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Auto-Trail V Series Fridge!

Colin Leake

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Looked at one with wife the other day. Struck us as a bit impractable. Will be looking at it again when our local dealer gets a 620 in. We will take an empty 2l milk bottle, a wine bottle and a few other odds and ends with us to see how or if they will fit in.


Anyone else seen one and got an opinion on it. Our dealer tells us he has had a lot of negative comments.


Trendy but seems like a failed attempt to reinvent the wheel to us.

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Like others I'm also trying to see the advantage of the drawer fridge freezer. I suppose if you begin to analyse how an upright fridge/freezer is deployed then its difficult to utilise all available shelf space and probably only 2/3rds of the volume on each shelf can be actually used without crushing food. Similarly the freezer is difficult to pack solid. This probably means that a fridge freezer with a 90 litre capacity in practical terms may be 'full' when about 65 litres of this capacity is utilised. I suppose a drawer refrigerator may allow you to stack items easier and thereby utilise a greater percentage of its capacity. However, the downside is that stuff ends up being buried.
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