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MS AUTOROUTE......anyone?


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JudgeMental - 2014-02-16 3:17 PM


Copy?...Good Gods! I hope you are not condoning piracy! :D



Sharing Eddie......it's called sharing! :-D


Actually the one i had came from a very helpful decent poster within this very forum of all places! Not only sent me a damn good copy but refused my offer of payment......even for postage.


There are some helpful and decent posters that frequent the forum from time to time. :-D

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Guest JudgeMental
Bulletguy - 2014-02-16 3:54 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-02-16 3:17 PM


Copy?...Good Gods! I hope you are not condoning piracy! :D



Sharing Eddie......it's called sharing! :-D


Actually the one i had came from a very helpful decent poster within this very forum of all places! Not only sent me a damn good copy but refused my offer of payment......even for postage.


There are some helpful and decent posters that frequent the forum from time to time. :-D



There are indeed! BUT they will have to remain nameless! :D

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JudgeMental - 2014-02-16 4:12 PM


There are indeed! BUT they will have to remain nameless! :D



Much ado about nothing imo.


Both you and i easily go back to a time when the cassette tape hit the market and we recorded and swapped music. A big fuss made back then but it died down once the market had become flooded with cassette tapes. History repeated itself with blank media and, horror of horrors....the CD/DVD recorder. Now, even that has become 'old hat' as more people buy PVR's eventually making DVD's redundant.


Bottom line is folk have been recording and saving for donkeys years.



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I hope you are enquiring about a unwanted genuine piece of software that is no longer required.


Do you know what the difference is in the following:


Walk into a shop, pick up goods and walk out without paying

Eat at a restaurant and leave without paying

Someone opening a window on your van and walk off with your laptop

Obtaining a copy of some commercial software or music


The answer is.. none. It is amazing how socially acceptable this "theft" is, A company has invested millions of £'s or $'s into producing some useful software and some people think it is acceptable that they are not paid for their work, especially as Lennie points out that it is available for under £30!

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Guest JudgeMental
Seems to be plenty of evidence that the companies actually benefit from this..in free advertising and "talking up" the art/artist.....whatever. it actually benefits them and sales rise, I mean how much money do they need! If prices were more reasonable the sharing would diminish I would think.......
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I think you'll find that primary is operating systems, this is where a company like Microsoft benefits from maintaining market dominance above all else and ensuring other operating systems don't get a footing. I;d also argue that it to a lesser degree Office is "tolerated" as Microsofts primary market is business, again they need to maintain dominance in this sector.


But for smaller ancillary applications, I don't believe or see how this could be the case, and £30 for a piece of software that took tens of millions to create and millions a year in maintenance... I think that is pretty reasonable, don't you?

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Guest JudgeMental
sean.clarke - 2014-02-17 8:24 AM


I think you'll find that primary is operating systems, this is where a company like Microsoft benefits from maintaining market dominance above all else and ensuring other operating systems don't get a footing. I;d also argue that it to a lesser degree Office is "tolerated" as Microsofts primary market is business, again they need to maintain dominance in this sector.


But for smaller ancillary applications, I don't believe or see how this could be the case, and £30 for a piece of software that took tens of millions to create and millions a year in maintenance... I think that is pretty reasonable, don't you?


My sympathies lay elsewhere, certainly not with massive controlling corporations....


Probably talking at cross purposes anyway..I was really on about music and film. But take buying a kindle book, once upon a time a book could be passed from person to person, read by many, before falling to pieces, but a kindle book? and they cost the same as the paper book!


While all these innovations great as long as they serve US and not the other way around, meanwhile the state becomes more controlling, and legislation gets heavier..Just look at CCTV,supposedly introduced to protect, now used to hammer us and criminalise people with exemplary driving records, for petty infringements, parking fines ditto *-)


The more corrupt the state the more numerous the laws (Tacitus)

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Interesting post Eddie, particularly regards books which hardly anyone gives a flying fig about today to the point where shops are now practically giving them away.....i bought a book only the other day with a cover price of £10.99 for just 99 pence.


I'm not going to get into the debate of P2P file sharing though which is not the same what i was asking for. My earlier reference to it was just a bit of 'fun poking' knowing how some would bite!


MS and various other software manufacturers bring out mapping software every year. The reason is simple.....money. No other reason at all. They have successfully managed to fool millions of people into believing they need the most current years date issued and all previous is 'obsolete'.


OS (Ordnance Survey) are possibly the most respected Cartographers in the UK, yet they only survey once every ten years. I found out about this when i once met a guy working for OS in the process of mapping and he told me.


So..........back on topic.





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I don't know................people with 50k motorhomes, quibbling about paying £30 for AutoRoute is nothing short of pathetic tight arsedness.
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peter - 2014-02-17 5:31 PM


I don't know................people with 50k motorhomes, quibbling about paying £30 for AutoRoute is nothing short of pathetic tight arsedness.





It's just a plain 'n ordinary Duetto PVC.........not a luxury A Class Voyageur! :D

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RogerC - 2014-02-17 9:08 PM


It's only £30.00.....get your wallet out you tightwad.....  :-D



If i "got my wallet out" that's thirty quid less that i'd have had than before.


Anyway......i'm a pensioner so being a tightwad comes naturally. :D


Unlike retired Bankers, ex-Bullet makers don't walk away with mega-millions. I got a bullet key ring after 30 years service! *-)

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For those talking about 'cost' and benefits of the 'latest issue' etc.....i found out whats stopping my Autoroute from working. Simply because i recently updated Windows from 8 to 8.1 and it's that which has screwed it up.


