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New teaser, new logo

Russ MMM

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Hi ladies and gents,


By now you've probably heard that the May issue of MMM has gone through a complete overhaul to make it a better experience for you, our readers.


Well, take a look at our little video teaser featuring Martin Dorey here,

and tell us what you think so far. Do you like the new logo?


Oh, and there's an interactive digital issue coming your way this month too. Don't forget to try it out! It's got video, galleries and other little treats.


Hope you're all having fun, wherever you are in your 'vans.



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Guest pelmetman

Dunno whether its just me?....................but I couldn't un-mute the clip :-S .............


But I have to say that's a mega porta pottie he's got in the back of the van B-)...................and seeing as he's a chef...........where was he taking the horse? 8-) 8-).............

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If the only change to the logo is a white line through the middle, then no I don't like the new logo.


I rarely by the magazine because the text font is too small. I can read it but in this day and age, I wonder how those with impaired eyesight manage.


Sorry, but thanks for asking.

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Russ MMM - 2014-03-19 4:40 PM


Hi ladies and gents,


Well, take a look at our little video teaser featuring Martin Dorey here,

and tell us what you think so far. Do you like the new logo?





I've given up watching a lot of television because there are too many cooks - and now it looks as if we are stuck with one in MMM.


Oh dear.


I'm not a fan of Martin Dorey anyway - cooking or not cooking, so I think I'll give the feature a miss.


It will nevertheless be interesting to see the complete overhaul.




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Brock - 2014-03-19 7:18 PM


I rarely by the magazine because the text font is too small. I can read it but in this day and age, I wonder how those with impaired eyesight manage.


I believe that one of the outcomes of the makeover of the magazine will be the use of a larger font.

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I cannot abide that bloke ... he just gets on my nerves so the thought of reading an article about his travels would drive me nuts as all I'd 'hear' is his droning voice! Looks like he's the replacement for Dick Strawbridge ... and I didn't like his articles either! *-)
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If larger font is in the revised magazine, I might 'buy' instead of by!


A celebrity chef and a VW camper are my food and motorhoming hell. Not that I watch Saturday Kitchen ...


I don't , honest. I like Rick Stein but then he prefers boats and I can watch a bit of the programmes featuring the chap who makes up dishes from whatever he finds in his larder which always seem better stocked than my local Sainsbury's. Otherwise chefs can keep their egos and loud personalities to themselves.



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Mel B - 2014-03-19 9:33 PM


I cannot abide that bloke ... he just gets on my nerves so the thought of reading an article about his travels would drive me nuts as all I'd 'hear' is his droning voice! Looks like he's the replacement for Dick Strawbridge ... and I didn't like his articles either! *-)




I'm with you all the way there Mel.


....and shouldn't Dorey wear a hairnet when he's cooking ?




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Brock - 2014-03-19 7:18 PM


If the only change to the logo is a white line through the middle, then no I don't like the new logo.


I rarely by the magazine because the text font is too small. I can read it but in this day and age, I wonder how those with impaired eyesight manage.


Sorry, but thanks for asking.


That's quite alright, all your opinions are taken on board, I promise.


And to that end, in the redesign, the font is considerably larger!

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pelmetman - 2014-03-19 5:58 PM


Dunno whether its just me?....................but I couldn't un-mute the clip :-S .............


It must be you, as I can mute and unmute the video-clip without any difficulty.


Can't say that the revision to the magazine's logo/sub-titling fills me with sudden orgasmic delight.


I've always thought the original sub-title "MOTORHOME MOTORCARAVAN MONTHLY" was peculiar and the use of the words "motorhome" as a verb and "motorhomer" as a noun offends my English-language decency somehow.


I'd also suggest that the apostrophe is in an uncomfortable position and (if "motorhomer" MUST be used) that the sub-title should be "THE MOTORHOMER'S MAGAZINE".

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Afraid I don't agree about the apostrophe Derek! It would then be "The Motorhomer's Magazine", being singular, so could imply it was meant for ONE person! With the apostrophe in the current position "The Motorhomers' Magazine" it clearly shows, IMV, that is meant for more than ONE motorhomer ... and .... sorry to say this Derek ... but you are not the ONLY motorhomer who the magazine is meant for! ;-) :D (lol)


As for the logo ... not much different from what I can tell! However I suppose a change in the 'wording' itself was well overdue - I was going to suggest the text be changed to "Motorhomers' Monthly Magazine" to correspond with the MMM logo but as the magazine is NOT monthly any more (not calendar monthly anyway) with 13 issues each year that doesn't sit right either! *-)

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Guest pelmetman
Derek Uzzell - 2014-03-20 9:34 AM


pelmetman - 2014-03-19 5:58 PM


Dunno whether its just me?....................but I couldn't un-mute the clip :-S .............


