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campsite loos - are they important to you?

RussS Travel Editor

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I say old boy, steady on. I did't make any reference to an "inferior species" that is an invention all of your own.


Which reminds me that one of your specialities always was to attempt to put words into other people's mouths by simply making things up, Alan.



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Guest Had Enough
erneboy - 2014-02-28 9:00 PM


I say old boy, steady on. I did't make any reference to an "inferior species" that is an invention all of your own.


Which reminds me that one of your specialities always was to attempt to put words into other people's mouths by simply making things up, Alan.


As I said, it was a generalisation concerning many comments over many years from wild campers who clearly think that people who use sites are some kind of idiots. You yourself have suggested that you believe that people who use sites are not the kind of people you can have a conversation with.


We get sneered at because we have self contained motorhomes and use sites. We're called sheep who enjoy being locked up on sites. The list goes on.


I'm happy for those who wild camp. I just wish that they could be happy for us who also like sites.



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erneboy - 2014-02-28 9:00 PM


I say old boy, steady on. I did't make any reference to an "inferior species" that is an invention all of your own.


Which reminds me that one of your specialities always was to attempt to put words into other people's mouths by simply making things up, Alan.



Ah, but what we're now being told, and expected to believe, is this:


"I never said that anyone in particular on this forum used those exact words. What I said was that people have said it, which they have, and that I don't like it."


So, by his own admission, no one in particular has described Frank in those exact words BUT such words have been used elsewhere about people who use campsites, apparently, and Frank doesn't like that, so he decided to bring it up here in such a way that he implied that it had been said here and about himself.


Oh, and now that he's had to admit that those words were never actually used on this forum, it's still our fault, apparently, that he feels slighted and aggrieved in some way.


What a strange fellow.

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I an very happy that people want to stay on sites. It's great. It reduces the pressure on the places I prefer.


Let's clear up this matter of your having resigned from other forums. People don't resign from forums. They just stop posting, possibly after having said they wouldn't be back, but they remain free to come back should they decide to do so. You were excluded from Facts a few minutes after having posted some very nasty remarks about Nuke and his helpers. During that post you said you wouldn't be back, Nuke ensured that by booting you off. Alan.

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Guest Had Enough
Seannachie - 2014-02-28 8:59 PM


No, it's definitely not spectacles you need, so it must be the other thing I suggested.


Either that, or just plain everyday mendacity and duplicity on your part.


First you say one thing then, when correctly challenged, assert that you didn't say that, and, when it is subsequently demonstrated that you did actually say that, claim that you really meant something else entirely.


Strange behaviour indeed from someone who likes to pick on the precise language used by others to launch vitriolic attacks on them when their views don't agree with your own, or when you perceive some imagined slight. to yourself.


Frankly, it is amusing in the extreme to learn that you who are so ready to take others to task for their language is now bleating on that you should not be hoist by your own petard.


Now you're just being nitpickingly pathetic. As I said, it wasn't something else entirely, it was a generalisation. I never said that anyone on this site had used those exact words.


I repeat, it was a generalisation of the comments aimed at site users by many non-site users who have over the years told me and others that we are idiots for using sites. You've seen examples in this thread of someone who seems to think that site users aren't deemed worthy of a conversation with him.


I now assume that you are willfully being bloody minded over what is an obvious and easily understood generalisation and I give up. Carry on with your rather childish point scoring, I'm beyond caring.

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There you go making things up again. I didn't say that anyone wasn't worthy of having a conversation with me. I said that I had avoided conversations on sites because I have found that those eager to engage in conversation often only want to talk about their pet topics.
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Guest Had Enough
erneboy - 2014-02-28 9:22 PM


I an very happy that people want to stay on sites. It's great. It reduces the pressure on the places I prefer.


Let's clear up this matter of your having resigned from other forums. People don't resign from forums. They just stop posting, possibly after having said they wouldn't be back, but they remain free to come back should they decide to do so. You were excluded from Facts a few minutes after having posted some very nasty remarks about Nuke and his helpers. During that post you said you wouldn't be back, Nuke ensured that by booting you off. Alan.


