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Parts supply warning! Pre 2002 Boxer and Ducato PVC's


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Guest Had Enough
Eddy - 2014-04-06 9:45 AM


What a mug I am then, I should be still driving round in my Austin Maxi complete with rusty everything, and oil leaking gearbox cables, adjusting the points most weekends, the tappets on others, then lying underneath with a mig welder getting covered in welding spottles, blinding myself, and blowing holes trying to put yet another patch on, then gobbing the wings up with P38, just as I did spending many futile hours of my life trying to hold back the rust on my Commer "classic" camper, pictured here covered in primer with the jack holding the gearbox up halfway through a clutch change, thanks, but no thanks, you can keep your "classics"


The truth is that no one would drive around in a twenty five year old vehicle if they had the finances to buy a newer one. But as far as I'm concerned this isn't about how much money someone has or hasn't.


If a family can only afford a ten year old caravan I would applaud their acumen in buying into a lifestyle that that will give them far better and more interesting holidays than going on a package trip to a hotel in Benidorm. If running an old and well cared for motorhome is the only option available to someone who wishes to enjoy our hobby then I applaud their efforts and hope that they continue to enjoy the lifestyle.


What this is about is a couple of people on here who dissemble and, worse than that, criticise those who can afford a new or newer model and constantly accuse them of being snobbish and only wanting to impress the neighbours, or even of being foolish for wasting their money on a motorhome that will depreciate more than theirs.


They try to make a virtue out of something that is actually not a choice, but is forced on them simply because they can't afford a new 'van and, instead of simply saying that a new one is out of bounds for them, bore us all to death with ludicrous reasons as to why what they do is the best method.


We had one man recently boasting how superior he felt as he parked next to a new expensive motorhome in his old one. He gloated that his was hardly depreciating whilst theirs was losing thousands and implied that they were fools.


His (and others) attitude reminds me of an acquaintance of mine who neatly sums up this debate. He is constantly berating those of us who buy new cars. He tells us that we're idiots as he always buys one that's five years old and costs peanuts for a really nice model.


I asked him how his wife felt when he only allowed the family to buy second-hand kitchen appliances and used furniture. I asked him how she felt when he insisted that all their clothes should come from charity shops or bought secondhand on eBay.


He was insulted and told me that he would never insist on his wife and children buying second hand clothes or used ovens!


So I gently pointed out that he is a hypocrite and ask what the difference is between saving money by buying a used car and buying a used fridge. And the difference should be obvious. His finances were such that he can afford to buy a new fridge or new clothes. But buying a new car was beyond his budget so he bought a used one.


So here's the point. We all have different financial limits. Some people can buy a new motorhome and not think twice about it. Some can't afford a new motorhome every few years but they can manage a new reasonably priced car. Some can't do either and go tent camping.


Perhaps the man in his tent thinks that everyone in a motorhome is an idiot for spending so much money when his tent has only cost him a few hundred quid? If he does he's as unreasonable and as stupid as those taking the moral high ground because they drive an old motorhome and try to assert that they are somehow cleverer and more sensible than those of us who are happy investing lots more money in our 'vans.


But I get back to the same point as before. If these people inherited a load of money we all know what are the first two things they buy. Yep, a nice new car and a shiny new motorhome.


So please, if you can't afford something more modern, that's fine. Who cares? Good luck to you and I hope that you can keep it going for ever. But for God's sake stop this incessant preaching and this constant justification for doing something that isn't through choice but is purely because it's your only option.






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Guest pelmetman
Eddy - 2014-04-06 9:45 AM


What a mug I am then, I should be still driving round in my Austin Maxi complete with rusty everything, and oil leaking gearbox cables, adjusting the points most weekends, the tappets on others, then lying underneath with a mig welder getting covered in welding spottles, blinding myself, and blowing holes trying to put yet another patch on, then gobbing the wings up with P38, just as I did spending many futile hours of my life trying to hold back the rust on my Commer "classic" camper, pictured here covered in primer with the jack holding the gearbox up halfway through a clutch change, thanks, but no thanks, you can keep your "classics"


Your confusing restoration with preventative maintenance Eddy ;-)................


Plus being a man of means :D...........I can afford to employ people with the necessary skills to keep Horace in the condition he is at a fraction of the cost if I'd PX'd him every 3 years B-)...........

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-04-06 10:50 AM


So please, if you can't afford something more modern, that's fine. Who cares? Good luck to you and I hope that you can keep it going for ever. But for God's sake stop this incessant preaching and this constant justification for doing something that isn't through choice but is purely because it's your only option.



As I pointed out earlier Frank *-)............new people join this forum all the time who are looking to buy a motorhome because its a motor home forum ;-)................it is the job of this forum to highlight the pro's and con's of motor home ownership, my approach is different to the many :D................but never the less is relevant to those who wish to buy and use a motorhome for its intended purpose................rather than those who get their kicks by continually buying newer and more expensive campers such as my old man did :-|...........


