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Caravan Club. At it again.


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Bulletguy - 2014-03-30 5:06 PM


......i let them park it in my driveway. Why not? I have plenty of room so what's the problem? They are decent people.


As for toilet 'activities'. If a passerby knocked on my door and asked to use my loo.....no problem.


If i began getting masses of people queuing outside to use my loo (highly unlikely), then i'd stick an 'honesty tin' in the bathroom. ....




Perhaps you would publish your address on here then, so that other motorhomers will be aware that you are happy for them to park on your drive and/or empty their toilet cassette in return for a donation of only 20p then? (lol)

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Membership of the Caravan Club currently stands at just over 375,000 families, representing around one million caravanners, motorhome owners and trailer tent owners. Me thinks it must be doing something right.


I've been a member for over 20 years and enjoyed every one of those years. Some of the rules are silly, some are enforced without common sense. Nothing is perfect, yet the sites run well. For those that want a less formal approach, there are the CLs. Two adults and children can enjoy a site for £12 a night under the 'Tour for £12' offer.


The CC runs surveys to understand what members want. It also attends numerous shows and runs its own rallies. It has the highly successful Club Together forum and its magazines.


Motorhoming is a widely diverse leisure pursuit so best wishes to those who wild camp, who go abroad using Aires etc, who use commercial sites, and those who like overnighting in car parks. For me, the CC offers sufficient variety to meet my touring needs so I am happy. As I am for those who have their needs met outside the CC.


What a great lifestyle we share.


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Brock - 2014-03-30 5:32 PM


Membership of the Caravan Club currently stands at just over 375,000 families, representing around one million caravanners, motorhome owners and trailer tent owners. Me thinks it must be doing something right.


I've been a member for over 20 years and enjoyed every one of those years. Some of the rules are silly, some are enforced without common sense.



Straight from the horses mouth.


Glad you said that and not me as i'd be shot down in flame as a renegade under sub section 32 para 3001. *-)

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This is our view. It is our opinion and some will agree and others wont and that's fine. We have caravaned and motor homed for 30 years. We have also done both over the channel through Morocco and most of Europe during that time as well. We have been members of both clubs for the same period.


I hate "wild camping" At the many places and aires we have stopped at over the years, there is always a mess left and the area always smells of urine, we never stay. We are not saying everyone leaves a mess or pees in the bushes by their vans, or empties their waste and toilets in the bushes, but it happens, some do.Like all things, the minority spoil it for the majority.


As club members paying to stay on site and utilise the facilities there we would be very much against allowing emptying of toilets even for a fee.There is cost incurred for water and sewage. If you want to "free" camp take it home and dump it in your own toilet.


The UK does not have aires. We all know the reasons why and until that changes its unlikely to change.


As far as the spacing is concerned, we have a "foreign" van and never had a problem driving or reversing onto the pitch, we have always been told it is our choice. If you had ever seen a van go up in flames and the speed it happens you would be entirely happy with the spacing rules of the CC.


There is too much slagging off of the club and wardens. The wardens do a great job in sometimes difficult circumstances and sometimes in the face of some obnoxious people. All clubs have rules and when you join you are accepting them and agreeing to abide by them. If you don't like the rules, the club and or the wardens get out of the club.

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Eddy - 2014-03-30 7:45 PM


Where the facility exists at CCC club sites, it would be very interesting to know how many of these vile "free campers" have shelled out £45 plus the £6.50 fee each time just to be able to dump, yes sure they've joined in droves, what a load of forgive the pun cr*p.


It would indeed be interesting to know the actual numbers of those using these "service stops"....as if it can be shown to be really popular, it would make a good case for having the CC look into introducing them..


But 1foot'/Eddy...What is this "CCC club" that you speak of...?....


PLEASE, if you're going to keep on having a pop at one or other of these "clubs", when doing so, at least do them(and us) the courtesy of getting their initials correct whilst you're doing it.... ;-)


It's CC - Caravan Club




C&CC - Camping and Caravan Club.


