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Oh DEER oh DEER, What have EWE lot be doing?. It seems that Saturday night produces a RAREBIT of subjects to PORK about. Just be careful there is no CATastrophy or some might want a KANGAROO court to settle the dispute. Any WALLABY found laying about after closing time may be taken home by the police in the PIG. But remain SHREWd and don,t go out in that old DONKEY jacket or you will look an ASS. Act like SHEEP and you will get FLEEC’D.
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I thought the idea of owning a motorhome was to go out and enjoy life and chill out. Your 's must be redundant. It look's like your sole enjoyment in life is to travel to far away aires and discuss voltage drop on leisure batteries! As long as you have taken it on board your posting are not alway's in the correct place & don't alway's have anything to do with MH
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[QUOTE]sshortcircuit - 2006-09-16 10:09 AM Totally agree. Lets move on to ? [/QUOTE]Washing machines. My wife has the expensive and irritating habbit of leaving money in the pockets of clothes due to be washed . This results in having to call out the repair man before any more damage is done. I cured this by glueing a battered 10p next to the dial. So far so good. Howard.
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[QUOTE]David Dwight - 2006-09-16 10:54 AM Howard, Perhaps you should empty your own pockets before the clothes go in for the wash. Your Wife must be getting rich out of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! David[/QUOTE]My whole family empty my pockets on a regular basis David, so no problem there. Going back to this thread. Do you see how easy it is to get sidetracked. Howard.
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[QUOTE]David Dwight - 2006-09-16 12:03 PM My Daughter has just emptied my pockets by getting married. Just had new Central heating system installed. Going away for three weeks tomorrow on the dregs, good job Tesco's diesel is down in price. David[/QUOTE]Sounds all to familiar. Anyway. I,m getting off this thread in case I get involved as well. Howard.
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