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Reflective Jackets Compulsory


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It is not YET compulsory throughout Europe and the rules do vary. For example, in Spain, you are supposed to have enough jackets so that there is one for each passenger. But ignore the niceties: I've had a high vis jacket in my car since I first bought a car in 1970. Carry one, at least, whatever country you are in. If you break down on a motorway or fast dual carriageway, you'll be eternally grateful. Make sure you get ones with the reflective strip sewed in so they also work at night.
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[QUOTE]colin - 2006-09-04 8:23 PM Have carried Hi-Vis jackets for several years now, so far they have been used for the walk from campsite and back at Glastonbury Guy Faux along a dark unlit road, so its not just for breakdowns[/QUOTE] good point colin (^) cycling in early winter. be seen be safe (!) saruman
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