........those and those like them I despise.  Take a look at Tony Blair who is the most despicable politician this country has seen in a very long time.  He has 'lined' his pockets with dodgy property deals whilst in 'office' and since leaving British politics has shown not one iota of humility in his quest for ever more financial gain.  Take a look at the Kinnocks, both riding the EU gravy train for all they could get, which incidentally was in excess of £10 million.  So with a financial gain of that magnitide I think it answers you question as to why 'some' enter politics.   The likes of Martin Bell, who entered politics because he was disgusted with the situation and wanted to see 'inside' for himself and the people he represented... I admire.  Even he, an admirable man, left completely dissolusioned with some so called 'Honourable Members'.  You should read his book...An Accidental MP. 


As for where Clive or any other person chooses to holiday ....what the hell has it got to do with getting a life?  It is all a mater of personal choice but if you chose to use the yardstick of traveling and destinations reached as a measure of 'a life' then mine is of such high magnitude as to be incomprehensible.  To list but a few from my travels: New Zealand, Australia, Borneo, Thailand, Vietnam, all of the Gulf States, Kuwait, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia All of Europe, USA, Canada, Panama, Mexico, most of the Caribbean Islands, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Falkland Islands, Antartica etc etc.  In fact the list is so long I honestly forget some of them.  So now for me my 'life' is complete traveling closer to home.  However I see no link to breadth of travel to ones quality of life. 


The phrase 'Get a life' I would offer in this instance really intends to convey the sentiment that you should really try to stop your 'highly individual' bent for twisting things, for abuse, for name calling......in general try to be a little more pleasant and less antagonistic.  There are many who will agree with your viewpoint.  Equally there are many who will disagree with you.  However it is your irrefutable use of unnecessarily abusive responses in your posts that engender the severe dislike of you.  It unfortunately causes others to respond, sometimes, in kind.  That is human nature.


So remember this if nothing else:

'It is nice to be important but it is more important to be nice'.  Try it sometime...you might find you like it.  I'm sure those that read these threads would.




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Sorry HE i put HA again,i dont know what is wrong with me! Lol Anyway your points about drink driving,seatbelts etc made me think a big more about it,i remembered the crasb helmet law was unpopular,it came in the year i passed my bike test and lots of my friends were against it,a mate chose to ignore it,and yes sadly he is no longer with us,died in a crash that was not his fault at the age of 17! No biker would even consider riding a bike without a helmet these days .Anyway enjoy morroco thats a country we would love to visit it time and finances allow,although canada by motorhome is our first choice for when(if!) we retire,have fun :-)
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Guest Had Enough
RogerC - 2014-02-06 9:50 AMAs for your cut/paste of my comments where you imply that I have 'tarred everyone' with the same brush you have obviously not got the intelligence to understand that it is simply not possible to list by name every Senior Executive/MP etc that has failed in their duty, or been financially or morally corrupt in order to illustrate a point.  In the main it is Senior Management/Executives/MP's etc who make the mistakes that cost dear and then try to cover their asses.  It is Senior Management/Executives/MP's etc who are in the position which enables them to abuse the financial system.


Anyway I am tired of your tangential, twisting....nay warped discourse. 

You really are amazing! I didn't imply that you tarred everyone with the same brush, I stated it as a fact!And as for having the intelligence to know that it's not possible for you to list all the people you loathe, well of course it isn't!But instead of saying this as you did:'Like all of these 'Public' bodies the senior management are hell bent on being too bloody PC.....covering their arses..... and 'lying to us' in an attempt to keep their snouts in the trough of the public purse. If they were in a 'real world' job and job retention was based on performance and honesty the amount of 'manipulation and outright fiddling of facts and figures' they seem to either condone or do themselves they would rightly be out on their ear. Bloody leeches the lot of them..............and integrity should be deleted from the 'Public service dictionary' because it's apparently never used these days., ''Like ALL these public service bodies -Bloody leeches THE LOT OF THEM! Anyone who isn't obsessed with hatred such as you would have written:SOME of these public bodies.........................Bloody leeches SOME of them........... and integrity should be deleted from PARTS of the Public service dictionary.I'm sorry, but no matter how much you squirm, no matter how much you backpedal, you said it, and more than once. Perhaps you haven't the intelligence to know how certain words can convey a totally different meaning?You are filled with loathing for most of our institutions and it's apparent to everyone on here.And as for our holiday arrangements Clive told me that I should get a life. When someone hurls that at you it's reasonable to point out to him that I'm the one who's just on his way back from Morocco, I'm the one who later this year is going to Hungary and Bosnia whilst he's going to a caravan twenty miles from home. If he doesn't want criticism he shouldn't open the door.For your information, travelling is a passion and has been for thirty five years. My list of countries visited and often explored in some depth is similar to yours. I don't do it anymore and am happy to explore Europe in my motorhome but to give you a flavour:My last two trips (on my own, my wife can no longer fly long haul) were the Trans Siberian to Irkutsk in Siberia, then Mongolia and then through the Gobi to Beijing.The previous one was to Tibet, flying in but returning to Nepal via the Friendship Highway, a four day four-wheel drive slog over mudbath roads in the Himalaya, staying in small inns where Deet was your friend. My business took me to the USSR and the DDR in the late '70s and the Far East from Japan to Jakarta (seven times to Thailand, all over the country).So like you, I'm very well travelled, I've been lucky and it's a passion and the reason I can't motorhome more than five weeks is because of commitments at home. Get a life? If only he knew.In fact I actually feel a bit sorry for the people I meet on sites in Spain or Portugal where they're staying for three or four months. My first thought is that they must have absolutely nothing going on back home. I just couldn't do it.Anyway, I'm done, I'm sure you'll want the right of reply but I shall not respond to it. It's time this was wrapped up.
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Guest Had Enough