I found a thread about it on the MS Community forum and this is the first post;


"Windows 8.1 AutoRoute (Registry Settings not Copied Correctly. Error!) and Encarta (Please wait while windows configures.) both no longer run. Help."


One month later she made a final post....and this is the interesting one;


"I have now given Microsoft another £33.00 for AutoRoute 2013.


Which works!


However I was surprised that the road outside my house still had the old road number which had a new road number 8 years ago!!"


So she coughed up thirty three quid for a 2013 issue map........with mapping from 2005!


And then folk wonder why some people won't pay top whack for software. *-)



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Can't blame Microsoft for that one, mapping usually comes from two sources TeleAtlas, or NavTeq, . My new Garmin updated with latest maps still shows main coast road near us as a 40 mph limit it's been 30 for over 5 years, but at least it has most of the new roads in France.


With Autoroute there is a cheat to keep the mapping up to date. You download the latest trial version and replace the map files in your version with the ones from the trial version. Until recently I was running 2007 with 2013 mapping, Brought 2013 so I could take advantage of Adams 130,000 POI's, they won't run in versions older than 2010.

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Autoroute, at least Autoroute 2013, uses NavTeq mapping - it's in the credits. But all maps, paper or electronic, by definition, are out of date. Changes on the ground have to be notified and mapped, then incorporated into the map sets, then published, then distributed and sold. So what you end up buying is a picture of what was there, not necessarily what is now there.


Some years back we were following a that year's 1:200,000 scale Michelin road atlas in France when the road abruptly ended against a huge railway embankment. No bridge anywhere. It was a new TGV line. Apparantly the local Mayor had been required to fund a bridge if he wanted one, but as they didn't think that much of the next town, they hadn't bothered! C'est la vie!


Whether one wishes to keep maps of any kind up to date, is really a function of how much one is bothered when what is mapped doesn't coincide with what one finds on the ground. I tend to have clear objectives for each day's travel, and like to know with reasonable certainty when, and where, I shall arrive. So, I like up to date maps. Others just go where the winds blow them, so will be unfazed when they embark on ad-hoc detours to who knows where. It's all in the mind! :-)

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hallii - 2014-02-18 11:41 AM


Osmand is free. and it is very good.




As maps it's very good I use it on my phone very good for walking in cities, used it in New York & India, have it on my phone and on my tablet.

As a navigation aid forget it, plots abysmal routes taking you down single track lanes when there is a dual carriageway just up the road.


It's cheap not free you are limited to 9 downloads then you have to pay but only £2.99 :D

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Bulletguy - 2014-02-17 6:51 PM


peter - 2014-02-17 5:31 PM


I don't know................people with 50k motorhomes, quibbling about paying £30 for AutoRoute is nothing short of pathetic tight arsedness.





It's just a plain 'n ordinary Duetto PVC.........not a luxury A Class Voyageur! :D

Where can you get a Le Voyageur for 50k?. :D
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JudgeMental - 2014-02-18 6:36 AM


Indeedy...........don't cha just LOVE mega corporations like Microsoft! :D




Seems "updates" are MS's way of forcing people to spend unnecessarily by making certain previously installed software "redundant".....when in fact it really isn't. When i ran with XP i found exactly the same on installing Service Pack 3......it pretty much screwed up programmes and stopped them running. In the end i removed SP3 altogether which was easily done as each 'pack' was listed in Program Files....the update to 8.1 isn't! I could run a System Restore which would take me back to 8......after all, apart from screwing up Autoroute, the only thing i can see it's given me is a psychedelic start up screen!


My son uses Apple, but even that has it's limitations.



lennyhb - 2014-02-18 8:59 AM


With Autoroute there is a cheat to keep the mapping up to date. You download the latest trial version and replace the map files in your version with the ones from the trial version. Until recently I was running 2007 with 2013 mapping, Brought 2013 so I could take advantage of Adams 130,000 POI's, they won't run in versions older than 2010.





I'm interested to know more.


Could you pm me in detail of what you did please?



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peter - 2014-02-18 4:16 PM


Where can you get a Le Voyageur for 50k?. :D



More to the point.......who pays £50k for a Duetto?


Though mines definitely not for sale i might just be tempted at that figure. I'd even throw in a full tank of fuel,12 months tax, and stick a pot of Beluga caviar in the fridge. (lol)

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Bulletguy - 2014-02-18 4:32 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-02-18 6:36 AM


Indeedy...........don't cha just LOVE mega corporations like Microsoft! :D




Seems "updates" are MS's way of forcing people to spend unnecessarily by making certain previously installed software "redundant".....when in fact it really isn't. When i ran with XP i found exactly the same on installing Service Pack 3......it pretty much screwed up programmes and stopped them running. In the end i removed SP3 altogether which was easily done as each 'pack' was listed in Program Files....the update to 8.1 isn't! I could run a System Restore which would take me back to 8......after all, apart from screwing up Autoroute, the only thing i can see it's given me is a psychedelic start up screen!


My son uses Apple, but even that has it's limitations.



lennyhb - 2014-02-18 8:59 AM


With Autoroute there is a cheat to keep the mapping up to date. You download the latest trial version and replace the map files in your version with the ones from the trial version. Until recently I was running 2007 with 2013 mapping, Brought 2013 so I could take advantage of Adams 130,000 POI's, they won't run in versions older than 2010.





I'm interested to know more.


Could you pm me in detail of what you did please?



Just replace the"EUR_CD" file in the data folder, if you rename the existing file (add OLD to end of file name) saves having to re-install if you screw it up.

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