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New-look MMM now on-sale!

Lucie Cranfield

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Hello All,


I am delighted to let you know that the first issue of the new-look MMM is on-sale now!


The new-look has seen the introduction of extra elements designed to make it easier and more enjoyable to read.


Not only is there a clearer, larger font alongside more illustrations, maps and diagrams but there is also all-new exclusive features and articles, including a new series of British adventures by motorhome written by the star of One Man and his Campervan, Martin Dorey.


MMM still contains all the features that have proved popular with regular readers and subscribers over the years, including hundreds of pages of motorhome travel, news, reviews, buying tips and practical advice but these will now be perfectly presented for your enjoyment.


Despite the improvements and extra content, MMM is not increasing in price, which means as well as being the country’s best-selling motorhome magazine it is also the best value at only £3.95. Better still readers can sample the first three issues of the new-look MMM completely free when they subscribe, just click here - http://bit.ly/1mqiG8J


The new-look May issue of MMM is also available digitally for just £2.99 - http://bit.ly/PpxUwK





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It's always a bit odd when something presents itself as "newer and better".


If nothing else, the new MMM is certainly much clearer and easier to read.

Which, I believe, is in response to requests from the buying public that the print was too small.

So, fair do's to head office for listening and acting.


The content seems to be about the same, with just a different style and layout.

But as the saying goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it, just tart it up a bit".


I'm happy with it. :-)

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....not much of a response.


Maybe it's just me then.


For some time the magazine has, to me, been on the slow but steady slippery slope of metmorphosis from a motorhome magazine with some (inevitable) travel content to a largely travel-related magazine with some (still-declining) motorhome content.


It's interesting in retrospect to note that the "spine" text changed from describing the motorhome(s) reviewed to instead describing the travel-related content, sometime towards the start of February 2011.


With the change of font-size, the already small amount of real motorhome-related column-inches now delivers a very limited amount of real motorhome interest, and in the latest edition, rather more than is merited is "advertorial" rather than truly informative original content.


I certainly recognise and empathise with the comments on the perils of change, etc. and the context of running and editing a motorhome (or any other magazine) is also very different from when I first started buying MMM, over 20 years ago. I thus have some sympathy for Daniel and the changes he has brought to bear, but I think there have been some missed opportunities, and it's not for me!.


So, after many years of buying the magazine, (and a few years of considering whether to continue to do so), I'm afraid April's edition will be my last (at least regular) such purchase.


Good luck to the Motorhomers' Magazine, and all who sail in her.

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Robinhood - 2014-04-07 5:09 PM


....not much of a response.


Maybe it's just me then.


For some time the magazine has, to me, been on the slow but steady slippery slope of metmorphosis from a motorhome magazine with some (inevitable) travel content to a largely travel-related magazine with some (still-declining) motorhome content..................

No, it isn't just you Robin! I've been saying for a while that it was becoming the "Homes and Gardens" of the motorhome world, and the above neatly encapsulates what I mean by that.


I also note that articles are more and more the product of travel writers, whereas they used far more to be the product of its readers. More difficult to edit, no doubt, but far more informed, informative, and interesting, even if a bit rough round the edges at times.


I don't remember contributions from "C list" celebs either. What on earth are they supposed to contribute? Most seem to bring nothing to the party other than their desire to flatter their own egos. What I think I am seeing is a magazine that is being "dumbed down", and becoming less of a magazine for motorhomers, by motorhomers, in the process, and more a magazine about motorhomers with some "light touch" reference to the vehicles themselves.


The minor cosmetic changes to its appearance are, IMO, in a similar vein. To claim "new look" seems to me to over-sell what has been achieved. I had expected a wholesale, root and branch, revamp. What we have is a welcome introduction of a better font (which could as easily have been achieved within the previous format), some space consumimg new generation mug shots of contributors that further reduce the amount of text and, IMO a general lack emphasis on motorhomes.


It is as though those editing are looking in from the outside, rather than editing as time served insiders who know the difference between an article of interest to motorhomers, and one of interest to cooks, cyclists, photographers, equestrians, boaters, nature lovers, hill walkers, train spotters etc etc. I think we all know that we have various other interests, for which their are innumerable specialist magazines. The common ground around which we coalesce is the motorhome, and its use, not these other activities.


