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Hartal habitation door damage


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Our Hartal habitation door has a viewing window in it that has been damaged. A strong wind caught it and the door slammed back against the external oven vent and has cracked the bottom of the window. However, this is only cosmetic and the double glazed unit behind it is unaffected. The rest of the door is OK and functions correctly.

We have had a quotation in excess of £3k to replace the whole door and possibly the frame, which is frightening given that the damage is purely cosmetic.

Thus my question is whether anyone has had a similar issue and was it repairable without having to have a whole new door/frame? You would have thought that, in the worst case, the actual window would be replaceable as a complete unit as the double glazed unit & the outer Perspex cover are probably a bonded unit. However the best scenario for us would to be able to change the external Perspex only.

We have lodged an insurance claim for it but it is still awaiting approval [or otherwise] as we assume that the assessors are tied up at the moment with the flood claims.

If there is a cheaper/easier option we would go with that and not bother the insurers.





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There are a few doors on ebay this one looks like the Knaus long window type with blind you would need to get the dimensions ,should be easy to swap the windows if dimensions are OK .








PS this may be the one


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If its just cosmetic then why not visit a repair place and see what they say about it - not a MH dealer though! Chances are they could soon sort it out and spray it so you won't notice the difference. When we had our Rimor bricked and had to have 2 windows replaces and bodywork fixed you really could NOT tell where it had been repaired as they did an excellent job.
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Thanks for those suggestions.


I have just had a better look at the window and I originally thought that the blinds were "captive" within a double glazed unit, but they aren't!!


The window is just a thin sealed unit with the outer Perspex broken/cracked


I have just e-mailed Hartal directly to see if the glazing can be removed from the outside. I won’t be holding my breath for a response though!!


PS - 1 The photos of the Sun Ti's show are mostly the non-UK versions and don't have the offending oven flue! I wished we didn't have oven anyway as it is so small to be little use!


PS - 2 I have posted the same original thread on the Knaus Owners Discussion board. Someone.will respond [normally Brian] I'm sure







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