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Newbie with a Superbrig


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Hi there,


Newbie here and very excited as I'm picking up my first ever motorhome on Monday - a 2002 Mercedes 316 Rimor Superbrig 728. A reasonable size truck given there's only three of us; myself, wife and 16month old daughter but wanted to have enough space for us to spread out and bunk beds for daughters to be in un disturbed when we're eating / drinking / chatting in the evening.


Van I've found has been really well loved and cherished by its current owners and been around Europe and the UK throughout all weathers. I'm particularly keen on it since it's used every fortnight and has been on lots off long trips - I'm happier with its 55k miles over 12yrs than similar aged vans which have done half that!


So, looking forward to lots of adventures - first trip is local, perhaps up to Thetford (we live in Essex) and then NW Scotland and the Lakes in June. Hopefully be taking a 3month sabbatical from work before my daughter starts school so that we can tour Europe. Can't wait!


So forgive me for any ridiculous questions but could be on here frequently!




Spuff! :-D

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55k miles over 12yrs


Wish you well in your adventures, but please bear in mind that although lots of good advice appears here, there are also some right grumpy old gits too, hissy fits are frequent.

Lots of common problems can be solved once you figure out the labyrinthine search function.

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Thanks for the heads up. I'm a reasonably frequent forum user (BMW man when not in the motorhome) so try and scour for frequently asked questions before posting.


Yep, 55k is still on the low side but I think that was down to the original owner rather than the latest fella - he's covered a good bit of mileage in the last 7yrs. Pleased that it's been used all year round rather than having been laid up for 6 months of the year, which seems all too common from what I've seen. Certainly no intention of doing that myself - we've bought it to use it! :)

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Hi and welcome to the madhouse Spuffington. This is the place to come to with all those silly questions that we all had at the start.

You have alrready been warned about the grumpy old gits just the same as the ones on the BMW forum; nothing to do all day but fill up forums with with their bigoted concepts about what is right and what is not. The rest of us are quite normal, most of the time anyway.

Enjoy your van when you pick it up on monday and I hope that you have a long and happy life motorhoming.






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Hi Spuff, welcome to the mad house!


As a previous owner of a Rimor Sailer 645TC (Ford) I can attest to how well put together they are, howver one thing that you really NEED to check is the weight and payload.


Our Sailer was rated at 3500kg but we found afterwards that we were sailing (no pun intended!) very close to it, and sometimes over it, so in the end sold it for a shorter MH with a much bigger payload as we didn't want to uprate to 3850kg.


Please DO check this out before you actually pay in full for it - the only way to do it properly is to take it to a weighbridge as this will account for any extras that may be fitted, you can't simply take the seller's word for it. If it is overweight, or has very little payload left, it can be sorted at a cost but if your licence doesn't cover you to drive anything over 3500kg you could be in a bit of a pickle! 8-)

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Guest JudgeMental

Welcome! now for the nitty gritty...Have you weighed it to know if its practical, do you know the available payload, is it plated at 3500 Kg and just in case does your license allow you to drive a vehicle over 3500kg if you need to upgrade it.


Damp. the perennial problem with older vans..have you had it professionally checked and is it free of rot.


edit: crossed with Mels post :-D

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Thanks Mel.


It's rated at 3.5t and payload has been a question I've asked. Current owner says he hasn't had any problems but neither has he had it weighed and I believe he's just gone with gut feel.


I will get it uprated if I need to. Not so worried about LEZ issues and thankfully my license is a 1996 one so I'm covered from that angle. B-)


Appreciate the heads up though, first thing I'll be doing is heading to the weighbridge before I go anywhere!

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Spuffington - 2014-05-02 4:49 PM


Thanks Mel.


It's rated at 3.5t and payload has been a question I've asked. Current owner says he hasn't had any problems but neither has he had it weighed and I believe he's just gone with gut feel.


I will get it uprated if I need to. Not so worried about LEZ issues and thankfully my license is a 1996 one so I'm covered from that angle. B-)


Appreciate the heads up though, first thing I'll be doing is heading to the weighbridge before I go anywhere!

I'll put money on it being overweight already - if our low profile was sailing close to the 3.5t limit, your Superbrig with the overcab will definitely weight more!


I would still insist on it being weighed BEFORE you buy it just in case even with an uprate to either 3850kg or 4000kg (depending on chassis) IMV it still won't leave you with enough payload for your needs. When I had a quick google yesterday I found some info which might be of interest to you:



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