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DVLA driving me insane!

Guest JudgeMental

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Guest JudgeMental

as you all know Imported a 10 month old van last week. COC states build date 22.01.13 and first date of registration 17.05.2013. now to me and as discussed on another thread I always though reg plate assigned on date of first registration. But I have received a 62 plate! I called DVLA twice (still waiting to here re V5 I returned) and they are insistent that reg date from date of manufacture not on first registration...Surely this cant be right??


On another forum someone has bought a 2012 registered van only to finds out at service it wa built in 2009!. cars can stay in compounds for a year or two before registration *-)

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Probably down to their system not being able to recognise or accept a German registration document, you will just have to try to get through to someone higher up the chain, if talking to a call centre agent they can only do what their screen promp allows.


Being a government agency they probably don't realise we are in the EU. :D

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Guest JudgeMental

simple question: registration from date of manufacture or 1st registration


had to call safeguard re reinsurance and they say its from first reg, and like me thought that common knowledge. But you're right re DVLA call centre, they are just bits of kids reading from a script...robots! :-S

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..and they closed all the regional offices to make sure that you can't speak to a rational human being.

.. still - it makes it easier to dump your paperwork in the bin if it looks like they might miss a set target.


Their incompetence goes all the way up to 11.


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Guest JudgeMental
They ask for an enclosed prepaid registered packet for return of documents..they arrived by normal post, to compound this the original first German registration is missing (they would not let me send copies). thing is there is no one rational to talk to.....Its truly Orwellian! *-)
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Our van was built in 2005 (november) They wanted us to take it in January 06, but as we did not want it at that moment, we said no, we would have it 06 registered in March, which it duly was 0n 3/03/2006

it is of course a UK built vehicle.

Can you prove that yours was REGISTERED in March 13? making it a 13 plated (unlucky for some) ?

I guess the German paper work is confusing them (not difficult) maybe if it had been in Welsh they may have understood better!! It maybe because it is not new, I believe your previous imports , where all new?

Are there ANY DVLA offices still open? I would have thought there would have been one in London?

Good luck on getting it sorted, Eddie


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lancepar - 2014-03-11 5:56 PM


Registration depends on date of manufacture :'(



No, don't think so, registration is date first registered in the UK, not year of manufacture. Our van was built in 2000, but first registered in April 2001. If it was registered as 2000, we would not be hit by the LEZ regs. But we are. :-(

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JudgeMental - 2014-03-11 1:50 PM


They ask for an enclosed prepaid registered packet for return of documents..they arrived by normal post, to compound this the original first German registration is missing (they would not let me send copies). thing is there is no one rational to talk to.....Its truly Orwellian! *-)


I guess it's a bit late to remind you, when sending anything to DVLA always keep a copy for yourself. they will most proboly have lost that doc and you now have no proof of reg date.

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lancepar - 2014-03-11 5:56 PMRegistration depends on date of manufacture :'( B-)


If that is the case why do some purchasers wait until the new reg series comes out before buying?  Methinks you're wrong on this one.  :-D


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Now that all the tentacles of the DVLA are in Swansea, we are almost powerless to get things done in a hurry. Whilst it is received knowledge that a vehicle is dated from first registration, for classic vehicles status it is from date of manufacture, which enables some post 73 vehicles tax free status (Jan 1 1973) being the cut off date.
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lancepar - 2014-03-11 5:56 PM


Registration depends on date of manufacture :'(




Most definately NOT RIGHT, see my post above yours and the one further down. We have vans made in one year , registered the next


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Guest JudgeMental
colin - 2014-03-11 7:42 PM


JudgeMental - 2014-03-11 1:50 PM


They ask for an enclosed prepaid registered packet for return of documents..they arrived by normal post, to compound this the original first German registration is missing (they would not let me send copies). thing is there is no one rational to talk to.....Its truly Orwellian! *-)


I guess it's a bit late to remind you, when sending anything to DVLA always keep a copy for yourself. they will most proboly have lost that doc and you now have no proof of reg date.