That's clearly a technicality. Resigning, quitting, stopping posting, never going on the forum again. And if Nuke did boot me it was only because I told him what I thought of his forum and its Stalinist system of moderation. In fact the last post from Nuke before I wrote my 'resigning' post urged me and one other, I forget who, to stop arguing and get on debating! If you have access to the forum you can find it yourself.


I quit and I'm sure that he booted me because when I did quit I told him his system stunk.


And guess what, it appears I was right as soon afterwards he fired all the moderators?


Anyway, this is just getting boring. I said, you said, he said. I have not been mendacious or duplicitous as accused by another but have answered truthfully as I remember the facts.


This is my last word on this particular subject.


The last couple of days have been fun as I'm cooped up at home with a minor illness and it's helped my cabin fever. I think I'll go and watch some mindless TV now.


Good night.


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As I said, it was a generalisation concerning many comments...


But you are the very man who takes others to take others here for making what you consider to be unwarranted generalisations.


Why is it that you consider that you should be allowed to generalise, whilst you do not allow others the same licence?


over many years from wild campers who clearly think that people who use sites are some kind of idiots.


And what relevance has what others have allegedly said to you elsewhere over many years got to do with what has been said to you here?



You yourself have suggested that you believe that people who use sites are not the kind of people you can have a conversation with.


Oh, I didn't know that my owning a motorhome meant that I had to have a conversation with every other motorhomer I met.


Seems that there are plenty of other motorhome owners who are also unfamiliar with that protocol.


We get sneered at because we have self contained motorhomes and use sites. We're called sheep who enjoy being locked up on sites. The list goes on.


I think you really are being just a little too touchy and self-absorbed.


I'm happy for those who wild camp. I just wish that they could be happy for us who also like sites.



Agreed, each to his own. Having said that, I use sites, but I've never yet met a wild camper who has criticised me for doing so though I have been criticised by those who use sites when I've admitted to them that I wild camp at times.

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Guest Had Enough
erneboy - 2014-02-28 9:34 PM


There you go making things up again. I didn't say that anyone wasn't worthy of having a conversation with me. I said that I had avoided conversations on sites because I have found that those eager to engage in conversation often only want to talk about their pet topics.


Last word on another subject:, you said this:


'In fact, the feeling that the kind of people who prefer to be on camp sites just aren't people I can't comfortably mix with.'


'The kind of people..................' all of them? Dear me. You can't mix comfortably with ordinary decent people who just happen to use camp sites. I feel very sorry for you.




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tugga - 2014-02-28 9:09 PM


We tend to use our toilet in the motorhome but like to use the onsite Shower's as there is more room than in ours unless the weather is bad, then we use our showers. :-D


Yes, they are important. :-D


Cheryl, what on earth are you going on about - no-one on this thread cares one tiny jot about your interest in campsite loos (!)

You'll be getting banned if you go on like that. :D

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Had Enough - 2014-02-28 9:35 PM

...................... And if Nuke did boot me it was only because I told him what I thought of his forum


A change of mind then.


If you have access to the forum you can find it yourself.


Sadly no. The subs bar posts are only kept for 30 days, but as I said I do think I have some of your gems from that thread saved on an old computer. I kept them because I had some sympathy for the position you claimed to be in, namely that you found yourself in trouble without warning. I supported you on the forum because I thought it unfair to act as you claimedNuke had done without warning. It turned out though that you had been warned by PM numerous times. You misled me. Had I known the truth I would not have supported you.




I quit and I'm sure that he booted me because when I did quit I told him his system stunk.


And guess what, it appears I was right as soon afterwards he fired all the moderators?


That is quite an astonishing bit of conceit, even for you. You can't really think that Nuke ended up agreeing with you. I doubt that there ever was another member who gave him as much trouble as you did. He simply removed the mods to remove the targets, Alan.

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Had Enough - 2014-02-28 9:24 PM


Seannachie - 2014-02-28 8:59 PM


No, it's definitely not spectacles you need, so it must be the other thing I suggested.


Either that, or just plain everyday mendacity and duplicity on your part.


First you say one thing then, when correctly challenged, assert that you didn't say that, and, when it is subsequently demonstrated that you did actually say that, claim that you really meant something else entirely.


