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Is it necessary to vent leisure batteries?

Tea Cup

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I have 2 x 110 amp/hr Platinum Leisure batteries (basic, not traction). When I bought them asked of a couple of dealers if they were sealed, or needed venting. They didn't seem to know either way, and suggested it should be possible to vent, but couldn't tell me how to go about it.


They have what appears to be vent holes, but when I investigated further found that they seemed to be closed internally. Can someone please advise if venting is necessary, and how I would go about it? - is there some sort of kit available. Presumably any sort of venting would need to be firmly sealed and bonded to avoid blowing out under pressure? They are placed in the small boot at the rear, which is not actually sealed from the main cabin.


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Presumably your Platinum Leisure batteries are as shown here




I'm a mite wary of the statement in the ("show more") description


" 'Labyrinth-Lid' spill-proof technology - fully seals the battery preventing liquid loss and eliminates the need to top-up, whilst also channelling de-gassing through a single point, allowing any emissions to be exhausted safely."


as this seems to suggest that the battery can be vented.


Battery venting 'kits' are available and, if the battery can be vented and is installed within a motorhome's habitation area, it would be sensible to fit a venting kit to it.


A venting kit normally consists of a flexible vent-tube with an elbow on one end that's plugged into a hole in the battery. The other end of the vent-tube is led outside the vehicle. The pressure in the vent-tube when a battery gasses will not be enormous, though it's still necessary that the elbow fits firmly in the battery's venting-hole.


It's also pretty common for a battery that's designed to be vented to have two venting-holes (one at each end of the battery) and, in such cases the vent-tube would be connected to the most convenient venting-hole, with a 'plug' inserted in the other venting-hole to seal it off.


(I've attached a photo showing a battery with a vent-tube attached to its right end.)


A battery manufacturer's 'non-ventable' and 'ventable' batteries may share the same casing, with the venting-holes moulded into in the former's casing being sealed off, but being open in the latter's casing. That might be the situation with your Platinum Leisure batteries - their casing may have moulded-in venting-holes but they are sealed from the battery's interior. Plainly, if that's the case, your batteries cannot be vented and won't have been designed to be vented.


If you are still uncertain, your best bet would be to comntact Platinum about this




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RogerC - 2014-03-25 1:06 PM


It's quite simple really.  If the battery has a 'vent' fitting then vent it.  If it doesn't you can't.  Simples


That's undoubtedly true, but there seems to be a conflict between Geoffrey's (Tea Cup's) 'basic' Platinum Leisure batteries having what appear to be 'blind' vent-holes and the suggestion in Platinum advertising that "...de-gassing takes place through a single point, allowing any emissions to be exhausted safely."


There is more than one range of Platinum Leisure battery




with the "Sealed for Life" range perhaps not needing venting. Conversely, for the the less expensive "Heavy Duty" range (which can be topped up), it's much more likely that a venting-point is provided somewhere on the casing.


If Geoffrey can identify whether his batteries are LB6110L or just 6110L, Platinum Batteries should be able to advise on the venting issue.

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