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MH Parking approaching and in Paris


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In June this year I will be using my MH to support a charity cycle ride from London to Paris in 24 hrs. The plan is to preposition in France and meet the riders about 25 miles from Dieppe towards Paris (route along D Roads) and then provide refrshment stops 3 or 4 times as they progress towards Paris. There will be 20 of them.


I'm happy with the Dieppe end but I need help providing suitable locations for the stop closer to Paris - and then somewhere to stay in the MH overnight in or close to central Paris.


Is driving into Paris with a 7m MH as crazy as it feels it might be?


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Hi StuartO

Last July I drove our 7.25m motorhome in support for my husband and daughter as they rode London to Paris, they did it over 3 days so we stopped on campsites finishing in paris for the last day of the Tour de France

What I would suggest is to find the approx area you are wanting to meet the riders, then go on to Google earth and follow the road, you will then be able to pin point car parks, pull ins, maybe Aires, supermarket carparks etc etc that would be suitable for refreshment stops. These could then be marked on the riders maps as well as your own and you should all meet up!

We stayed on Camp Indigo in Paris, ok site, good pitches, quite expensive but very close to Paris Centre.

As for driving in Paris, I had no problems at all, in fact we were in Paris again in Sept staying this time at Mason Lafitte International, again no problems, in fact I did a three point turn on a small Paris street, due to a road closure for a table top sale!!!, A local man came out of a cafe and applauded me shouting " Bravo Madame".

Enjoy your support ride, its lovely countryside to be wondering round in a MH.

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