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Fiamma crank handle


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I have inherited a telescopic crank handle with my new PVC but it is not telescopic enough. Please could I have suggestions as to how I can fasten it to the only suitable space where it will not be constantly in the way. It would appear that a wooden panel at the rear of the van has sufficient vertical length and the door will close. Are there any types of brackets that it will clip into? If so where can I buy a couple from and are they self adhesive or do I have to get them screwed in. Thankyou
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....search on Fiamma Winder Handle Clips.


As an example (other suppliers are available):






Note: they come in two sizes. The small ones are what I've used in the past, but you would need to check for your handle.


They screw fix.


If you want to buy a generic solution, tool clips from a DIY store or tool shop will also work (but may be less neat if mounted in a visible area).



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hi, when i got my van the crank handle was bent, worn and useless. i removed the hooked end from a sealant gun. connecting it to my cordless drill made an excellent alternative. forward to wind out, reverse to retract. also, i have the drill with me for any maintenance issues.
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