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Insurance 'charges'


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Is it just me or are any of you good people out there in the real world just as fed up as I am with the rip off charges that insures make for a simple change to a policy?


On the basis that almost everyone either moves home or changes their vehicle from time to time these should be expected events during the life of every policy and no charge should be made for the first change, although I can see the merit of charging for a second change event during the course of a yearly premium as those are generally in the minority.


To this end if insurers simply added £1 to every new or renewal premium to cover these alleged 'costs' on the basis that less than one in 15 change either their car or home each year not only would they probably be well in pocket but no policyholders would be hacked off by disproportionate and spurious charges.


As a result they would very likely suffer no loss in business as a result - in fact they would probably gain more loyalty - as indeed have our two car and our home insurers who have a more enlightened attitude to customer care and do not make spurious charges for routine changes.


Then again maybe many of the insurers already do just that and perhaps do not charge for a change of vehicle or address and it's just the intermediaries that are profiteering in this way?


As it stands there is every probability that come next renewal Comfort will lose my business.


Or are you all happy to pay up without protest when they demand?




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Tracker I find that every year we change Insurer for the simple reason being loyal DOES NOT pay! I always make sure that they only take the one payment by stateing that when I renew :-S I found out the hard way by having an augument with Tesco when they renewed automatically as they had the card details, I wouldnt have known if they hadnt rang me thanking me for renewing!! I told them I had not and renewed elsewhere.


For the van I seem to seesaw between Caravan Guard and Safeguard but its worth doing. :-D

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We moved home last December and Lloyds TSB charged me £25 admin fee for change of address and the policy had only 4 weeks to run before renewal , they never got my renewal . At the same time I advised Saga of our Home / Contents policy change of address and the reply letter stated that as I also had my motorhome insured with them they had automatically changed the address on that policy , total admin fee " Nothing " .
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I followed my telephone complaint with an email to Comfort in which I said what I first posted on the subject and this is their response.


"I would also like to take this opportunity to assure you we at Comfort Insurance value every customer and do our utmost to ensure they receive a professional service they are happy with.


We are sorry in this instance our charges have left you less than happy with your experience at comfort. We always take customer feedback and suggestions seriously when considering the future of the business."


To which my response was -


'Of course you do'.


'The lights are on but nobody is listening'.

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Hi All

Just renewed our MH insurannce "on line" realised once completed that I had put in the wrong start date - still in the future- rang and yes "that will be £25 sir"

Yes my error but docs not yet issued and by email but all changes £25

Take care


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We use, and have done for many years, Safeguard for the MH Insurance. Each year now they add a £25 'administration fee'. IN the past I have argued that if they want loyal policy holders they shouldn't be charging anything 'extra', to which they reply they don't make anything on the renewal commission otherwise. I guess it's perhaps a matter of 'transparency' whereas a few years ago it would have been included and not shown as an extra.

I have on occasions got quotes form the other main MH insurers, but they are much of a muchness pricewise and I think I have opted for the 'easy' route, rather than argue over a few £.

Interestingly enough, the renewal policy just paid was almost identical with that 12 months ago!

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Agree, most companies/brokers seem to show an admin charge these days.

I have just renewed my car insurance - and changed company, back to someone I used a few years ago and they have been on the phone every year since at renewal time. The price is lower, by about £25 and that is purely because they are showing zero admin charge! Bet that wont be the case next year when I get on the prices merry-go-round again.

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