Indeed in 12 years he bought 6 campers 4 of which were new, the last being a Hymer ;-).............although he had to keep working until he was 70 to pay for them, and rarely got to use them as a consequence :-S


Being a lazy b*gger, I on the other hand would rather be away in the camper than working to pay for it *-).....


But each to their own eh Frank...............Coz where would you be? ;-) without the people who suffer from the need for retail therapy and buy the latest must have digital camera >:-)...........


Fortunately though Frank the world is full of lemmings, plenty keep the capitalist dream alive ;-)..........So there's room for the odd fruitcake like me...................hang on a minute... wasn't that how UKIP started? 8-)

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Guest Had Enough
globebuster - 2014-04-06 11:27 AM


You make some amazing assumptions HE


Regardless of Pelmetman's banging on - you really should re-visit some of your sweeping statements.


You really are a pompous, bombastic and ignorant individual.


First of all I know a lot more about him than you do. And I'm not the one constantly ramming down everyone's throats every five minutes my views on what kind of motorhomes we should all be driving.


And as for me being pompous, bombastic and ignorant I'll take that any day over being insulting and unpleasant as you have just demonstrated that you are. But pray tell me, what am I ignorant about?


Ignorance of course means a lack of knowledge on the subject. So come on.



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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-04-06 11:35 AM


First of all I know a lot more about him than you do.



Well you didn't remember we'd inherited Horace ;-)...............Must do better with your research Frank (lol)......

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Guest Had Enough
pelmetman - 2014-04-06 11:31 AM



But each to their own eh Frank...............Coz where would you be? ;-) without the people who suffer from the need for retail therapy and buy the latest must have digital camera >:-)...........


Fortunately though Frank the world is full of lemmings, plenty keep the capitalist dream alive ;-)..........So there's room for the odd fruitcake like me...................hang on a minute... wasn't that how UKIP started? 8-)


And that of course sums you up. If someone needs a new item that they can easily afford they are lemmings and idiots needing retail therapy.


And you really do make me laugh. You didn't retire out of choice. Your pelmet business went downhill so you started the pouffe company, why did you do that if you wanted to retire?


You failed as a capitalist and now spend your time on here criticising a system that you tried very hard to emulate. You really are the worst kind of hypocrite.


Nobody really cares if you can't afford to replace your motorhome. What does it matter to anyone? But for God's sake will you please stop trying to convince everyone that it's a choice that hasn't been forced on you.


But as you have said many times, anyone who spends more money than Pelmetman is a lemming and only does it because they need retail therapy. No they don't, they do it because they can afford it and it gives them pleasure.


Stop being such a hypocrite and stop this arrogant nonsense that only your penny pinching empty life is the one to aim for. You are more than boring and I'm not the only one on here who is sick to death of your preaching.




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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-04-06 11:46 AM


pelmetman - 2014-04-06 11:31 AM



But each to their own eh Frank...............Coz where would you be? ;-) without the people who suffer from the need for retail therapy and buy the latest must have digital camera >:-)...........


Fortunately though Frank the world is full of lemmings, plenty keep the capitalist dream alive ;-)..........So there's room for the odd fruitcake like me...................hang on a minute... wasn't that how UKIP started? 8-)


And that of course sums you up. If someone needs a new item that they can easily afford they are lemmings and idiots needing retail therapy.


And you really do make me laugh. You didn't retire out of choice. Your pelmet business went downhill so you started the pouffe company, why did you do that if you wanted to retire?


You failed as a capitalist and now spend your time on here criticising a system that you tried very hard to emulate. You really are the worst kind of hypocrite.


Nobody really cares if you can't afford to replace your motorhome. What does it matter to anyone? But for God's sake will you please stop trying to convince everyone that it's a choice that hasn't been forced on you.


But as you have said many times, anyone who spends more money than Pelmetman is a lemming and only does it because they need retail therapy. No they don't, they do it because they can afford it and it gives them pleasure.


Stop being such a hypocrite and stop this arrogant nonsense that only your penny pinching empty life is the one to aim for. You are more than boring and I'm not the only one on here who is sick to death of your preaching.




Bingo :-D.................Do you know that's the first time you've replied directly to me, and not in the third person in months ;-)..................I must of really got your gander up (lol)..........


Apparently my brother is keen to take over my failed pelmet empire :-S ..............dunno why *-)..........


It only occasionally earns me £80 per hour, most of the time I have to put up with just £50 per hour :'(......


But at least I've got Horace and my mate Frank B-)...........

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There you go with your assumptions again - Dave the Pelmet could be my relation for all you know!


No one subject where you excel in ignorance - I fear there are many - based on your numerous posts on a variety of subjects.


