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Why are campsites like supermarkets?


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Because they only cater for families! Have you noticed how many of the private camp site give prices based upon two adults and two children with Electric hook ups! Now that seems like good value at £20 or so; but not so good if you're a single traveller! So most of us single travellers will have to stick to Caravan Club or Camping and Caravan Club sites where the cost of stay is based upon numbers staying! Even better; if your over 55 and a member of Camping and Caravan Club you can benefit by age concession rates outside peak season!
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Can't honestly say I've noticed that but then I'm not a single traveller and we rarely use campsites. When we do we have never had a problem with the charges except for one occasion when the fee for one night was nothing short of exortionate at over £40, we didn't bother and found another site a couple of miles away for £17.



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No pricing structure will ever satisfy everyone...


Col49..If you camped as a "two adults and two children" group, then you of would cause welcome the "all-in" approach...and as such,would probably object to a "price per person" pricing structure....


They could charge me for how many knives and forks I had in the draw for all I cared, as long as the overall price didn't breach what I thought was acceptable for the 'site/pitch....(lol)


Sorry but it does seem ever so slightly...*cough*..self centric to be to complaining about sites because .."they only cater for families!"...and yet you welcome those with over 55 discounts (.. presumably because they suit you?...)

Does it not occur to you that those under 55 may think that those discounts are just as unfair?...

It seems as if you want thing both ways.... :-S


As I said, no charging structure will satisfy everyone...you just need to use the 'sites that have the pricing that suits you and just accept that differing pricing structures exist because they suit others.... :-D

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Because that is the most common size of groups they deal with; it means they can handle the adminsistration of the site easier. You could always ask if they do a single user price they possibly do but dont advertise it.
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Billggski - probably scepticism based on the experience of posters in the past and the lack of any detail in the public profile of the OP.


At least the OP is not trying to sell us kitchens or dental work [two examples of advertisements dressed up as posts].

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Col49 - 2014-05-12 8:25 PM


........................ if your over 55 and a member of Camping and Caravan Club you can benefit by age concession rates outside peak season!



Not any more. No more concessions for the youngsters.


You have to be over 60 now.




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malc d - 2014-05-13 3:13 PM



Not any more. No more concessions for the youngsters.


You have to be over 60 now.





....well, not quite!


So it's probably an appropriate time to flag up "your last chance" for interested parties:


From the C&CC website:


However, all members aged 55 to 60 can still claim Age Concession by providing proof of age (such as a driving licence, passport or birth certificate) and having their membership cards stamped at a Club Site before 21 July 2014.


All current Age Concession holders (as at 21/7/14 - my added words) will keep their status regardless of age.


If you haven't already been "certified", and you qualify by being a C&CC member and over 55 but below 60, don't miss it.





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I think there's some mileage in asking the question on commercial sites.


Example, we booked onto a site a few years ago and was explaining to the owner we wouldn't be using their shower/toilet facilities.


No problem, thanks for telling me and promptly reduced the price by 15%.


And that was without asking 8-)



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Martyn, an interesting point. Caravan Club are offering pitches for £12 on their sites without toilet block. If you stayed at the toilet block less site at Killin, it's £12. If you stay at the full site at Killin, it's £19.80 for two or £13.20 for one.


That means a lone camper can use the toilet and shower for £1.20 a night but two adults will pay £3.30 each. With public toilets costing from 20p and showers at roadside locations costing upwards of £2 [often over £5 on the motorway], the prices are not outlandish until you remember you have a toilet and shower in the van!

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I think the 'clubs' are purely businesses not 'clubs'

the friendly club for the members they say.

If that were true why do they put the prices up for the school holidays when that is the only time most people with children can go?

If it was for members then it would be a flat rate all year long



this is my particular rant



rant over


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MickyDee - 2014-05-14 12:45 PM


I think the 'clubs' are purely businesses not 'clubs'

the friendly club for the members they say.

If that were true why do they put the prices up for the school holidays when that is the only time most people with children can go?

If it was for members then it would be a flat rate all year long



this is my particular rant



rant over




But the " flat rate " might turn out to be high season prices all year !.



Parents just need to be patient - your turn at off season prices will come - although some people are trying to get rid of ' low season prices ' by letting kids off school during term time.




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Guest Had Enough
MickyDee - 2014-05-14 12:45 PM


I think the 'clubs' are purely businesses not 'clubs'

the friendly club for the members they say.

If that were true why do they put the prices up for the school holidays when that is the only time most people with children can go?

If it was for members then it would be a flat rate all year long



this is my particular rant



rant over



Of course they're clubs. Are you suggesting that they shouldn't be run in a businesslike manner? If the clubs didn't run as proper businesses and lost money every year and your annual subscription rose as a result you'd be moaning on here about it.


As for holiday companies of all kinds that, according to you, raise prices in summer, has it ever occurred to you that they don't raise them in summer, they reduce them in the off-season?


Many campsites offer silly low prices in winter just to keep the staff employed and to pay the rates etc. If they were to charge the same all year they'd go bust.


In the quiet periods campsites compete for a much tinier number of clients and have to tempt them with low prices. In the summer they can charge higher prices and make up for the losses incurred in winter.


Why do people trot out the same old garbage all the time? "They're not clubs any more, they're businesses." Why can't clubs be run as businesses? I want my club to be run well and profitably, who wouldn't? Where do you think the money comes from for new sites and upgraded facilities? It's not by running them like a village hall staffed by amateurs!





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Well said, Frank.


I don't believe prices go up in the peak periods. I believe they come down in the off peak period by c£6 per night for a family of two adults and two children. Some CC sites only charge 1p for children. My children have flown the nest but my wife still works in a school with children so we are motorhoming in the peak periods.


The CC's Articles of Association include 4 objectives, the chief one being "to maintain and conduct a club for the benefit of the persons, including mobile caravanners and those connected with mobile caravanning, who are admitted to Club Membership in accordance with these Articles."


The AAs also say, "The income and property of the Company shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the Objects."


There are numerous dictionary definitions of a club including, "A commercial organisation offering members special benefits."


There is a growing risk that both clubs are moving their sites up market and the pricing is reflecting this. Caravanning with a club on a full site is ceasing to be a low cost leisure pursuit and is becoming increasingly middle class only. Fortunately, the CC has a structured approach to listening to members so if the Club does lose sight of its purpose there is scope for people to raise concerns.


I must admit I am increasingly attracted to the sites without toilet blocks and to CLs. My wife isn't!

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