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Insurance Temporary Move


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I need to do some work on our M/H and have taken it out of storage and put it on my drive, so phoned insurance company(C&CC) to tell them of the temporary move and they have charged me £20 for the privilege saying they had to re-issue the documents. Is this normal? I will also assume I have to pay another £20 when it goes back into storage.




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Every time you contact your insurer these days there is a probability you will be charged at least an admin fee if they have to reissue documents, even though they will then ask you if it's OK to email them to you. £10 might not be unreasonable for document re-issue but they seem to be adopting this as a way of expanding income. Between renewals you are of course a captive customer.


Yet I added two friends as named drivers on the MH last time we renewed and it cost no extra! Get your insurance right first time if you can and if you are going to have to change it, tell them about the possibilities up front if you can. I did this recently when renewing my motorcycle insurance because we are planning to move house soon so they put both addresses down and said it was OK storing the bikes at either!

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NFU do not do this.


But they do have some odd rules about size of vehicle etc. But we find them very good overall.


Good idea when getting quotes is to ask what extra charges can apply re house moves, named driver changes etc.


As others have said on here - these charges are one reason why we moved from Adrian Flux.




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Most policies say in the small print that if the M/H is away from the normal storage place it must not be left unattended for more than 36/48hrs, So if you put it somewhere and you are not staying in it you need to inform the insurance company. When I was with SAGA all they did was make a note on the system with no charge but the C&CC seem to just want your money.



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