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Hi All

We're having a discussion with a couple of our friends. We are not referring to the alteration and modernisation of the tick treatment and refer purely to the rabies. When we first took our dog to mainland europe, we had toensure that the dog had passed its rabies injection at least 6 months before returning to the UK - has this altered? Our local vet is not advising our friends on this matter and as they are onlygoing on a short holiday, the vet is saying 'just pop in before you go' which means, to me, they won't be able to bring the animal back? Advice please, are we right?


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It used to be 6months because a blood test was needed to make sure the rabies injection had taken, now the test isnt done and 21 days is mentioned on that guide, but as I understood it you cant return untill the 21 days has lapsed! but you still need the worming carried out between 24hrs and 5 days before you can enter U.K
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