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Where have all the flowers gone


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Were off on 17th for nearly three weeks to Sth Wales, thats providing the central heating gets done, next week. Daughters wedding this Saturday hopefully everything is ready, receptions sorted, accomodation sorted, suits and dresses sorted must remember to take the Brides dress with us, speech done must remember to tell the Groom to turn up!!!!!!!!!!! David
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Guest starspirit
Off to France for three weeks tomorrow. I sure will miss you Michele. A bit like the euphoric feeling after you've had an aching tooth out I guess! PS Sorry Michele!
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Walter, I will miss you also you cheeky sod, How long will I get peace for three weeks! ... Poor Dot three week's with you and the dog. If I was her I would go it alone. Who would want a catancerous ? old sod like Walter Matthau with them. Seriously have a lovely time take it easy and be careful out there. don't forget your WD40 in the door pocket ;-) Just incase
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[QUOTE]michele - 2006-09-06 9:41 PM Anywhere nice ? Nosey me ;-)[/QUOTE] hopefully yes. North Devon for the first weekend then we aim to bimble our way up North over the week till we get to York in time for the show there the next weekend. We're now planning to go to Longleat on the Monday after our Devon weekend. know what you mean though, it is a bit quiet round here, where's that old curmudgeon Clive got to? D.
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[QUOTE]michele - 2006-09-07 11:33 PM Colin, God you should come and show my old man how to do it. ;-)[/QUOTE] I'll get val to show you how to mix cement, then you just keep mixing it till he colapses from exhaustion each night :-( Also you will have to go to builders merchants, flutter your eyelashes to get best price, and get them to keep sending materials, as it all piles up in yard carry it across to hubby and tell him to fix it in place (lol)
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