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Caravan Club. At it again.


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rolandrat - 2014-03-25 2:06 PM


AlanS - 2014-03-25 11:42 AM


To think that, just because you are a Club member you have the right to go to a Club site to empty the contents of your loo, is I consider a selfish attitude. A Club is for members to take an active part in it by using their sites or their network of CS/CL’s otherwise why bother to join a Club in the first place ?.


If you want to wild camp you should consider how you are going cope with the waste products that you make, i.e. the loo, waste water, general waste etc. The proper answer is to take it all home with you and empty the waste systems at home as we have done in the past – if you cannot do that, then don’t consider wild camping.


Unfortunately the UK is not geared up for wild camping and to continue to do it will only exacerbate the situation of motorhome owners not being able to park anywhere during the day time when visiting areas even when stopping overnight on proper sites.


So you think I have a selfish attitude.

I'm a member of the Caravan Club, Caravan and Camping Club, Motor Caravanners Club, Wild Camping Club and the Free Motorhoming Club. I'm no longer a member of the Auto-Trail Owners Club having got rid of the biggest load of crap I have ever owned, correction 3 Auto-trails. 2 brand new. Just because we like to Wild camp occasionally doesn't mean that we don't respect the countryside or other like minded motorhome owners. I've no time whatsoever for stuck up pompous self righteous a---h---s.


First of all I did not say anything to you personally and used the term you and yours in generalisation. If I had wanted to direct my comment to you I would have replied via a quote. Secondly what the number of Clubs you belong to and the number of problem vans you have had has got to do with this thread no-one knows but you.


If the CC were to allow the use of its facilities for emptying and topping up of non-resident motorhome owners (albeit Club members) and this then lead to or was thought to condone ‘wild camping’ how would this fit with the Club and its dealings with local authorities – it is difficult enough for clubs to work within the confines of existing laws that enable 5 van sites, rallies and temporary holiday sites.


I am sure that like you most of us have great respect for our countryside otherwise why would we bother with our leisure pursuit? We like to get away during the winter and would welcome a stopover for a night, when normal sites are closed for the season, but this is increasingly difficult due to Councils banning parking for motorhomes, not to mention overnight stops due to their perceived notion of abuse of the privilege by motorhomers.


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Retread24800 - 2014-03-25 9:23 PM


  .... who would join a club in order to restrict themselves to one series of sites on one small Island. I applaud The C&CC for offering a touring service, not just to touring campers but also to day trippers who may not be able to empty at home...


Comparisons to hotels are valid, If I buy a drink at the bar, & use the toilet they do not expect me to spend the night.


I'm not sure why by being a member of either(or any)club would preclude them from using the services of another provider?(...we're currently still in the CC but very little of our "camping time" is spent on their 'sites..)...but of cause if someone chose to stick with the one provider(for what ever reason), then surely that is really up to them.


Also the initial hotel "comparison" wasn't/isn't valid because we are really talking about "accommodation based" facilities...and not premises that operate such things as a public bar.

(..if a campsite operated a "public" bar, then you would probably be able to access their toilet...). ;-)

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Brock - 2014-03-24 6:27 PM


Roland, I'll give you credit for not taking your frustration out on the wardens. So many people do.


We are a heavily populated country with enough red tape. I wonder if the CC's approach reflects planning constraints or the Fire Brigade's current preoccupation with the way we park on site.


Whatever the reason, the CC has been consistent in not allowing temporary use of facilities.


You must be quite a charmer to get away with it!



John, the situation I found myself in was a one off, I'm far from a Free Loader and I fully expected to pay something that's why I called at reception in the first place. I could have gone round to the Elsan point without asking the wardens and no one would have been the wiser but that's not my style. This country's planning laws regarding camping need an urgent review to bring it in line with other countries who provide stop off points for motorhomes. We know them as Aires.

Like many other CC members we use their Red Pennant Travel Scheme for Ferries, Recovery and Insurance so along with site fees when we camp with them they do ok out of us.

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Eddy - 2014-03-25 5:34 PM


Adressed to the poster above but one, HE


Point one is any member asking to dump for free as a general starting point, I don't think so.


Point two, just who are all these hoards of wild campers that have not discovered the CCC facility, and yet if the CC did it, would arrive in droves.


I do firmly believe though that some in the CC consider themselves a cut above, and doubt that many of them have ever used a cassette toilet system, never mind emptied one, perhaps that's what they find so shocking that anyone would need to do such a thing.



That confirms it 8-) you are mad!! CC members a cut above? they have never emptied a cassette? what do you think they have in their caravans.motorhomes ?

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...then i might be (a bit) mad too, Maggy.....

Ive been a member of the CC forum for a few weeks now and i definitely get a serious feeling of 'clique-ness' and 'loftyness' from quite a few posters on there.

Many wouldnt dream of using sites without toilets and showers so i guess its possible that some really never do empty a cassette....

