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"Raid" removable steering wheel

Tony Norton

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when we bought our 1999 Autotrail Mohican it came with a removable steering wheel.


I have just noticed that on the periphery of the boss that carries the spring loaded pegs, at about 45 degrees from the right hand peg, there is what looks like an old fashioned keyhole. The only purpose I can think of for this, is to facilitate locking the pegs so that they can't be pulled, and the wheel removed, whilst driving.


Am I thinking correctly? If so, does anyone know where I could obtain one of these "keys" or perhaps post a picture of one so I could make a copy.


Thanks in advance for any assistance offered.


Tony N

Wheel boss.pdf

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I have one of these on my Cheyenne and had forgotten about it but I have a feeling it is for locking when the wheel has been removed so that another cannot be fitted. Unfortunately my m/home is in the UK and I am in France but when I return (if I remember!) I will search the stack of keys and try to solve the mystery! I always remove the wheel from the van when it is parked up but I have heard that some thieves manage to drive it with tools of some kind.


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I believe that Patricia is correct about locking the "hub" so that the wheel cannot be replaced without the key.


I'm really not that much of an anorak that I know the contents of every MMM; It just so happens that only two days ago, I read an article by John Hunt in the September '97 edition which covered this particular item and had a diagram. I wouldn't have found the edition again if it had been put away!


The attached picture and small amount of text (and with apologies to Warner's if they are concerned about copyright, but it is 17 years old ;-)), gives some insight.



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Wow that is brilliant Robinhood - thank you. I had completely forgotten about that and , although I do remove the wheel and take it out of the van, I had forgotten about locking the hub. Now, when I get home, I must search for that key. Whereever did my husband put it????


I had to laugh about the title though - snap on? It takes me ages to get it back on again and to make sure that the horn works.

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Archiesgrandad - 2014-04-13 11:59 AM


I'm afraid I can't help with this one, but if it catches the attention of the 'Oracles' , does anyone know where I might buy one for our 1997 Peugeot Boxer?



Try Marcle Leisure for a QD wheel kit


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Tony Norton - 2014-04-13 5:13 PM


Must reiterate Pat's response, "Bloody brilliant" Robin.


Many thanks for that. Now to hunt for an old fashioned, large blank key, and set to with hacksaw and file.




Tony N


Tony I wonder whether Auto-Trail might be able to help you? The lock on one of my lockers broke but in this case I still had the key. They asked for photos of the key which I sent them and they managed to source the exact lock for me so it is worth a try. If I can't find the key, that is what I will do.

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