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Gary Barlow


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Poor Gary seems to have come a cropper with a tax avoidance scam he's been caught using

I'm no musical fan of his but if I were him I would want to keep every penny I made too instead of giving it away to all the good causes here and abroad

I have an uncle who admits to enjoying paying tax but other than that we all avoid it were we can don't we ?

Pay the builder / gardener cash and the garage bill to avoid paying the VAT , same thing but just a little less money than Gary has been saving

As for the woman politician squealing for his OBE to be taken back ...... Well if he received it for music then I agree take it back but for his tax scam ?

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Guest Peter James

Tax evasion may be all very well depending which side of the fence you are on. Who wouldn't want to avoid paying tax when you see how they waste it. But if you are an employed working man you don't have any way to avoid paying tax because its taken out of your wages before you get it. And you will be paying more than your share because others are paying less.....

But I do think he should keep his OBE as he represents the honours system perfectly. Along with Sir Jimmy Savile OBE KCSG, James Stuart Hall OBE, Patrick Mercer MP OBE, Lord Archer, Sir Mark Thatcher, Sir Roy Meadow, Sir Cyril Smith MBE, Sirloin (cows arse) etc..

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Guest pelmetman

He's only following the example set by our glorious leaders ;-)..................


Has it not been evident since the Tories took charge............DC knows how to look after his rich mates :-|................


The best way to avoid tax........... is not to earn more than you need :D.............


The current 20k ish per couple is plenty is plenty for us B-).................

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Obviously Peter as you say an employed fella can't swing it the same as a self employed bloke but he can feel pretty pi..ed about having to pay for everyone who wants to freeload and his contributions to endless overseas aid etc ...... I certainly would
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antony1969 - 2014-05-12 9:11 AM


Obviously Peter as you say an employed fella can't swing it the same as a self employed bloke but he can feel pretty pi..ed about having to pay for everyone who wants to freeload and his contributions to endless overseas aid etc ...... I certainly would




I should think that most tax collected goes to pay for old age pensions and the NHS.


For everyone who dodges paying it just means the rest of us pay more.




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This was clearly an avoidance scheme - but quite how a singer would know this if he was relying on advice of others is debatable.


Their are lots of legal tax avoidance schemes we can all use


Venture capital trusts (VCT's)




Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS's)




Both of these give valuable tax reliefs for investors for taking the risk of investing in new and untried ventures/enterprises (hence the names!)


I have no knowledge of the scheme Barlow used - but on the face of it it seems to be one specific to developing/helping new talent - something that i would suggest would be close to his heart and so attractive to him.


However - I doubt for one moment he designed the scheme - he most probably was advised to invest in it.


Therefore I suggest it is more likely to be his advisers at fault - rather than the rich (but gullible?) individuals.


Let's give him the benefit of the doubt.


As for MP's criticising others regarding "fiddles" ....................................... :-S






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malc d - 2014-05-12 10:00 AM


antony1969 - 2014-05-12 9:11 AM


Obviously Peter as you say an employed fella can't swing it the same as a self employed bloke but he can feel pretty pi..ed about having to pay for everyone who wants to freeload and his contributions to endless overseas aid etc ...... I certainly would




I should think that most tax collected goes to pay for old age pensions and the NHS.


For everyone who dodges paying it just means the rest of us pay more.





I dont know the breakdowns Malc , maybe you know more than me ?

I know whenever I pay for anything that I like to think I am getting value for money , when I pay my tax in whatever shape that comes in I feel like I have been well and truly diddled and I cant say I appreciate the feeling

You may feel resentment to those who manage to not pay ' full ' tax , which you are entitled to do so

I feel resentment to those who come here who have never and may never pay a penny into our system but will bleed our schools/NHS etc dry .....are either of us wrong ?

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Guest pelmetman

When you see the likes of Eccelstone, Starbucks etc etc, invite the HMRC for a cosy little chat on how much tax they would like to pay *-)................Then I have to say what ever the average self employed oike gets away with bothers me nowt :-|..................especially as someone who's had the taxman try to screw them for another 13k, even though at the time I was paying a thousand pound a month in income tax *-)..............


They didn't get it >:-)....................but they did help me decide to semi retire B-).............