Also, many of them are caravanners (well, its the Caravan Club after all) and dont appreciate the differing demands (and freedoms) of MHs to which some of the threads apply....and are swift to close ranks if it looks like there is a possibility that 'they' might be missing out in some way.......

I havent found it the friendliest forum in the world, it feels like a very closed shop to me most of the time....despite all members being equal, i get the feeling regularly that some are definitely more qual than others. >:-)

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maggyd - 2014-03-26 2:16 PM


That confirms it 8-) you are mad!! CC members a cut above? they have never emptied a cassette? what do you think they have in their caravans.motorhomes ?


Now here's a thought, remove waste tank cut a hole in floor under loo, remove a square of turf under van and dig hole. Problem solved no waste tank to empty. :D :D

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You want to be careful, peering over the walls and through the hedges of CC sites first thing in the morning 1foot'... (lol)


..what with that and all this interest you're showing in something you're not even a member of..nor ever likely to use...People will begin thinking : "...thou dost protest too much!" (lol)

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Guest JudgeMental
pepe63 - 2014-03-26 4:12 PM


You want to be careful, peering over the walls and through the hedges of CC sites first thing in the morning 1foot'... (lol)


..what with that and all this interest you're showing in something you're not even a member of..nor ever likely to use...People will begin thinking : "...thou dost protest too much!" (lol)


Evidence is certainly growing Pepe!:-D ....Cant believe his life so empty he has reinvented himself for what is it, the 3rd 4th time?lol Desperate or what....Get a life for pitys sake before the facade slips and you get launched again! :D

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Guest JudgeMental
I only post on topics I have an interest in.....you? 75 in a few days under your new persona...your a sad old case to be honest.....real pathetic
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Eddy - 2014-03-26 3:57 PM


maggyd - 2014-03-26 2:16 PM


Eddy - 2014-03-25 5:34 PM


Adressed to the poster above but one, HE


Point one is any member asking to dump for free as a general starting point, I don't think so.


Point two, just who are all these hoards of wild campers that have not discovered the CCC facility, and yet if the CC did it, would arrive in droves.


I do firmly believe though that some in the CC consider themselves a cut above, and doubt that many of them have ever used a cassette toilet system, never mind emptied one, perhaps that's what they find so shocking that anyone would need to do such a thing.



That confirms it 8-) you are mad!! CC members a cut above? they have never emptied a cassette? what do you think they have in their caravans.motorhomes ?


Well I'm not really sure, judging by the queues of half naked folk on a club site in their dressing gowns with their rolled up towels and loo roll in hand heading for the ablution blocks first thing in the morning perhaps they don't know what they have in their motorhomes / caravans either. ;-)


How are we expected to use the shower in our motorhome when the wife has it filled with crates of food. Similarly the oven in the cooker is used for storage so we don't often use that.


Those facilities are there for use if we ever need them and as such do occasionally get used (notably when staying on a certain CC site with composting toilets) but I've yet to find a motorhome with a shower facility to match those found on CC sites not to mention the amount of water used and waste water generated.

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Have to agree with Eddy....don't understand folk who say their shower is full of clothes/food/pets/awnings (delete as applicable) when these things should go elsewhere.....why on earth put suff you're storing in an oven! Where does the food go, in the garage?

We are independent and can survive four days with showers, washing up etc for two.

For those that use site toilets, site showers, site washing up facilities.....along with sitting in an awning rather than in the van, i wonder what part of the van is actually used.....?

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I too hope you weren't rude to the lady in Reception who was clealry trying her best to be helpful - and risked getting herself complained about. It sound from what you describe that she was using her initiative to try to be helpful rather than being a jobsworth.


C&CC offer this service (I was told the price was £7) but CC don't. It has however been broached on CC's forum "Club Together" that it should do so, including recently.


There are at least two reasons which might explain why it hasn't happened yet. CC Memebers, especially perhaps caravanners, like their peace and quiet on Club Sites and some objected to this facility being offered simply because it would generate extra traffic and disturb their peace!


Whether this would carry any weight I don't know but the other reason might relate to the poor design of CC's MH service points, which are mostly just a manhole from which you take the cover off, rather than a decent dumping facility. You often have to block the roadway around the Site to use them. CC announced recently that they are going to improve them as soon as practicable.


Another factor is that CC are very caravan-site-oriented, so they are slow to think about supporting MH users who don't always use sites. But a change in that approach is being suggested too.


CC Management listen to suggestions. If you feel this service should be offered, write to Natasha McDonald, Head of Future Products suggesting it. But don't chew off at the staff dressed in green, especially if they are breaking the rules to try to help you when you are stuck. ;-)

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Us too, prefer to be independent, surely the reason the they make Motorhomes with showers, toilets & cookers is so you can travel fully self contained , like Mike (Eddy) don't want to use someone's loo that's been used by hundreds of other people. I don't understand the preoccupation a lot of other have hooking up to mains at every opportunity, we stayed on a private Aire on the way back through France last year loads of EHU points included in the price didn't bother to plug, can't see the point of doing it just for the sake of it.
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StuartO - 2014-03-27 9:12 PM


I too hope you weren't rude to the lady in Reception who was clealry trying her best to be helpful - and risked getting herself complained about. It sound from what you describe that she was using her initiative to try to be helpful rather than being a jobsworth.


