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fridge freezer


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i have an american rv fitted with a norcold 2 way fridge freezer unfortunately it has stopped working and i am told that due to the gas used ie ammonia it cannot be recharged. checking on ebay for a direct replacement i was suprised to see they price at a grand plus! i was wondering therefore what are the pros and cons in fitting a 240 only domestic fridge freezer instead as i can get them for around £300 or should i be patient in the hopes that a decent seconhand norcold or similar one may appear?or should i consider downsizing to a european sized one? any advice would be much appricated
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It is not practicable to re-gas an absorption fridge due to the nature of the ammonia coolant.Are you sure that it needs re gassing, we had an absorbent fridge at work,when it developed a leak the reek of ammonia was overpowering.I think you should persevere with the inversion therapy for a few ours before chucking it.
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