Strange behaviour indeed from someone who likes to pick on the precise language used by others to launch vitriolic attacks on them when their views don't agree with your own, or when you perceive some imagined slight. to yourself.


Frankly, it is amusing in the extreme to learn that you who are so ready to take others to task for their language is now bleating on that you should not be hoist by your own petard.


Now you're just being nitpickingly pathetic. As I said, it wasn't something else entirely, it was a generalisation. I never said that anyone on this site had used those exact words.


If I'm nitpicking as you assert, but which I deny, please advise me by what right you reserve nitpicking as your own special province and deny it to myself or others, since you are perhaps the most nitpicking of persons on this forum - and were apparently well known for it on other forums where your presence is no longer welcome.


As to your other allegation, namely that I'm being pathetic, I suggest that you are projecting your own problems onto me, yet again.


I repeat, it was a generalisation of the comments aimed at site users by many non-site users who have over the years told me and others that we are idiots for using sites. You've seen examples in this thread of someone who seems to think that site users aren't deemed worthy of a conversation with him.


But YOU don't allow other people here to generalise, and have vehemently justified your attacks on the generalisations of others, so please advise me by what right you have to be the sole person here allowed to generalise?


I now assume that you are willfully being bloody minded over what is an obvious and easily understood generalisation and I give up. Carry on with your rather childish point scoring, I'm beyond caring.


You can assume all you wish, and you clearly do, but the only bloody mindedness I've witnessed here has been that exhibited by yourself.


I am not point scoring, I am simply taking your comments at face value and responding accurately to them. But perhaps you are not used to using the English language in such a precise fashion. Perhaps you need reminding of the Mad Hatter's dictum: " Meaning what you say is not the same as saying what you mean!"



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falfil - 2014-02-28 10:00 PM


This looks like a nice friendly site ....think I'll join . Ive never had a cat you know , had a moggy 1000 but it looked silly on a lead B-)


Welcome Falfil. We used to take our moggy on a lead too, it thought we were the ones that looked silly.

But getting back on thread, do you iron your socks?

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falfil - 2014-02-28 10:11 PM


yes , but just the left one and only on a Wednesday , and Erneboy you sound fruity ;-)


So, if I am reading your puerile drivel correctly, you actually have the effrontery to say that George Osborne's legs are not perfectly symmetrical. >:-)

No wonder people on this forum get upset. (!)

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tugga - 2014-02-28 9:09 PM


We tend to use our toilet in the motorhome but like to use the onsite Shower's as there is more room than in ours unless the weather is bad, then we use our showers. :-D


Yes, they are important. :-D


I think my Avatar is in love with your Avatar Cheryl. B-)

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falfil - 2014-02-28 10:24 PM


I've no Idea what religion George Osbornes legs are and dont start on me I've got mate's you know . BTW have you had a nice evening you pedantic barramundi


1) if you've got proper mates, you're on the wrong forum.

2) I have to go now, wife has asked what I'm doing, haven't the heart to tell her.

Plus already on a yellow card for bringing home a roadkill badger for the mantelpiece.

Toodlepip. :D

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candapack - 2014-02-28 9:46 PM


tugga - 2014-02-28 9:09 PM


We tend to use our toilet in the motorhome but like to use the onsite Shower's as there is more room than in ours unless the weather is bad, then we use our showers. :-D


Yes, they are important. :-D


Cheryl, what on earth are you going on about - no-one on this thread cares one tiny jot about your interest in campsite loos (!)

You'll be getting banned if you go on like that. :D




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Seannachie - 2014-02-28 7:45 PM


Poppy - 2014-02-28 7:41 PM


Actually I think that you would find that mumsnet would chew up the lot of you and spit out the bones!


Are you suggesting that they're a bunch of cannibals over there?




Oh no, they are much worse than that!

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Guest pelmetman
candapack - 2014-02-28 10:17 PM


falfil - 2014-02-28 10:11 PM


yes , but just the left one and only on a Wednesday , and Erneboy you sound fruity ;-)


So, if I am reading your puerile drivel correctly, you actually have the effrontery to say that George Osborne's legs are not perfectly symmetrical. >:-)

No wonder people on this forum get upset. (!)


Looks like our Frank attracts some right nutters 8-)...................



They'll fit right in on here ;-)............

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