To me, it is the practical, technical, and functional aspects of the motorhome that I want to read about, to improve my knowledge and understanding of how it is made, what it is made from, how its various components work, and what one can do to sort out problems when they arise. Articles on payloads and loading, advice on choices of tyres and why, on use of sat navs, on new developments in technology, on mobile internet, on winter preparation, even on driving licences; and I want them from people who know their fields in depth, not from people who have merely done a desktop internet crash course on the subject.


To some extent it is inevitable that those who are full time-employed, or even who are freelance writers, will lack the time to exploit these vehicles to the maximum, and so remain largely blind to their true strengths and limitations. But, it was exactly that aspect of MMM as I first encountered it, about 15 years ago, that endeared it to me. So much of what lay between the covers was written by motorhomers of considerable experience, not by a revolving group of professional writers who have a bit of motorhoming interest, and whose writings appear from time to time in almost all related publications. Ah well, rant over! :-)

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I've not read it cover-to-cover yet, but as someone who first bought a copy in the early 90s I agree that it's changed a lot. Whether that's good or bad depends on what you're looking for.

At times when I've been in the market for a van, detailed tests have been important. When I've owned an old banger, DIY articles have been of interest (and there were certainly more of THOSE back in John Hunt's day!). Travel articles DO interest me, if they're about somewhere I might visit, but not otherwise.


So any mag is going to be a mixture - I'm sure any motorhomer can find some items of interest in every issue, but it will be unusual for anyone to read every word, cover-to-cover!


The new font/typeface is certainly clearer. Liz has permanent eyesight issues, and she finds it better, but points out that it's a bit on the "grey" side. Can it be made any "blacker?"

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  • 1 month later...

Just prowling the forum after (very) protracted absence and came across this thread, which has struck a chord, if a slightly delayed one.

I agree with much of what has been said, especially Brian's comments. I've been buying MMM for 10 yrs now. Yes it has changed, as all things must, and although in some ways it has improved I would agree that in some respects there has been a gradual erosion of m/h specific content with many of the travel articles including scant, if any, reference to any use of a motorhome (the new info panels are of some interest but I'm talking main article text here) and being equally suited to publication in mags of general leisure interest. In many cases the authors could have been travelling by rickshaw and sleeping rough. Well, maybe that's a slight exaggeration but hopefully you get my drift.

Seriously, MMM's title alone means that most content should be firmly keyed into the whole motorhoming thing. That doesn't mean uninspiring blow by blow accounts of filling your water tank and neither should it exclude articles on activities likely to be enjoyed by the majority whilst on the road - we all lug cameras about, many m/homers have bikes and birdwatch etc. - but if it strays too far into the mainstream it will lose circulation.

Surprised this thread isn't longer. You pays your money, I suppose!

'Bye for another year or two!



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I agree with nearly all of the above, it is now a travel/lifestyle magazine the sort of thing that fits in well in dentist's waiting rooms,just interesting enough for most without being too technical.

I bought a couple of 70's editions at a car boot sale a much better read,with some travel articles going as far as Austria.

Checking out the opposition mags, they are as bad if not worse.

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The magazine has to be all things to all people.I like the travel/cooking/reviewing new vans side of it.Including some hobbies is fine by me as a lot of people use their van as a base for persuing a hobby.Not very interested in the technical side, sorry.
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Poppy - 2014-05-09 6:44 AM


The magazine has to be all things to all people.I like the travel/cooking/reviewing new vans side of it.Including some hobbies is fine by me as a lot of people use their van as a base for persuing a hobby.Not very interested in the technical side, sorry.


There is no need to apologize, you are part of the targeted group that the magazine is aimed at.

My wife still likes it, but then she buys celeb,cooking and travel magazines also.

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gocro - 2014-05-09 8:29 AM


Poppy - 2014-05-09 6:44 AM


The magazine has to be all things to all people.I like the travel/cooking/reviewing new vans side of it.Including some hobbies is fine by me as a lot of people use their van as a base for persuing a hobby.Not very interested in the technical side, sorry.


There is no need to apologize, you are part of the targeted group that the magazine is aimed at.

My wife still likes it, but then she buys celeb,cooking and travel magazines also.

I buy cook books/mags and horse magazines.Can't stand the celebrity ones.

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