It must be you, as I can mute and unmute the video-clip without any difficulty.




Sussed it.................I needed to move the volume slider ;-)...................That's a relief..... I was worried what was happening to the horse :-S......


I reckon "Homers Motorhome Magazine" would invite a new readership :D...............



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Complete overhaul?  Looking at the video I can only assume it's management speak for 'messed about with the logo'.


As for the new 'feature'...the guy can't even pronounce 'Woolacombe' correctly...........pronouncing it 'Woolacoombe'.  Oh and deep joy...he "might even canter".......well whoopee do.  Looks like more 'dumbing down' to me.


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Petra - 2014-03-20 4:34 PM


Not only is MMM full of hiking and biking these days, it looks like we have to put up with horseriding as well. Where does motorhoming come in to it?

What is 'motorhoming'? Is it not used as an adjunct to Cycling,walking,birding,sailing,fishing and any other hobbies or activities.

I don't spend a small fortune to the Government and petrol retailers anduse my time just to sit in it on a site and watch TV.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got hold of the May issue in Harrogate.


The magazine looks much fresher and in line with other modern, quality magazines. It's bright and breezy. Even my missus flicked through it and read a few articles. Normally, she's averse to motorhome magazines. I am very pleased with the change in font sizes.


How about moving on to look at the content and style of some articles to bring added sparkle? Just 4 out of 18 articles grabbed my attention with the opening sentence and paragraph. This excludes Martin Dory's articles. Perhaps the Editorial team could run a series of presentations during Warners' numerous shows to highlight the basics of engaging communication? There seems to be no shortage of wiling contributors.



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1.......The Logo with the hazy split line is optically very disturbing ! NOT A GOOD IDEA

2.......I'm not a magazine reader. Magazines are outlets for advertisers.

3.......I don't see any reason for horses unless they are to fit in the van

4 ......Driving on the highway with a loose toilet is a recipe for disaster

5 ......Driving with loose tools on the back seat is another disaster awaiting to happen.

5a.....There's a screwdriver and an aerosol can, how many more missiles are scattered about

6 ......What is the video supposed to represent other than someone driving without due caution.

7.......Not a good advert for sensible motorhome drivers. neither 'campers' either

8.......Did he say "An adventure that loads of people dream of " ? Not me

9.......He cannot be going far. Where's his bedding, its an empty van apart from loose missiles

10.....Is this a competition for the most faults found?

11.....Never heard of Martin

12.....And he did not look in both side mirrors before moving off. Failed the course !

13.....I quite like the Keith Floyd approach that's all.

14 ....Next question please


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Will85 - 2014-04-02 8:47 PM


1.......The Logo with the hazy split line is optically very disturbing ! NOT A GOOD IDEA

2.......I'm not a magazine reader. Magazines are outlets for advertisers.

3.......I don't see any reason for horses unless they are to fit in the van

4 ......Driving on the highway with a loose toilet is a recipe for disaster

5 ......Driving with loose tools on the back seat is another disaster awaiting to happen.

5a.....There's a screwdriver and an aerosol can, how many more missiles are scattered about

6 ......What is the video supposed to represent other than someone driving without due caution.

7.......Not a good advert for sensible motorhome drivers. neither 'campers' either

8.......Did he say "An adventure that loads of people dream of " ? Not me

9.......He cannot be going far. Where's his bedding, its an empty van apart from loose missiles

10.....Is this a competition for the most faults found?

11.....Never heard of Martin

12.....And he did not look in both side mirrors before moving off. Failed the course !

13.....I quite like the Keith Floyd approach that's all.

14 ....Next question please


I am a tad confused. Your second point seems to render the other 13 unnecessary. :D

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Russ asked for all comments so there are mine, good or bad, its my opinion, I assume he will analyse it and adjust or not


His question was "Well, take a look at our little video teaser featuring Martin Dorey and tell us what you think so far" (SO FAR)


He didn't say read the magazine first.

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