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Ducato Cab floor problem?


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I would be interested to know if anybody has experienced slits or tears in the 2012 Ducato cab floor where it joins the rest of the motorhome. I've had some interesting dialogue with my dealer, motorhome manufacturer and Fiat UK. Each party has a different view as to where the responsibility rests.

I've manufactured a protective metal plate to hopefully prevent further damage but have had no resolution on replacing the original defective floor which was present upon delivery.

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Your redress is with the Dealer. Thats who your contract is with. The Sale of Goods Act applies at this stage "goods are not of merchantible quality"

Be prepared for a struggle and good luck.

Do not attempt to repair it yourself if your repair does not work you will be blamed for problem.

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Yes - see my thread here:


Mel's thread


Go down to my posting of 5 September @ 11.00 pm for more info on what I did to sort it out!


These are built and designed as vans first and foremost, not campers or motorhomes, therefore the manufacturer doesn't expect you to actually walk between the cab seats as it would normally have a double bench seat next to the driver's seat when used as a van normal van. Basically it is a design flaw for MH market and even if they did agree to actually replace the floor it could still happen again.

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Thanks Mel B. The floor mod you performed sounds interesting but I'm not sure I'd try it in my Burstner IT585. I eventually got the same information from Fiat, i.e. that the flexible cab floor is designed for commercial vehicles and not for where people will be walking between the seats (!?). This is strange when this chassis is promoted as 'Born to be a Motorhome'. See the Fiat Camper site: https://www.fiatcamper.com/multimediaEN/clip4. I have heard that some motor-home constructors are now building-in plates over the floor as this is a known design defect on Fiat's part. It doesn't help me though :-(
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We did get a board/ramp type thing with our PVC but no-one knew what it was for, including the dealer, however I suspect it was meant to be used to cover the floor to prevent the problem ... only trouble is it then makes it a trip hazard! *-)


Despite my 'fix' I'm not totally happy with it as there is still a bit of give so I might sort out some sort of thin but strong metal/alloy plate to go over it but which can be removed if necessary.

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