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Motorhome virgin seeks advice.


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We are thinking about buying a used motorhome. With three kids it would have to be five berth. All the five-berthers seem to have only two belts fitted, four if you are lucky. How easy is it to get the appropriate seatbelts fitted? Was originally thinking about getting one of those high-top campervan type vehicles, (easy to navigate around town, etc), but the seatbelt issue makes this seem even more impossible, especially as if they are four berth, you only seem to have two back seats. Also, does anyone store their 22' van in their (suburban) street?
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Dear Slug, I did refuse to buy mine that was one of the conditions that I stated. They fit them straight away did not want to lose the sale. The same with Brownhills They fit them for me as well in the second van When we got the third van we had already taken them out of the second .And so on .we never considered looking at the 5 birth as we don't find the one we have 6 birth big enough now. Kid's alway's want to play and by the time you have the kitchen sink packed you are running out of space When we don't use the over cab it is fantastic for the buggy nappies extra blankets clothes or just a little lye down .Also like to pop up on top just to read away from the kid's and him happy hunting (lol)
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Got a Bessascarr E435 which is a 5 Berth van. It has a Dinette area with two rear facing and two forward facing seats. The forward facing seats have belts fitted and I have seen a few advertised with the rear facing seats fitted with lapbelts. It has an overcab with a huge double bed and is plenty roomy. However I wouldn't like to go on holiday with 5 adults in it! Jimmy
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slug, The problem seems to be that converters make vans 5 berth, berth being the operative word, no one ever mentions 5 passengers. We have a five berth, five berth what dwarfs, would never think of using it with four adults let alone 5. We take the 2 young Grandchildren for the odd weekend, that soon fills up the spare space. Normaly only the 2 of us with just about the right amount of space each. David
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[QUOTE]David Dwight - 2006-09-05 9:14 PM slug, The problem seems to be that converters make vans 5 berth, berth being the operative word, no one ever mentions 5 passengers. We have a five berth, five berth what dwarfs, would never think of using it with four adults let alone 5. We take the 2 young Grandchildren for the odd weekend, that soon fills up the spare space. Normaly only the 2 of us with just about the right amount of space each. David[/QUOTE] SNAP! Well almost. Your ACE is my Bessies (non-identical) twin! Good vans. You're right, we normally just go ourselves, with the odd third guest. Having said that, our van gets hired out from time to time and the last hire was for a family with twin 15 year old boys! They thoroughly enjoyed themselves on their weeks holiday in Scotland. It helped that they were very well organized and the boys liked to read a lot! Jimmy
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Slug, The only problem we have is with the awning. The caravan door being high off the ground means the awning has to be high. the door just fouls the rafters. If we had had the awning fitted further to the back it would not have been a problem, but the awning would then have fould the lounge window if we use a side panel. David
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Jimmy , Don't get me started about Bessie. I Loves her But.........................Boy she has never been right since we got her in Jan . Still not sure who to be angry with after reading Brian & everybody else's messages . The dealer or the supplier ? still love her though tried a Hobby nice it was big 6 berth thing .Not for us loved the garage but couldn't get on with the tight fit in between the jump from bed bit . To narrow with the toilet and shower . Also had forward facing seat's the seat's made up into the 6th berth (for midget's) No would not swop Bessie for love nor money. :-)
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Yes we have theE 765 the second one we have had I love it. I like the fixed bed at the back & also the 6berth size of it . We have 2 disabled children with sever learning dificulties . This suits us down to the ground. Did change it in Nov last year for a Hobby again here comes the dislexic bit sorry but can not for the life of me retain the number . A big hobby 6 berth with a large garage at the back . We thought that we would try this as the little one is a head banger and wears a crash helmet .Anyway she smacks the windows out ..so we thought the Hobby would suit our needs with it's forward facing seat's. but it did not . We found that it drove nice but the cupboards where to small you could not get the rubbish in we have to have for the girls (mind you the garage was good for the wheelchair) We found also that we had lost the openess of the lounge . We put alot of rubbish up top on the overbed cab so when we came to actually put them to bed on the chairs made up ,it was more like a 5 berth no good. SOoooooooo took it back in jan and changed back to the Bessie We are not sorry except for what is wrong with it a few snags you could say. *-)
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Jim , after thought I don't have many Just put a thread up SO WHO DRIVES WHAT they will soon tell you. I know people can see this and would not like to make their heads to big but, there are some really clever people on here it is amazing to read . I find it better than reading the magazine ..........As the only thing I buy it for is the readers letters . At least on here you can ask a question get help usually instantly .Have a laugh with others .. It keeps me sane in the day as I dont go far because of the kids so nice to see what the others are asking about and nice to try and type things good practice practise ? There is always some one who will help you and a very friendly bunch ....Quite alot on hols at the mo or going soon . I would advise you to stay and learn I don't mean that as an insult you are probably very astute with the camping just watch some of the threads fantastic you will see. It will amaze you how clever they are . Also if people think you are wrong they will tell you .in a nice way of course .USually I say tounge in cheek. Just enjoy Have fun be happy. ;-)
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I would love to have one of the Bessie 700 series vans. I think that they, the Kon Tiki's and the Auto Trail range, are the best looking bigger vans on the road. I'm quite jealous. Only got my van in April, but am learning very fast. It gets hired out from time to time and that tends to increase the incline on the learning curve pretty dramatically! Apologies for hi-jacking this thread and turning it into a Swift Group appreciation thread! Jimmy
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