Otherwise, as has happened in the past, you end up slagging off the wrong club.... ;-)

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Bulletguy - 2014-03-30 5:06 PM..............
Brian Kirby - 2014-03-30 3:02 PM


Not sure I can BG. If the member wishes to stay on the site, his membership fee doesn't cover that. When he stays, he is charged a fee to cover the costs of providing, staffing, maintaining, and servicing the site. So, why is it logical to assume that services on the site should be available at no cost to someone who isn't staying, even if the request to do so is from a member?



When i go to my local Supermarket it's always well maintained and staffed, i get excellent service, not charged a "membership" fee, don't have to pay an "entrance" fee, and come away with the items of my choice.....which of course i pay money for. They give me free bags but i don't get a pretty sticker to let everyone know i shop there.......................

I don't follow this, but it looks to me like "chop-logic"! :-) Try walking out of the supermarket with something you haven't paid for, and then see what happens. Campsite don't sell goods, shops do that. Campsites sell a service, for which they charge. When you use the service you expect to pay. I really don't see why you (and others) find this concept so controversial.


Consider aires instead: some are free, others not. Some charge for water and/or electricity, others do not. Do you refuse to pay at the ones that charge, on the basis that the others don't so you consider it unfair for any to charge?

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Eddy - 2014-03-30 6:38 PM


One rule they are very selective in enforcing is "peace and quiet" as that seems to exclude yapping dogs that kick off at any provocation, I have more than once complained about this directly to wardens, that is normally met with either outright hostility ( obviously dog lovers ) or shoulders shrugged in resignation, I have also written and suggested "dog free" sections of sites should be made available, but unless the postman lost the letter never received a reply.


If you want freedom from dogs go to a dog-free site, there are plenty of them. Why expect CC, or anyone else, to change things on thier sites to suit just you?

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At it again is the title of the thread.....the Clubs or the anti-Clubbers?


I don't understand this. The Clubs offer a service, for which they charge and there are certain conditions. You can join if you want to. If you don't like the package then don't join.

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When we had a dog, we always pitched as close as we could to the dog walk. This was simply so we didn't have to walk the dog through the site and risk accidents. Wardens often point out the location of the dog walk when booking in.


Pitching up next to dogs is no different to pitching up next to a family. If the adults are responsible, the dogs and children will behave. Fortunately, wardens often point out where the play area is so parents can park close and non parents can park elsewhere.


The downside of putting dog owners and families in dedicated areas - and can we have one for BBQ owners who create obnoxious fumes - is if the only pitch left when you arrive is amongst them.


What we need is more thoughtful adults and to get them, we have to have more rules and enforce the rules. Oh dear! We'd have to ban non-members. Or we could ban all other adults, dogs, and children for a perfect idyll.


Probably best to let live and enjoy our hobby through our inner happiness.

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Eddy - 2014-03-30 8:53 PM


pepe63 - 2014-03-30 8:12 PM


Eddy - 2014-03-30 7:45 PM


Where the facility exists at CCC club sites, it would be very interesting to know how many of these vile "free campers" have shelled out £45 plus the £6.50 fee each time just to be able to dump, yes sure they've joined in droves, what a load of forgive the pun cr*p.


It would indeed be interesting to know the actual numbers of those using these "service stops"....as if it can be shown to be really popular, it would make a good case for having the CC look into introducing them..


But 1foot'/Eddy...What is this "CCC club" that you speak of...?....


PLEASE, if you're going to keep on having a pop at one or other of these "clubs", when doing so, at least do them(and us) the courtesy of getting their initials correct whilst you're doing it.... ;-)


It's CC - Caravan Club




C&CC - Camping and Caravan Club.


Otherwise, as has happened in the past, you end up slagging off the wrong club.... ;-)


There is no confusion, the *CCC club* offers this facility at some sites, the CC do not



And that is exactly(*well, almost),what was pointed out at the start of the thread...

At present the CC does not offer that facility, so why be surprised when a request do so, is denied?..

Besides, you say you're in the C&CC, so why didn't you just spent £7.10p with them?.....


(*You STILL seem to revel in making the same "mistake". As it's one you continually make, dragging it into thread after thread, be it about being "ripped off " with your gas or about someone else' overpriced coffee pot..)

