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which E Bikes

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Mel B - 2014-03-24 7:53 PM


antony1969 - 2014-03-24 6:42 AM


Mel B - 2014-03-23 11:20 PM


antony1969 - 2014-03-23 7:52 AM


Spend money on a proper bike , if you can't pedal up a hill or go very far get off and walk and feel a lot better for it and proper cycling helps get rid of all that extra weight

Well that's a helpful comment isn't it .... not! *-)


We are also seriously considering getting some folding e-bikes as hubby has a dicky hip and even dickier knee and as a consequence we didn't use our bikes last year at all and miss being able to go out for a ride around - getting off and walking when it gets difficult isn't an option!


Chill out Mel , it is like you a say a comment that's all , not littered with name calling or the likes just purely my view

That doesn't mean it was a nice comment though, it was critical for the sake of it without giving thought to WHY people might NEED to use e-bikes. *-)


If hubby has a dicky hip and knee carting a dog in a sack on his back ain't guna help either is it ?

There you go again! :$ The photo of Midge in the papoose was taken in 2008 when he was poorly and couldn't enjoy walks, it was the easiest way to carry him so he didn't miss out when we took the other dogs out, and hubby didn't have a problem with his hip/knee then.


Mel if you thought my original comment wasn't 'nice' and was 'critical for the sake of it' then you are reading more into the comment than was intended , your problem not mine



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bolero boy - 2014-03-24 6:55 PM


antony1969 - 2014-03-24 4:42 PM


rupert123 - 2014-03-24 12:57 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-03-24 7:51 AM


The perception that e bikes the choice of just the old and disabled a nonsense......in Europe E bikes now used by increasing numbers, including plenty of fit people especially for commuting and on mountains and simply for FUN! You really have no idea what you are missing.......

Come off it Eddie. Now I have no wish to annoy you, or anyone else, but a fit cyclist is not going to use an e bike. I certainly have never seen one on the North Wales forest trails, which are now the centre of mountain biking in the uk. I have nothing against them and if a person is unfit, disabled etc and wants to get a bit of very gentle exercise, why not but lets not pretend budding Mark Cavindish,s are now getting on them. I have also never understood that some have more power thing, I thought they were limited to 250 watts, 1/4 horsepower, or is this not so? My scooter starter motor has more power than this any old electric motor will produce that amount. I would have thought the control system and battery rather than the motor or where it was placed was the important factor.


Go steady Rupert , anything other than positive comments on the ebike subject may result in a few sharp words from Mr Motorhome Matters and we don't want to upset the masses of able bodied Europeans either who now choose ebikes rather than bother with all that pedalling

On my wife's e bike, you can set the assistance to one of three levels on the lowest setting, the torque sensor rates what power you are providing and the motor then adds 25%......the other two levels of assistance are roughly 50% and 75%. You most definitely have to pedal the bike, you still get a good workout, but that 25% bonus just means that cycling into the wind or up a gradient can be done without becoming too taxing and making the whole trip gar more enjoyable and gives a far more extended range to many. I can assure you that (although past 60 now) i am fit enough to cycle 30 miles or more on reasonable roads without too much difficulty (as i have done today) but i will be getting an e bike in the next few weeks. My wife enjoyed the trip today (using the lowest power setting) but would have found the wind an issue on an unassisted bike. Incidently, her battery was 40% consumed after the trip, so gives a nominal range of 75 assisted miles at this level. Yes, they arent cheap, but a good one is a great companion.

I would accept all that Chris and is more or less what I was trying to say, that ebikes are for people who need some assistance.

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Guest JudgeMental
Talking out your backside as usual H, along with that northern oik. So whens the last time you skied up hill then. Why both of you have to drag down a good thread that is on a subject you have no knowledge of, no interest in is beyond me. Bleating on about your scooter......must be lovely on a forest trail in full weather gear and helmet!lol E Bikes the increasing choice of many, cycling easy but when the road rises as it often does then e bikes come into their own, turning cycling back into a real pleasure, providing you buy the right bike of course. Am I surprised you dont get it ..not in the slightest, How about leaving us who do to discuss in peace.....
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rupert123 - 2014-03-25 11:22 AM


bolero boy - 2014-03-24 6:55 PM


antony1969 - 2014-03-24 4:42 PM


rupert123 - 2014-03-24 12:57 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-03-24 7:51 AM


The perception that e bikes the choice of just the old and disabled a nonsense......in Europe E bikes now used by increasing numbers, including plenty of fit people especially for commuting and on mountains and simply for FUN! You really have no idea what you are missing.......