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And that is the issue Dave.


The average person sees the tax we pay in total and says this is unfair.


We have still not yet reached "Tax Freedom Day" this year - last year it was May 30.


Or in other words - the average person whilst working 12 months of the year actually only keeps seven months of their earnings as the Government takes the other five months earnings straight out of your pocket as taxation in all its various guises.


What would be simpler is a level rate of tax to simplify things - instead we have hugely complicated taxes and tax breaks.


Some of these tax breaks are legal until HMRC decides otherwise and then the law becomes retrospective.


It is a bloody awful and very expensive mess governed by an HMRC who most of the time seems to be staffed by individuals who have not one jot of actual knowledge as to the rules!



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Barlow 'probably' had no idea this scheme was 'dubious' or illegal and as has been said relied on his advisers. 


Labour MP Stephen Pound criticised Barlow yesterday, saying: 'It's less Take That and more like Take That And All The Rest

Simon Hughes, the Lib Dem deputy leader, said he was 'on the warpath' over people who did not pay full tax.

He said: 'Honours are meant to be for people who serve Britain and are good citizens in doing so. If you don't pay your taxes you're not a fully decent citizen.

'In the future, the honours committee – because these things are all scrutinised – should make sure that people are clean as far as their tax affairs are concerned as well as having done good public service for Britain and its exports.'

Mr Hughes added: 'I think we'll hear a lot more of this in the weeks ahead. I'm certainly one of those on the warpath and I'm not going to be diverted. It is completely unacceptable. 'We've had billions of pounds unpaid every year by people like the comedians and the singers we're talking about – that's got to end.'

The foregoing is a bit 'rich' coming from members of a certain 'House' that has it's members still ripping off Joe Public with their dubious expenses claims.

As for handing back honours..........maybe when, to name but one thieving Upper Chamber occupant, Udin repays the £180,00 she claimed in 'bad faith' (and still claims £300 per day attendance allowance) then there might be some justification in the 'holier than thou' outrage being shown by some 'Honorable'(haha) members.

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Guest pelmetman
RogerC - 2014-05-12 2:09 PMAs for handing back honours..........maybe when, to name but one thieving Upper Chamber occupant, Udin repays the £180,00 she claimed in 'bad faith' (and still claims £300 per day attendance allowance) then there might be some justification in the 'holier than thou' outrage being shown by some 'Honorable'(haha) members.

£300 a day is just chicken feed for our lords and masters *-)........... Disgraced peer justifies 'clocking in' to Parliament for £300-a-day attendance allowance - because he needed money to look after pet dog Theodore and CHICKENSLord Hanningfield claimed daily allowance 11 times without doing any workNeeded cash to pay 'Bruce' to care for Bernese mountain dog and hensBut sleaze chief says he should be suspended until the next electionArchaic rules mean he cannot be kicked out of Lords permanentlyIn 2011 he served nine weeks in prison for fiddling £28,000 in expensesHanningfield insists he was 'unaware' that he was doing anything wrongClaims he has only been reprimanded on a 'technicality' Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2626094/Disgraced-Tory-peer-suspended-Parliament-clocking-30-minutes-claim-300-day.html#ixzz31WHIHvtq Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
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All the same Dave , one way or t'other they are out for number one , probably like the rest of us

The only one in recent times I could believe but not agree with was Tony Benn and he was so far removed politically from me

Tax , it's like the N word to me , I daren't even say it out loud

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Peter James - 2014-05-12 10:36 PM


malc d - 2014-05-12 10:00 AM


I should think that most tax collected goes to pay for old age pensions and the NHS.




Ah well as long as its going to the NHS it must be well spent *-)

link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/nhs/10826167/NHS-chiefs-expenses-astounding-spending-exposed.html


Sadly this report in the Telegraph does not surprise me one bit. Having dealt with the old PCT's before their most welcome and overdue demise - this sort of attitude and culture was (and I suspect from what is reported here) is still endemic within the NHS.


Well done the Telegraph for once again exposing the abuse of position and expense claims by public officials.