In the rush I sent originals and did not copy as sent registered, my mistake!, have asked German dealer if he has copies. The package of docs was sent sighed for with a signed return envelope as well...they sent back via normal post! They must have had it as the date 17.05.2013 was written in the new V5 they sent me as date of first registration....they are clueless. And you can't talk to anyone rational


EDIT: Just called them again, it appears they send the original german reg back to germany under a reciprocal agreement

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JudgeMental - 2014-03-12 9:01 AM


EDIT: Just called them again, it appears they send the original german reg back to germany under a reciprocal agreement


Getting somewhere then at least they admit to having it, so in theory they should be able to confirm the registration date from their German equivalent.


May take them a couple of months, enjoy your new garden ornament. (lol)


Can't resist calling you a plonker for not copying the originals. :D

Anything like that I always keep a paper & digital copy.

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Guest JudgeMental
I know... I copied all the other documents:-S ...really stupid, but I'm sure the germans will have it on record as well. But I knew DVLA had had it, as they wrote 17th May 2013 in the V5 as date of first reg! but still gave me a 62 plate not a 13. *-)
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Don't know if this applies to your van as not sure if it is new or was used in Germany. However, from experience, when importing a motorcycle (Used) from the USA it is given a reg number significant to the original year of manufacture. ie a 1998 bike imported in 2003 was given a 'R' plate. I believe if the bike had been new from States then it would have been given a 2003 plate



Ps when I changed my driving licence, it took over 8 months to sort out as they said I'd never taken my test etc. In the end, it turned out the 'robot' had only put 1 forename in and I didn't exist!! This is despite having been driving for 47 years with all groups inc HGV & PSV

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Date of 1st reg should be date on V5.

For prrof just look at all the vehicles converted in UK where if new vehicle is used for conversion it is the date of conversion not date of maufacture by Ford,Fiat Peugeot etc.



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docted - 2014-03-12 12:02 PM


Date of 1st reg should be date on V5.

For prrof just look at all the vehicles converted in UK where if new vehicle is used for conversion it is the date of conversion not date of maufacture by Ford,Fiat Peugeot etc.




yes but if you look at vans already registered like say Wellhouse Leisure / Bongo imports they have registrations corresponding to original years registration not the conversion date

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Guest JudgeMental
Wendyhouse - 2014-03-12 6:00 PM


Will the plate really make that much difference over time?


Why should I accept an older plate because of DVLA incompetence? I'm entitled to a 13 and thats what I want...they charge you enough and get you to jump through hoops to get it registered, and they cant do there end competently*-)


Ironically! Kirbys called and they said this:


"Spoke to DVLA who confirmed plate should be 13 (as date of original registration in Germany, not date of manufacture), and they will have kept a copy of the original German reg cert."


so why the 4 numpties I have spoken to have said the opposite..and the import dept who you cant talk to have done likewise....


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Wills Wagon - 2014-03-11 9:57 PM


Much easier to buy British!!!!!!!!

the general - 2014-03-12 5:23 PM


Buy British and it's not all poor service, even if the dvla leaves a lot to be desired!

It seems to have escaped both of your attention that the problem is with DVLA, not with the source of the van. That is to say, the problem is British, not German. Leaves one wondering what the point of the above comments might be.


I spoke to DVLA myself this afternoon - because what Judgemental is being told is illogical - and they confirmed, after making three separate enquiries, that the correct date to use under these circumstances is the date of first registration in Germany.


When one buys a new vehicle it is registered by the supplying dealer on the date the buyer wishes to take delivery, not on the date the vehicle was manufactured. The registration plate is intended to reflect the time the vehicle has been in use, not the time it sat in a manufacturer's compound awaiting a dealer order. So, using the date of manufacture is logically incorrect.


However, my informant, despite checking three times, was unable to confirm where the procedure is written down. So, DVLA operatives seem to be making it up as they go along, and not consulting their procedural instructions. Those instructions should be a matter of public record, and should be publicly accesible. This is not an area of national security or for secrecy. I was disappointed that, despite his further enquiries, my informant was unable to quote either the document title or reference.

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