Neither of them are the : "CCC CLUB". or "CC Club" ... *-)


Just an aside, with all this anti-"club" stuff you constantly peddle, WHY have you joined both again?

You said that you re-joined the C&CC last year, so as to be able to stopover on the way to ferry and in this thread you say that you joined the CC, in order to visit the NEC.? Most odd for someone with such views...


As for us having never taken our van(s) abroad, that is true enough(nothing about lack of b*lls by the way, but thanks for the concern ;-)).Lack of both time(annual leave) and money are an issue at present but when(if) the situation changes we will of cause be off exploring wider afield...

Until then we, and I dare say the vast majority of MH/campervan owners,by using a little grey matter, find that by using a mix of CLs/ commercial sites/pubstop overs, the occasional "club" site, along with the odd "mild-camp" spot, find using the UK is quite doable...Without having to squeal "rip-off" this and "anti-" that at every opportunity.... *-)



And if you are finding me irksome 1foot'/Eddy/Doveyman, then perhaps you may now have some inkling of how the bulk of the forum find your ever negative whinging... ;-)


You only snuck back on a couple of weeks back and ever since it's been "Why bother touring the UK?...Clubs this...dogs that...same old ...same old.." *-)


Mrs 1foot' deserves a Sainthood ...

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Guest pelmetman
pepe63 - 2014-03-31 9:54 AM


along with the odd "mild-camp" spot, find using the UK is quite doable...



What's one of they Pepe? :-S.................is it a wild-camp spot without attitude (lol)..........

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pelmetman - 2014-03-31 10:24 AM


pepe63 - 2014-03-31 9:54 AM


along with the odd "mild-camp" spot, find using the UK is quite doable...



What's one of they Pepe? :-S.................is it a wild-camp spot without attitude (lol)..........


Well, we can't really call kipping in MHs equipped with the likes of a shower, loo, hot'n'cold running water, blown air heating , flat screen TV etc, as "Wild" now, can we... ;-)



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StuartO - 2014-03-31 8:44 AM
Eddy - 2014-03-30 6:38 PMOne rule they are very selective in enforcing is "peace and quiet" as that seems to exclude yapping dogs that kick off at any provocation, I have more than once complained about this directly to wardens, that is normally met with either outright hostility ( obviously dog lovers ) or shoulders shrugged in resignation, I have also written and suggested "dog free" sections of sites should be made available, but unless the postman lost the letter never received a reply.
If you want freedom from dogs go to a dog-free site, there are plenty of them. Why expect CC, or anyone else, to change things on thier sites to suit just you?


This is not intended to open an 'anti dogs' discourse.  It is merely intended to illustrate the 'selective' nature of some rule enforcement. 


In response to the 'dog free areas' comment and selective enforcement.............The post by Eddy is, I consider, not to be asking anyone to 'change' things but to enforce rules which are there to try and ensure everyone has a relaxing and 'peaceful' stay.


The C&CC(I should think the CC has something similar in place)rules state:

1.  Pets are welcome on site but the Owners are responsible for the behaviour of their animals.

2. If it is deemed a pet is creating a nuisance or causing disturbance to others, their owner will be asked to remove them from site.

3. No animal is allowed to be loose on site and must be kept on a lead no longer than 2m.

4.  Owners must ensure that their pets do not foul the site and are responsible for cleaning up after them.


We stayed at their Cannock Chase site, as well as other sites, last year and to the rear of us there were two dogs.  They yapped and yapped and regularly crapped outside the tent.

To the front of us there was a large group with four dogs.  They were regularly loose and running about the site.


I reported both to the wardens and 'nothing' was done about it!


My concern, other than having my 'peace' regularly disturbed by barking dogs was the dogs that were crapping on the pitch.  Despite the owners picking it up there would be 'residue' left behind to be walked in and possibly played in by the next pitch occupants.......something I am sure no one would be happy with.