Hundreds of doctors and other health experts call on the government to ban smoking in cars carrying children.


'In a letter to the British Medical Journal, respiratory experts said second-hand smoke was a “major cause of ill health in children”, damaging the lungs, causing sudden infant death and leading to thousands of hospital trips a year.


They claimed those objecting to a change in the law assumed there was a “right to force children to breathe tobacco smoke”. Objectors “seem to value this more highly than the children’s right to breathe clean air”, they added.'




Still, what do they know about the importance of enacting this law eh? The real experts on here could tell them thing or two! ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-02-07 2:31 PM


In fact I actually feel a bit sorry for the people I meet on sites in Spain or Portugal where they're staying for three or four months. My first thought is that they must have absolutely nothing going on back home.


****I just couldn't do it.****



Phew 8-)............that's a relief ;-)..............Morocco is close Enough >:-).......

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Guest Had Enough
capcloser - 2014-02-06 11:17 AM


Sorry HE i put HA again,i dont know what is wrong with me! Lol Anyway your points about drink driving,seatbelts etc made me think a big more about it,i remembered the crasb helmet law was unpopular,it came in the year i passed my bike test and lots of my friends were against it,a mate chose to ignore it,and yes sadly he is no longer with us,died in a crash that was not his fault at the age of 17! No biker would even consider riding a bike without a helmet these days .Anyway enjoy morroco thats a country we would love to visit it time and finances allow,although canada by motorhome is our first choice for when(if!) we retire,have fun :-)


Yes, a very good point. Many bikers wouldn't wear a helmet despite all the publicity. Only when the law was enacted did they comply and as you point out, attitudes have changed because of it.


No one with half a brain is banging on about the nanny state, or lack of civil liberties regarding that law and there wasn't a revolution and protest marches!


The law on smoking will be enacted, there'll be no fuss and life will go on! But thousands of children will lead healthier lives.


I am now in northern France on my way home! I left Morocco a week ago and have just had three days with old friends in Duras, south of the Dordogne.

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-02-07 2:44 PM



I am now in northern France on my way home! I left Morocco a week ago and have just had three days with old friends in Duras, south of the Dordogne.



Sounds like they'd have no escape it they moved to outer Mongolia 8-)...............no doubt you told them you couldn't spend 3 months in France, and they must have absolutely nothing going on back home? ;-)....

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HE....once again you run off at the mouth.....sorry keyboard without thinking.  However I thank you for your cut/paste of my comments (my my what an interesting life you must live to go to those lengths!!) which illustrate just how wrong you are, once again, in your assumption that I loathe 'most' institutions.  I have written many many times it is certain 'individuals' within those Agencies/Departments who are deserving of loathing and disgust. I do not have an inherent loathing, as you put it, of 'institutions'  per se.  My feelings are targeted towards those individuals that I feel deserve it.  Those who steal, lie to cover up their failures, those who prevaricate, those who use 'office' for their own ends etc etc.  Unlike you I can discern the difference between individuals and whole Departments/Agencies.  How many more times do you need telling?


Once again the content of your selective response ignores the failings/nepotism that I highlighted in my previous post.  You obviously are so enamored with the hierarchy of this country you can't think for yourself. Just another 'sheep'.


As for the 'get a life' comment, just in case you have either not read or understood..or indeed seen it through your red misted myopic eyeballs here it is again:


The phrase 'Get a life' I would offer in this instance really intends to convey the sentiment that you should really try to stop your 'highly individual' bent for twisting things, for abuse, for name calling......in general try to be a little more pleasant and less antagonistic.  There are many who will agree with your viewpoint.  Equally there are many who will disagree with you.  However it is your irrefutable use of unnecessarily abusive responses in your posts that engender the severe dislike of you.  It unfortunately causes others to respond, sometimes, in kind.  That is human nature.


I don't give a monkeys about your travels whether they be to Outer Mongolia or the Outer Hebrides....it is of no interest to me at all so please no more rambling on about your travels.


Regarding your judgement of those long terming in Spain/Portugal I bet you didn't have the guts to tell them they were worthy of your sorrow because they have no life going on in the UK did you?

What the hell has it got to do with you how they live their lives?


In closing I trust you can keep to your word and not respond because you are really one highly disagreeable individual I would rather not have encountered in any way, shape or form in my life.

I am eternally grateful to have never met you in real life.


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