This pretty much sums it up:-


"Roger Goss, from charity Patient Concern, said: “It’s ludicrous for the organisers of the NHS to live a lavish lifestyle while trying to persuade the rest of the health service to save billions on providing care to patients. It really is an outrage that these sorts of sums have been diverted from the taxpayer, when they were intended for patient care.” "



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Guest Peter James
CliveH - 2014-05-13 5:47 AM


Well done the Telegraph for once again exposing the abuse of position and expense claims by public officials.



Yes. Yet again, Parliament, the BBC, and the other 'public servants' who are paid handsomely to oversee this have totally failed us, and we have to rely on a private sector newspaper to expose the corruption - whilst being threatened with censorship by the Government!!

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2014-05-13 7:31 AM


I'm not arguing that our taxes are well spent, I'm well aware of the 'public sector' gravy train.


I just don't think that the way to fix it is to stop paying taxes.





I dunno Malc...............maybe a bit of tax payer direct action might focus minds.............like a mass cancellation of national insurance and TV licence direct debits.............and for the self employed to fold their cheques nice and small.................guaranteed to annoy the HMRC >:-)..............



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(In answer to Malc - posted same time as dave's post)


Agreed - but surely we have to ask what happens to our tax £'s are are they being spent wisely considering the average tax payer works circa 42% of the year for "the taxman" and only 58% of the year for themselves and their families?


The profligate overspending within certain areas of the Public Sector - and my personal and professional experience was seeing regular abuse of the Public purse by PCT's and watching these muppets have the power to dictate what GP's could and could not prescribe - is now coming out into the open.


Whilst Gary Barlow should pay the correct tax for his earnings - after all he has been quite vocal on the issue of "Copyright" and "Piracy" - the same standards should apply to our Public Sector.


Gary Barlow has amassed his wealth due to a talent that many recognise and buy his "product"


The people identified in this latest NHS expenses scandal are simply taking our tax £'s because they thought they had a right to do so.


It is about time all these snouts in the trough were also asked to pay back what they owe.






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Hi All,

I am certainly not a fan of Gary Barlows but apparently the Scheme he and his friends used to avoid tax was licensed. I would like to know how these schemes are able to be registered in the first place. If people with masses of money are allowed these loopholes they WILL use them. Cameron repeatedly just shows how the Tories will always treat the rich a lot different than the poor. God forbid if any person on the recent " Benefits Street" programme would have been found breaking any rules,I suggest Cameron would have pillaried them, not stood by them.

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Guest Peter James
pelmetman - 2014-05-13 8:07 AM


I dunno Malc...............maybe a bit of tax payer direct action might focus minds.............like a mass cancellation of national insurance and TV licence direct debits.............and for the self employed to fold their cheques nice and small.................guaranteed to annoy the HMRC >:-)..............



Oh I dunno. If they want any more money they just print it - inflation is the stealthiest stealth tax of all >:-)

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derek pringle - 2014-05-13 9:31 AM


Hi All,

I am certainly not a fan of Gary Barlows but apparently the Scheme he and his friends used to avoid tax was licensed. I would like to know how these schemes are able to be registered in the first place. If people with masses of money are allowed these loopholes they WILL use them. Cameron repeatedly just shows how the Tories will always treat the rich a lot different than the poor. God forbid if any person on the recent " Benefits Street" programme would have been found breaking any rules,I suggest Cameron would have pillaried them, not stood by them.


One big difference for me between Benefits Street types and Gary is that Gary and his fellow band members will probably since they became famous have payed hundreds of thousands / millions in taxes down the years unlike the other lot who combined have probably payed very little .....so who's doing more for the nations wealth ?

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pelmetman - 2014-05-13 8:07 AM


malc d - 2014-05-13 7:31 AM


I'm not arguing that our taxes are well spent, I'm well aware of the 'public sector' gravy train.


I just don't think that the way to fix it is to stop paying taxes.





I dunno Malc...............maybe a bit of tax payer direct action might focus minds.............like a mass cancellation of national insurance and TV licence direct debits.............and for the self employed to fold their cheques nice and small.................guaranteed to annoy the HMRC >:-)..............






Unfortunately Dave someone from the government saw your post.


They now have a contngency plan.


As soon as we all stop paying our income tax and national insurance,

VAT will be increased to 250%.

( .... and petrol / diesel will be £20 a litre. )




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