Come off it Eddie. Now I have no wish to annoy you, or anyone else, but a fit cyclist is not going to use an e bike. I certainly have never seen one on the North Wales forest trails, which are now the centre of mountain biking in the uk. I have nothing against them and if a person is unfit, disabled etc and wants to get a bit of very gentle exercise, why not but lets not pretend budding Mark Cavindish,s are now getting on them. I have also never understood that some have more power thing, I thought they were limited to 250 watts, 1/4 horsepower, or is this not so? My scooter starter motor has more power than this any old electric motor will produce that amount. I would have thought the control system and battery rather than the motor or where it was placed was the important factor.


Go steady Rupert , anything other than positive comments on the ebike subject may result in a few sharp words from Mr Motorhome Matters and we don't want to upset the masses of able bodied Europeans either who now choose ebikes rather than bother with all that pedalling

On my wife's e bike, you can set the assistance to one of three levels on the lowest setting, the torque sensor rates what power you are providing and the motor then adds 25%......the other two levels of assistance are roughly 50% and 75%. You most definitely have to pedal the bike, you still get a good workout, but that 25% bonus just means that cycling into the wind or up a gradient can be done without becoming too taxing and making the whole trip gar more enjoyable and gives a far more extended range to many. I can assure you that (although past 60 now) i am fit enough to cycle 30 miles or more on reasonable roads without too much difficulty (as i have done today) but i will be getting an e bike in the next few weeks. My wife enjoyed the trip today (using the lowest power setting) but would have found the wind an issue on an unassisted bike. Incidently, her battery was 40% consumed after the trip, so gives a nominal range of 75 assisted miles at this level. Yes, they arent cheap, but a good one is a great companion.

I would accept all that Chris and is more or less what I was trying to say, that ebikes are for people who need some assistance.

Youre nearly right, Rupert. Except that i dont need assistance (i can assure you of that) but i am going to get one for.......(wait for it.....) FUN!

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JudgeMental - 2014-03-25 4:02 PM


Talking out your backside as usual H, along with that northern oik. So whens the last time you skied up hill then. Why both of you have to drag down a good thread that is on a subject you have no knowledge of, no interest in is beyond me. Bleating on about your scooter......must be lovely on a forest trail in full weather gear and helmet!lol E Bikes the increasing choice of many, cycling easy but when the road rises as it often does then e bikes come into their own, turning cycling back into a real pleasure, providing you buy the right bike of course. Am I surprised you dont get it ..not in the slightest, How about leaving us who do to discuss in peace.....


Come on Eddie just because I don't live in the big smoke don't mean I can't have an opinion does it ?

All I've said is that proper bikes offer much more even for those of a certain age or with health issues and I'm getting slaughtered by you for it , so much for free speech

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Guest JudgeMental
bolero boy - 2014-03-25 4:36 PM


rupert123 - 2014-03-25 11:22 AM


bolero boy - 2014-03-24 6:55 PM


antony1969 - 2014-03-24 4:42 PM


rupert123 - 2014-03-24 12:57 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-03-24 7:51 AM


The perception that e bikes the choice of just the old and disabled a nonsense......in Europe E bikes now used by increasing numbers, including plenty of fit people especially for commuting and on mountains and simply for FUN! You really have no idea what you are missing.......

Come off it Eddie. Now I have no wish to annoy you, or anyone else, but a fit cyclist is not going to use an e bike. I certainly have never seen one on the North Wales forest trails, which are now the centre of mountain biking in the uk. I have nothing against them and if a person is unfit, disabled etc and wants to get a bit of very gentle exercise, why not but lets not pretend budding Mark Cavindish,s are now getting on them. I have also never understood that some have more power thing, I thought they were limited to 250 watts, 1/4 horsepower, or is this not so? My scooter starter motor has more power than this any old electric motor will produce that amount. I would have thought the control system and battery rather than the motor or where it was placed was the important factor.


