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Taking a Scooter to Morocco

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Had a lovely conversation with a couple in a Restaurant yesterday, we mentioned that we were going to Morocco next year and as he knew we had a large Scooter on an Easylifter Hydro he advised against taking it but was very vague about the reasons why, can anyone give me their experience of taking a Scooter there, he seemed to think it would get stolen, also he said the cost of the Ferry was high if you were towing anything?. Any help would be appreciated.

*-) 8-)





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Guest Had Enough

We went to Morocco in January this year and on the ferry saw lots of motorhomers towing trailers with all manner of small vehicles from scooters to dune buggies.


Those who like to complain about the UK have clearly never been to Morocco. The ferry crossing must be the most expensive bit of water in the world. List prices for a camper are up to €400 but no one pays that. Google Carlos Algeciras. He's a ticket agent who'll do a motorhome for €200 but I've no doubt you'll pay extra for a trailer. No need to book, just roll up.


If you haven't travelled in the Third World be prepared for a culture shock. Many campsites are appalling, but that's all there is, so if you want to use sites you're stuck with them.


The cities are OK but out in the remote parts you'll find squalor and dirty disgusting villages with rubbish everywhere. There are some nice towns, mainly the ones that have tourist appeal.


We never felt threatened, if anything the police presence was overwhelming with constant road blocks where locals were checked. Tourism is vital and they're terrified of the kind of Islamic extremism which has affected other countries.


We enjoyed the trip and I'd recommend that you go, but for us it's the sort of place that we'd only want to go to once.


I'd recommend going clockwise via Chefchaouen and down via Volubis and over the mountains to the edge of the Sahara. Unless of course you're just going for sun in which case you'll head down the boring western side.


Vicarious books does a good campsite guide (essential) and you'll need the Michelin map and a decent guide book.


Ps Drive very carefully. I have never seen as many mobile police-speed traps.

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The roads can be very bad, the driving standards worse, the worst place I can think of to ride a scooter.


I am a biker and there is no way I would ride over there. OK with a bit of tin around me, and keeping alert at all times, but not on two wheels.



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