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A travelling Log Book is


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A simple way of documenting interesting visits plus costs and ancillary details. The book should be hard covered and easy to use. It can be transferred to a new van when changeovers take place. Pictures can be added or particular entry tickets to events.


Some may decide that modern smart phones are better. A log book is for ever.


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I have kept one for years , but since we changed M/H it seems to have disappeared, hopefully we will find it when we load up the new to us M/H with all our gear, if it does not turn up I will start a new one, its nice to look back on our past destinations and the comments made. its also helpful for choosing Aires to return to when enroute to somewhere different. I take the Co-ords when in Situ, that way I know they are correct.   Safe journeys.
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We use a diary and write-up our trips, events, plus costs, plus weather etc each day: makes an interesting resource to browse through when planning where to go next.


We find that a Ryman A5 size diary with a week to a view (two pages) is about the right size.

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Can't be bothered with all that, wife tried doing it on a trip to Ireland a few years ago, on a netbook pc not on paper gave up after a week wasted too much time. Sometimes we record our trips by putting push pins in Autoroute of each stop with very short note & do the same if we pass something we might want to visit in future, easy then to export the push pins and import to your latest route.
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I agree with Will, a Log Book is a great way of keeping memories of trips etc.

We have a new notebook for each year and its surprising how often we refer to them. Also handy when updating our Blog. We also add receipts and small pieces of written literature, on the back page we write a Job List for the vans niggles etc.




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a way of transporting us back to places we have been. There is no way I would remember the details, the funny things the children thought/said, the food, the weather, the things we saw.... None of it any interest to anyone bar ourselves, which is why I would never put it in a blog.



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Charabanc - 2014-02-09 3:34 PM


a way of transporting us back to places we have been. There is no way I would remember the details, the funny things the children thought/said, the food, the weather, the things we saw.... None of it any interest to anyone bar ourselves, which is why I would never put it in a blog.



Since buying our van, we have kept a log of all our trips, mileage, fuel, campsites, ferry crossings used etc. It has proved to be a sanity saver over the years, trying to remember when we last visited somewhere, routes taken etc!

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I've kept a log of our trips for yonks, it comes in very handy when trying to identify photos of places I've taken, where we stayed, visited etc; it also gives us an idea of what to expect if we go to the same place around the same time of year. I also mark our route, night-stops etc on the maps too.


During the day I usually just jot down a note of anything in particular I want to 'remember' and then type it up later, or I might keep notes for a few days and then type them up all at once ... it really just depends on what time I have to do it, and if I have anything more tempting to do! (LOL)


The key is to keep it simple, when I first started I used to write down everything - what we had for breakfast, where we shopped and bought, what we did (including washing up etc!) which got quite monotonous and took a lot of time, now I've tried to slim it down to the pertinent bits and pieces . Now it only has 2 column:


Column 1 is used to record the day/date, weather/max temperature (when I remember!) and a list of the places we've been too as it makes it much easier to 'scan' through on a 'paper copy' if I'm trying to find somewhere specific that we've been to, rather than try to look at the main text in column 2.


Column 2 has details of what we did along with any other info.


The log has been very useful in subsequent years if we want to avoid places we've been before, or return to places we enjoyed. We had 2 logs of a couple of our holidays to Ireland in 2002 and 2011 which proved very useful to help us identify the lovely wild camping spots we'd used previously so we could visit some of them again when we went last year - without these we'd never have remembered them!


On the paper maps I use highlighter pens to mark our routes (I find that TomTom doesn't like being scribbled on! (LOL) ) with notes showing the date/where we stayed each night and a basic 'grading' too. Doing this comes in handy for a subsequent trip as I can easily see where we've been/not been, and if there is somewhere suitable that we've used before in the area to spend the night if needs be.


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Great idea if they made an App where you could write up your trip and ADD photo's , campsites, maps, etc.


There is one called 'Travel Log Maker' but tried it out and not what I would like to see. Only let's you put 1 photo on and very basic...


Any App makers out there, ???? (^) (lol)


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