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Welsh Tourism, its own worst enemy.


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I recently heard a report that tourism bosses in Wales were complaining that not fewer visitors were coming to the Welsh seaside resorts......... Maybe this could be why. This weekend, the weather looking good, me and the wife decided to go off for the weekend in the m/h, nothing special, just a couple of days on a site with some evening entertainment. Living, as we do , in the valleys, we phoned Kiln Park in Tenby, a nice 2 hour drive away, we've been before so knew it met the requirements for the weekend. The telephone conversation went like this............ "Good morning,I'd like to book a pitch please,with electric hook up, for a motorhome, 2 people, no extras, for 2 nights." "very well sir, that will be.........................................£77.00" "I'm sorry , I meant 2 people, not 2 motorhomes" "yes sir, 2 nights, £77.00 " " er ok, I'll call back" I then checked their on line prices, came up a bit cheaper at ...................£66.00 So decided to try Home Farm at Burnham- on-sea, nice big site, good club,nightly entertainment,pool, about an hour or so drive, etc etc. went something like this................................ " Good morning, I'd like to book a pitch with electric hook up for a motorhome,2 people, 2 nights,no extras" "one moment sir, would you like a hard standing pitch or grass ?" "how much extra for the hard standing ?" "It would be £26.00 sir" "£26 extra just for hardstanding " "(laughing) No sir, the total cost for the 2 nights on a hard standing pitch with electric is £26 " Guess which one we booked ? 8-)
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The tourist bosses also need to reflect on the idiot cheif constable of north Wales with is policy of erecting as many speed cameras as possible, if thats not a tourist killer then I dont know what is, its o.k. for them to be in and around towns, but north Wales as gone over the top erecting them in areas that just do not need them, purely to raise revenue, the chief constables views on motorists in general are well known. chas
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Returning from Ireland after 2 weeks there in August I 'phoned ahead to book a site in North Wales for the week before and including the Bank Holiday weekend. It took about 8 'phone calls, and even then we had to use one site up to the Friday and then move to another, 'cos all the others were full, including a couple we'd stayed in only 4 years ago without pre-booking, for the same part of August. It is clear that camp sites are now much fuller and can up their charges accordingly. Plus, do you know what's happened to key camp site costs? Wages, energy (grass cutting even!), local business rates, etc., have all gone up far faster than the average inflation rate. Hence . . .
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Euroanchor, I couldnt agree with you more but it is not only in Wales that the prices are extortianate its all over tyhe UK. I have been motorhoming or caravaning for 40 years and the last few years it has gone crazy, talk to anybody on the contient and we are known as rip off Britain. My daughter recently tried to book a well known site in Cornwall for her caravan, husband and 3 kids the price £400 per week that works put at a massive £57.14p per day, no she didnt want to buy the freehold just rent a pitch for a week, on top of that you had to pay each time you went into the indoor pool. The caravan club is now so overpriced young families cant afford to use them. Its no wonder they fly abroad. I have personally given up using sites in the UK, its much cheaper for me to book a ferry and go across to France or Germany for a few weeks, for example i am off on the 20th Sept for 9 weeks the ferry has cost me £46 return, diesel will cost me much the same to Dover and back as it would to Cornwall and once over there its at least 25% cheaper for fuel and as for site costs well the aires are great and only ever cost a couple of euros a night and very often free. If you want a site then on avaerage they are a fraction of what they are in RIP OFF BRITAIN
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Chas this is the same Chief Constable who has started a points scoring system for his PCs "to track performance" points are awrded for different tasks completed. Except for the one which will give more long term benefit a quiet word in your ear sir/madam to be a plod here you have to ensure you get your target of points each and every month. Shame for the citizens if your local offficer has been off for three weeks. It would appear that he wants this little bit of the country all to himself
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Clive, Ireland is, indiputedly, one of the most scenically beautiful countries anywhere, especially around the coast. Most camp sites are around €18 to €25 a night. But, except in the south-west, they are few and far between and getting fewer as more and more close down to tourers and become statics only sites. Obviously the weather is 'Irish' - it's not called the emerald isle for nothing. But what's the point of having a motorhome unless you use it to visit different places and cultures? Might as well buy a holiday home in the south of France, Clive!
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We weren't far away at the weekend - we saw signs of Burnham on Sea when we stayed at Shepton Mallet! So what are we going to do about this camp pricing lark then? It's just as easy and cheaper to stayin a good Hotel at present! Or do a week's self catering in a cottage ...........
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[QUOTE]Lizzy - 2006-09-11 11:03 AM We weren't far away at the weekend - we saw signs of Burnham on Sea when we stayed at Shepton Mallet! So what are we going to do about this camp pricing lark then? It's just as easy and cheaper to stayin a good Hotel at present! Or do a week's self catering in a cottage ...........[/QUOTE]Nothing much i,m afraid Lizzy as it all boils down to market forces. With the current boom in camping, site owners will adopt the take it or leave it attitude. Nothing changes. Howard
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[QUOTE]Rondon - 2006-09-08 4:08 PM Euroanchor, I couldnt agree with you more but it is not only in Wales that the prices are extortianate its all over tyhe UK. I have been motorhoming or caravaning for 40 years and the last few years it has gone crazy, talk to anybody on the contient and we are known as rip off Britain. My daughter recently tried to book a well known site in Cornwall for her caravan, husband and 3 kids the price £400 per week that works put at a massive £57.14p per day, no she didnt want to buy the freehold just rent a pitch for a week, on top of that you had to pay each time you went into the indoor pool. The caravan club is now so overpriced young families cant afford to use them. Its no wonder they fly abroad. I have personally given up using sites in the UK, its much cheaper for me to book a ferry and go across to France or Germany for a few weeks, for example i am off on the 20th Sept for 9 weeks the ferry has cost me £46 return, diesel will cost me much the same to Dover and back as it would to Cornwall and once over there its at least 25% cheaper for fuel and as for site costs well the aires are great and only ever cost a couple of euros a night and very often free. If you want a site then on avaerage they are a fraction of what they are in RIP OFF BRITAIN[/QUOTE]

Hi Rondon.

We are thinking of joining the caravan club, do you think it's a good idea and is it worth it reading what you say?

have a great holiday.


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If you';re not goping to use their sites, probably not. The discounts they get on ferries are good, but you can do nearly as well elsewhere. It's a question of whether you expect to get value from the annual sub, which is now around the £35 mark. Incidentally, I must finally admit to being a pedant - your tag line has GOT TO ME. It should read: There are more 'planes in the sea than submarines in the sky. rather than: There are more plane's in the sea than submarine's in the sky. So there!
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Hi Rondon. We are thinking of joining the caravan club, do you think it's a good idea and is it worth it reading what you say? have a great holiday. Wayne/Maggie Hello Wayne and Maggie, I am a member of the CC but the only reason for that is that I use Cls a lot which cost arouund £5 on avaerage also the Red Pennant insurance is good if you go abroad but i consider thier sites expensive these days. As for your remark of whether or not its worth reading what i write i honestly dont know how to take that, if you think its a load of rubbish then just say so as it is after all just my own opinion.
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Hello Rondon. I,ve spoken to Wayne on a few occasions, and while i,m not sure quite what he means i,m convinced that no offence was intended. He is just not that type of person. Perhaps on this occasion you could give him the benefit of the doubt. Howard.
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