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Hymer C 9.

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You can replace it with a conventional "wet" lead acid battery but you will need to switch the on board charger over to suit. The charger unit usually lives in the right hand cupboard below the front sliding window. On it you should find a small slide switch. This will alter the charging regime to that suitable for wet batteries. D.
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Importers (Hymer and Brownhills) say that you must only use the gel type as origionally fitted.(Expensive) I fitted two liquid lead acid batteries to my new Hymer 14 months ago together with a 65 watt solar panel and regulator. To date this works well and to date I have not had to resort to mains charging. You must however take the following precautions regarding charging regime and ventilation. The manufacturer(Schaudt)of the Electroblock EBL 100 charging/distribution unit fitted to most recent Hymers has written to me and state that their charging unit is capable of working with either gel or liquid lead acid batteries to no detriment of either the batteries or their unit. 1. To change battery types the charging rate must be changed. To do this a small sliding switch marked Batterie-Wahl on the unit has to be moved to the type being used. They do stress that battery types must not be mixed ie use two gel or two liquid lead acid batteries. 2. The latter will need venting through the floor with the venting being done through a small flexible plastic tube. Your charging unit is located under the small storage unit on the offside of the vehicle.If it is made by Schaudt they can be contacted at www.schaudt-gmbh.de
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A wet cell battery of the same size should give you more available ampere-hours compared to the gel cell battery. The charging system (once the switch has been moved to the appropriate position) will also put a bit more in the battery. You should also ensure that the batteries are in a reasonably ventilated compartment. If the batteries have gassing outlets fit the plastic pipe to route the gasses out of the van.
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