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Motorhomers cleared en-masse from Algarve site

Andrew MMM

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bob b - 2014-03-01 6:26 PM

'Mmmm...Indeed my dear....are you perchance, single, shapely and fun pray tell?'

Gave me a bit of a start. I thought that Terry Thomas was alive and well & had joined the Forum!

Moi sir is a lord of the realm..and not a mere COMMON threader of the boards! *-)
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My first trip to Portugal 10 years ago I stopped and asked directions to the nearest camp site from a policeman, his answer was a huge shrug of the shoulders and arms waved around, Campsite !!!! is that what you really want he asked pointing to a beautiful beachside spot.


I soon learnt that the majority of campsites were scruffy and overcrowded with tents and statics, the Portuguese themselves love to wild camp and there are lots of local businesses relying on the wild campers.


I have been in Portugal the past 10 weeks and the only people complaining about the wild campers in Silves are British ex pats who have out priced the Portuguese by buying apartments or villas there. The Algarve News has been printing letters of complaint from these Brits but not one from the locals.


I am on a paid site and will be moving up to the paid aire at Silves tomorrow.



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I've travelled quite a bit around Portugal and in particular along the coastline. The one thing that did strike me was that whenever a Portuguese motorhome 'wild camped', a lot of them left a hell of a mess behind when they cleared off. In fairness that also seemed to be true of the motorists.

If they're not making a mess...they're making a noise!

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peter - 2014-02-28 7:15 PM


Pray tell me where they were emptying their toilets. Probably down the same drains. These so called wild campers are nothing short mobile tramps.


When ever I've been there the toilet emptying has been down an Esgotos (sewer) next to the bus garage, which it appeared everyone was using. Bigot..

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