Go steady Rupert , anything other than positive comments on the ebike subject may result in a few sharp words from Mr Motorhome Matters and we don't want to upset the masses of able bodied Europeans either who now choose ebikes rather than bother with all that pedalling

On my wife's e bike, you can set the assistance to one of three levels on the lowest setting, the torque sensor rates what power you are providing and the motor then adds 25%......the other two levels of assistance are roughly 50% and 75%. You most definitely have to pedal the bike, you still get a good workout, but that 25% bonus just means that cycling into the wind or up a gradient can be done without becoming too taxing and making the whole trip gar more enjoyable and gives a far more extended range to many. I can assure you that (although past 60 now) i am fit enough to cycle 30 miles or more on reasonable roads without too much difficulty (as i have done today) but i will be getting an e bike in the next few weeks. My wife enjoyed the trip today (using the lowest power setting) but would have found the wind an issue on an unassisted bike. Incidently, her battery was 40% consumed after the trip, so gives a nominal range of 75 assisted miles at this level. Yes, they arent cheap, but a good one is a great companion.

I would accept all that Chris and is more or less what I was trying to say, that ebikes are for people who need some assistance.

Youre nearly right, Rupert. Except that i dont need assistance (i can assure you of that) but i am going to get one for.......(wait for it.....) FUN!


Wasting your breath Chris, H forgoes the electric chair lift and trudges up hill with his skis, drives or scooters everywhere, happy on his pile of crap with tiny wheels, disturbing the wild life and belching out pollutants..you couldn't make up the depth of ignorance could you!lol :-D

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antony1969 - 2014-03-24 8:40 PM


antony1969 - 2014-03-23 7:52 AM


Spend money on a proper bike , if you can't pedal up a hill or go very far get off and walk and feel a lot better for it and proper cycling helps get rid of all that extra weight

Mel if you thought my original comment wasn't 'nice' and was 'critical for the sake of it' then you are reading more into the comment than was intended , your problem not mine

Above is your original comment: first you make reference to a "proper bike" whatever that is - I assume

anything that is NOT an e-bike in your view; next you tell 'us' to get off and walk without a thought as to WHY this could be inappropriate, then you make the quip about "getting rid of all that extra weight".


Now, can you tell me HOW your original comments were helpful to this thread about e-bikes along with your later snipes? You surely cannot claim the WERE!


I don't "have a problem" as I can see you for how you are - and from how you make these little asides again and again on threads - you have the problem, not me. If you can't actually help the OP with their request why don't you try to refrain from posting unhelpful comments ... now there's a VERY HARD UPHILL challenge for you ... can you do it or will you have to 'get off and walk'!!! (lol)

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Mel B - 2014-03-25 7:08 PM


antony1969 - 2014-03-24 8:40 PM


antony1969 - 2014-03-23 7:52 AM


Spend money on a proper bike , if you can't pedal up a hill or go very far get off and walk and feel a lot better for it and proper cycling helps get rid of all that extra weight

Mel if you thought my original comment wasn't 'nice' and was 'critical for the sake of it' then you are reading more into the comment than was intended , your problem not mine

Above is your original comment: first you make reference to a "proper bike" whatever that is - I assume

anything that is NOT an e-bike in your view; next you tell 'us' to get off and walk without a thought as to WHY this could be inappropriate, then you make the quip about "getting rid of all that extra weight".


Now, can you tell me HOW your original comments were helpful to this thread about e-bikes along with your later snipes? You surely cannot claim the WERE!


I don't "have a problem" as I can see you for how you are - and from how you make these little asides again and again on threads - you have the problem, not me. If you can't actually help the OP with their request why don't you try to refrain from posting unhelpful comments ... now there's a VERY HARD UPHILL challenge for you ... can you do it or will you have to 'get off and walk'!!! (lol)


Mel , yes I would call a bike that only has pedals for power a proper bike , sorry that offends you so

I'm not a mind reader so cannot comment on everybody's health/age on here that has posted on Ebikes so I assume most can ride a 'proper' bike , you obviously know different ?

Does not all exercise get rid of excess weight Mel ? So cycling on a 'proper' bike can only be a good thing can it not ?

Why you feel the need to get so uptight and annoyed over my original comment god knows

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JudgeMental - 2014-03-25 5:16 PM


bolero boy - 2014-03-25 4:36 PM


rupert123 - 2014-03-25 11:22 AM


bolero boy - 2014-03-24 6:55 PM


antony1969 - 2014-03-24 4:42 PM


rupert123 - 2014-03-24 12:57 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-03-24 7:51 AM


The perception that e bikes the choice of just the old and disabled a nonsense......in Europe E bikes now used by increasing numbers, including plenty of fit people especially for commuting and on mountains and simply for FUN! You really have no idea what you are missing.......