One of the worst offenders for not enforcing 'dog' rules is the Camping in the Forest group of sites.  They are run by the Forestry Commission in partnership with the C&CC.  We have stayed on most all of their sites in the New Forest and on almost every occasion there have been problems with dogs being off leads, barking excessively and crapping wherever.  These sites are so well patronised that it is almost impossible for the wardens to 'police' irresponsible dog owners properly.  On one occasion I reported the site to the C&CC over the dog issue.  The response was as I have said.....'difficulty over policing dog policy'.  My solution would be to enforce the rules and tell the irresponsible owners to leave as per the 'rules'.  I consider it would only take a few being asked to leave for the message to get around and then the 'majority' could get back to enjoying their recreation.  However the C&CC felt this would be 'heavy handed'.  If that is the case why have the rules in the first place if they are either not enforced, can not be enforced or will not be enforced?


Is the 5 mph rule ever enforced?  I have never seen evidence of it.


Regarding the OP........it would be nice if all the clubs operated a 'dump and top up/shower' facility for a nominal fee of say £5.00.  I don't consider it would lead to an en masse swamping of sites with club members who like to wild camp.  It would merely be an extension of the services offered by said club for the benefit of members.


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Exactly if hundreds of wild campers joined the CC their membership fees would more than cover any additional sewage/water costs,as for dogs running loose and crapping i dont think you will ever stop it,my on dog was attacked by a loose dog so i asked owner to put him on a lead,his attitude was so what,he owned a static holiday home on this site and seemed to think this gave him more rights than tourers.When we go on holiday we have a fairly laid back attitude so not much bothers us lol *-)
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capcloser - 2014-03-31 12:14 PM


Exactly if hundreds of wild campers joined the CC their membership fees would more than cover any additional sewage/water costs...


Hi Cap'


True, the facility would on occasions be handy but I don't think "mild-campers" would be flocking to use them....and as I said previously, at the £7.10 that the C&CC charge, I wonder how many actually use them anyway? You may as well factor-in using a small,cheap independent 'site, CL/CS every 3-4 days for that sort of money..


But...who really needs 'sites, with all their silly "rules" anyway ... (lol)


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pelmetman - 2014-03-31 12:38 PM


I didn't know you have a Transit Pepe :D.............


Yeah..isn't she a beaut'...really tasteful and understated... ;-)


(....I thought the dark glasses may've been a sufficient enough disguise...but as it appears my cover may now be blown, I may have to look at getting my hair cut and losing the ponytail as well, now... (lol))

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pepe63 - 2014-03-31 12:35 PM


capcloser - 2014-03-31 12:14 PM


Exactly if hundreds of wild campers joined the CC their membership fees would more than cover any additional sewage/water costs...


Hi Cap'


True, the facility would on occasions be handy but I don't think "mild-campers" would be flocking to use them....and as I said previously, at the £7.10 that the C&CC charge, I wonder how many actually use them anyway? You may as well factor-in using a small,cheap independent 'site, CL/CS every 3-4 days for that sort of money..




Good picture of the Number Plate!! Lets hope it shames them Make a note and avoid that particular one!!



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I thought steel Bull bars were illegal on new vehicle, and if you look at the family they look like pikey's not your average wild camper.

A bit unusual, they don't normally bother the van facilities, when they camped outside my mates warehouse the just cr**ed on the grass and drive.

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lennyhb - 2014-03-31 1:26 PMI thought steel Bull bars were illegal on new vehicle, and if you look at the family they look like pikey's not your average wild camper.A bit unusual, they don't normally bother the van facilities, when they camped outside my mates warehouse the just cr**ed on the grass and drive.


Bull bars are permitted as long as they comply with EC directive:

From 25th May 2007 for motor vehicles categorised as M1 (a passenger carrying vehicle not exceeding 3.5 tonnes and not more than 8 passengers) or N1 (a goods vehicle not exceeding 3.5 tonnes) it will only be legal to manufacturer and sell bull bars that comply with EU Directive 2005/66/EC.  Apparently it is not retrospective so any bought or fitted prior to the implementation of the law are still legal.


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lennyhb - 2014-03-31 1:26 PM


....and if you look at the family they look like pikey's not your average wild camper.

A bit unusual, they don't normally bother the van facilities...


Hi lenny'..

It wasn't my intension to align "wild-campers" with those shown in that photograph.. :$

(..if that is how it came over, then I apologise). :-D

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