I would imagine there is an element of unpleasantness in anyone who is pompous - you really can't see it can you.





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Guest pelmetman
Eddy - 2014-04-06 1:34 PM


To get the post back on track surely the point is that all of our leisure vehicles are based on a vehicle primarily designed to last about 5 years, so we are all at the mercy of dwindling part supplies, it follows that as a proportion of vehicles sold to the amount of van conversions something has got to give for those that keep them longer, so perhaps anyone of going too far down the bargain banger route are getting some good info, after all a bargain banger isn't much of a bargain if you cannot get an essential part, and like it or not it can and does happen, and on the habitation side problems can arise as well, for example even in my comparatively youthful 8 year old van, the Truma heater has been discontinued, with some parts becoming scarce...........still I could put a wood burner in I guess.


Which has been my point all the long :->..............those of us with less technically complicated vehicles will be able repair our ancient rust buckets with a hammer............where as those that require an obsolete ECU etc will face major problems :-| .................


Unless someone stockpiles them or a economical way of making them is found? :-S..........

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Oh I don't know 1 foot - I would have a good working knowledge of any vehicle I relied on rather than blind faith.


Rather than todays "disposable" vehicles Land Rovers (my preference for various reasons) were uniquely made so as to be almost indestructible.


Such that since 1948 just over 75% of all Land Rovers made are still on the road.






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Its good of euroserve to warn forum members of the forthcoming shortage of parts in older vans :sadly it doesnt have to be "old"vans on the habitation side last year our auto trail sliding window wouldnt open brownhills couldnt fix it and couldnt source a replacement and autotrail didnt carry that window anymore and said it was down to dealers to sort it :- stalemate ! It never did get sorted and that van was under three years old :shoddy service all way round in my opinion luckily it wasnt something important like a door: i could have tried to find one from somewhere like o'learys at beverley but it does stick in your throat when youve bought a locally made van from a large dealership for a lot of money (55,000) because you thought youd be protected from such a situation lol :)anyhow i'd still like another van but its going to have to be older and more importantly loads cheaper!!! (Can i mention names? Or is the forum like the telly?) pp :-)
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Guest pelmetman
Pampam - 2014-04-06 6:49 PM


(Can i mention names? Or is the forum like the telly?) pp :-)



Dealer names are like magic Pam ;-)....................they make threads disappear 8-)...............

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euroserv - 2014-04-02 1:11 PM


If you have a pre- 2002 Fiat Ducato or Peugeot Boxer that you intend to keep for a while yet, you should make careful note of the following part supply issues............


We have been working on a 1999 Ducato Maxi panel van this week and had to get it through an MOT.


It is very common for these vehicles to have weak hand brakes and the normal course of action once adjustment has been tried is to replace the hand brake cables; normally the single cable that goes across the rear and pulls on both sides. Shoes are often required and sometimes drums too but on this occasion we found that some retaining clips and the cable required were no longer available from Fiat. We also could not find any after-market items but did manage to get them from Peugeot (because I know the model specific similarities between Boxer's and Ducato's) but I have no idea for how long this will be the case.


My advice, especially if you have a PVC is to get some parts now while they are available and keep them for the future.


In our case we needed Fiat cable number 1330058080 which was previously known as 1307963080 and is the same as Peugeot number 4745 G3. The retaining clips are 9948133 and the Peugeot equivalent is 4223 15.


Now, to keep things in perspective, Ford only guarantee to keep parts available for 10 years after production ceases; so Fiat are not exactly doing anything surprising here, but you need to be aware that certain parts do eventually get discontinued and I want to make you aware of any problems that we encounter so that you can be prepared.

Normally; body, trim and mechanical items can be sourced from after market suppliers or found used but items such as brake cables; if not already manufactured by other suppliers, are not going to be and the remaining dealer stock will run out.


The bottom line is that you should keep consumable items and common repair parts in your own stock or face possibly terminal problems as time goes by.


There is no issue with the above parts for 2002 onwards vehicles that have disc brakes at the rear (and drum hand brakes inside the discs) at present. In 4 years or so, this may be a different story.



Thankyou for the warning Nick, I have now managed to source the correct one for our old bus and purchased it just in case. Please do keep telling us about these things, its a big help to those of us who cannot afford newer vehicles.
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Well done. Smart move.


We are 2 pages in and somebody finally get's the point of the thread. It's worth it!


If you don't have an older vehicle I guess the obvious thing to do would be to ignore a thread with a title that is clearly not aimed at you. Fight somewhere else.

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I was being a tad tongue in cheek there Josie - but essentially yes. We have a couple of re-cycling places that take out things like washer motors, test them and then sell them at a fraction of the cost of a new one.


I do genuinely believe it is best to re-cycle rather than scrap.



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