Come off it Eddie. Now I have no wish to annoy you, or anyone else, but a fit cyclist is not going to use an e bike. I certainly have never seen one on the North Wales forest trails, which are now the centre of mountain biking in the uk. I have nothing against them and if a person is unfit, disabled etc and wants to get a bit of very gentle exercise, why not but lets not pretend budding Mark Cavindish,s are now getting on them. I have also never understood that some have more power thing, I thought they were limited to 250 watts, 1/4 horsepower, or is this not so? My scooter starter motor has more power than this any old electric motor will produce that amount. I would have thought the control system and battery rather than the motor or where it was placed was the important factor.


Go steady Rupert , anything other than positive comments on the ebike subject may result in a few sharp words from Mr Motorhome Matters and we don't want to upset the masses of able bodied Europeans either who now choose ebikes rather than bother with all that pedalling

On my wife's e bike, you can set the assistance to one of three levels on the lowest setting, the torque sensor rates what power you are providing and the motor then adds 25%......the other two levels of assistance are roughly 50% and 75%. You most definitely have to pedal the bike, you still get a good workout, but that 25% bonus just means that cycling into the wind or up a gradient can be done without becoming too taxing and making the whole trip gar more enjoyable and gives a far more extended range to many. I can assure you that (although past 60 now) i am fit enough to cycle 30 miles or more on reasonable roads without too much difficulty (as i have done today) but i will be getting an e bike in the next few weeks. My wife enjoyed the trip today (using the lowest power setting) but would have found the wind an issue on an unassisted bike. Incidently, her battery was 40% consumed after the trip, so gives a nominal range of 75 assisted miles at this level. Yes, they arent cheap, but a good one is a great companion.

I would accept all that Chris and is more or less what I was trying to say, that ebikes are for people who need some assistance.

Youre nearly right, Rupert. Except that i dont need assistance (i can assure you of that) but i am going to get one for.......(wait for it.....) FUN!


Wasting your breath Chris, H forgoes the electric chair lift and trudges up hill with his skis, drives or scooters everywhere, happy on his pile of crap with tiny wheels, disturbing the wild life and belching out pollutants..you couldn't make up the depth of ignorance could you!lol :-D


Eddie if your trying to be the Eco warrior then I'm afraid for me it doesn't work . As I remember you like to tour Europe in your motorhome and jet off to foreign shores for holidays on a big bad plane . Last time I looked both disturb wildlife and belch out pollutants unless yours run on battery power

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JudgeMental - 2014-03-25 4:02 PM


Talking out your backside as usual H, along with that northern oik. So whens the last time you skied up hill then. Why both of you have to drag down a good thread that is on a subject you have no knowledge of, no interest in is beyond me. Bleating on about your scooter......must be lovely on a forest trail in full weather gear and helmet!lol E Bikes the increasing choice of many, cycling easy but when the road rises as it often does then e bikes come into their own, turning cycling back into a real pleasure, providing you buy the right bike of course. Am I surprised you dont get it ..not in the slightest, How about leaving us who do to discuss in peace.....

Your usual compelling argument I see. Forest trail on an ebike, don't make me laugh. However I did put a couple of points you have ignored so assume you have no answer to. I admit have only ridden an ebike twice and as I have said can see their appeal if you need the assistance. As for experience, if you are talking about cycling in general Eddie I have no hesitation in saying it is far greater than yours. I am no longer fit enough to do what I used to so just a bit of gentle riding these days, when I require assistance the scooter is better. I have no problem to leave you to discuss how much you spend in peace but please cut out the bu*****t.

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Guest JudgeMental

while ignoring the know nothing negative idiot on his vrm vrm.....what does he think E hybrid and E mountain bikes are used for! Again...he has no interest in the topic, so why stick your nose in...dont reply as I dont read your spam


new e bike for BMW (Bosch system)



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JudgeMental - 2014-03-28 11:40 AM


while ignoring the know nothing negative idiot on his vrm vrm.....what does he think E hybrid and E mountain bikes are used for! Again...he has no interest in the topic, so why stick your nose in...dont reply as I dont read your spam


new e bike for BMW (Bosch system)



Easy, e mountain bikes are for people who like to pretend they are mountain biking. Good for a gentle trundle on flat forest tracks but not much else. Incidentally where are the London mountain bike tracks you use Eddie.

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Guest JudgeMental

Absolutely clueless.......stick to topics you know about which ain't much!


Below what young and old people can do on electric e bikes. Also fine around town, ultra comfortable and great when away...you can go anywhere. unlike you on your boring scooter





Oh! here is one on a mountain...guess he must of got there on a chair lift?lol





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