C&CC offer this service (I was told the price was £7) but CC don't. It has however been broached on CC's forum "Club Together" that it should do so, including recently.


There are at least two reasons which might explain why it hasn't happened yet. CC Memebers, especially perhaps caravanners, like their peace and quiet on Club Sites and some objected to this facility being offered simply because it would generate extra traffic and disturb their peace!


Whether this would carry any weight I don't know but the other reason might relate to the poor design of CC's MH service points, which are mostly just a manhole from which you take the cover off, rather than a decent dumping facility. You often have to block the roadway around the Site to use them. CC announced recently that they are going to improve them as soon as practicable.


Another factor is that CC are very caravan-site-oriented, so they are slow to think about supporting MH users who don't always use sites. But a change in that approach is being suggested too.


CC Management listen to suggestions. If you feel this service should be offered, write to Natasha McDonald, Head of Future Products suggesting it. But don't chew off at the staff dressed in green, especially if they are breaking the rules to try to help you when you are stuck. ;-)


I've had my say on the matter, the last thing I would do is upset anyone who is only doing their job, the lady was very polite. I had no objection whatsoever to donating to the mountain rescue fund. Some of the comments on here beggar belief though, anyone would have thought that a leper had knocked on the door.

I certainly won't be contacting anyone at the CC, what's the point.

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rolandrat - 2014-03-28 9:59 AM


... I certainly won't be contacting anyone at the CC, what's the point.


But why not?..

It's no less pointless, than starting a thread about it on here, to be honest(.. as the contributors on here aren't in a position to change any 'site/"club" "rules"..)...and then not even contacting the very organisation that have it within their power to actually do something about it.. :-S


..I'm not for one minute saying that the WILL do anything about it, of cause...after all, you never know what "types" they might get rolling up... (lol)

(..although as long as they pitch the right way around..and the correct distance from "the peg" , I'm sure they'll be okay.. (lol) )



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OP.....plain and simple answer is to vote with your feet and cancel your membership.


No idea how much you paid to stop on the site but anyone extorting extra money under the guise of charity donations in my book are simply obtaining money under false pretences.

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Bulletguy - 2014-03-28 9:03 PM


OP.....plain and simple answer is to vote with your feet and cancel your membership.


No idea how much you paid to stop on the site...........................................






I thought he wasn't staying on the site ?



But, as you say, he could make a stand, and stop occasionally using club sites in future.



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malc d - 2014-03-28 9:46 PM


Bulletguy - 2014-03-28 9:03 PM


OP.....plain and simple answer is to vote with your feet and cancel your membership.


No idea how much you paid to stop on the site...........................................






I thought he wasn't staying on the site ?



But, as you say, he could make a stand, and stop occasionally using club sites in future.





Yes it seems the site next to where OP was is a CC site so he went there to ask them if he could empty his waste only to get the rebuff which, quite rightly imo, he took exception to as a CC member.


Ironically OP had been spending a weekend with "Wildcamping and Free Motorhoming" friends.


Who needs a Club?!! :D



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Bulletguy, the OP had been camping offsite/free/wild in Ribblehead.


He went into Hawes Village where the CC site is to empty his loo after discovering his usual emptying point in the Village was closed.


As I said something like 4 posts into this thread, there'll be some mileage in this one :D



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Guest pelmetman
rolandrat - 2014-03-28 9:59 AM


I certainly won't be contacting anyone at the CC, what's the point.


Have to agree as all your'll get is platitudes *-)...................Which is exactly what I got when I complained about a right of way through my awning :-|..............


Although I may have to rejoin this year :'( ............as our tugger friends have booked us in for a fortnight on Oban CC site for our annual get together 8-).................




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pelmetman - 2014-03-29 7:54


Although I may have to rejoin this year :'( ............as our tugger friends have booked us in for a fortnight on Oban CC site for our annual get together 8-).................



Deepest condolences sorry to here about your misfortune . (lol)

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I have emailed CC ref parking on pitch relative to peg Have not received a reply -- problem for me is foreign MH so hab door is on our offside Like so many others I see the current dictact as a problem that has not been thought through So it looks as though me to not renewing membership
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Having cancelled our mebership last year to th CC, as we did not use the sites in UK, this morning recieved a letter from them, "inviting" me to join! I think from various comments on this forum, that a lot of people have voted with their feet, and left . I always felt it was too CARAVAN orientated, and most locations to far away from towns (excluding Hawes) , unless you have other transport. So will not be spending £45.00 on something we will not use. Maybe in later years if we still camp, may do so. I think we will probably sell the van and spend the money on staying in B&Bs, as they can be good value for money, even staying in Travel Lodges, can be cheaper than some camp sites, in UK


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