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New to forum / Calais to Biarritz


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In 2007 we did Calais to Biarritz day 1 travelled south and stopped the night at Montbazon Nr tours then on to Perentis- en-Bourne for a few days lovelly lakes with sandy beaches and really warm for swimming our next stop before Biarritz was at an ACSI site at Camping -La-Cote a nice site and beautiful beaches with massive sand dunes. Onto Biarritz and then to St John De Luz another beautiful place , Our return journey brought us back via Angoulins / Averanches / Honfluer and Le Portel.

 A few years before when I was a cabinet maker for Lloyd Loom I had to make a delivery to the Chateau in Biarritz owned by Karl lagerfield I left Spalding at 05.00am on the Friday down to Le-Tunnel hard drive down as far as Cognac to bed next morning onto Biarritz made my delivery at midday returned for home and got back to Spalding at 18.30pm on the Sunday night . All in a weekends work !!

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