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Insurance for overseas travellers

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We have friends from Brisbane who have had a van in the UK for the last four years which they use in the UK and Europe for four months a year on average subject to visa and Schengen agreement restrictions.

As they are not British subjects and do not have a provable UK permanent adress insurance is very difficult if not impossible to find and very expensive. The days have long gone when in the 70's you could buy a van at the Aldwych and drive off to Greece. Think it is all down to another EU rule or Regulation .

They are on their travels at the moment but I think they are insured with "downunder insurance"or an abbreviation of those words. For a 14 year old van insurance is over a thousand pounds!!

Good luck.

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Guest JudgeMental
would have probably found it better to buy in Germany, cheaper to start with, and some companies arrange insurance..they are used to dealing with overseas travellers.
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Judge our Aussie friends went down the Germany route and enquired when over there including a visit to Hymer as to how insurance cover could be arranged if they bought a van there. At the time they had a £40,000+ van and they were not prepared to take the risk with the "Well it is a grey area type answers given".
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bobalobs - 2014-05-19 8:31 PMJudge our Aussie friends went down the Germany route and enquired when over there including a visit to Hymer as to how insurance cover could be arranged if they bought a van there. At the time they had a £40,000+ van and they were not prepared to take the risk with the "Well it is a grey area type answers given".

German motorhome suppliers could not do that? When they can change water in to wine and do it cheaper than anyone else. You have just burst Judges bubble.

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Guest JudgeMental
Dealer a few of us use manage to handle it, they insure van under their insurance as it's the only way it can be done apparently... Then keep it in storage for you until next time. looks like your friends just did not look into it deeply enough. It came up on an earlier thread, can't remember the cost but was not cheap but you only pay for the months your using it.....
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Part of the trend towards insurers withdrawing from anything other than mainstream areas of insurance where they concentrate on competing by advertising or on price because that's what the main market wants.


I wonder if Lloyds of London still offers to insure absolutely anything these days? If you could insure someone's voice from failing or hair falling out you'd think insuring an Australian to drive a motorhome in UK and Europe would be possible. They are even used to driving on the right aren't they?

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Judge our friends were made aware of how some dealers in germany try to circumvent the insurance problem. The grey area is whether the dealer has an " insurable interest" in the eyes of the law as they do not own the vehicle and in effect are acting as an agent for the vehicle's owner. And the vehicle's owner cannot get insurance so we have gone full circle. Secondary problem is that if the dealers insurers did pay out then would not the payment go to the dealer? Many will say that it is a minimal risk that the dealer will not pass it on or fail financially but some will not take the risk.
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Guest JudgeMental
cheap flights, cheap vans......They are a large reputable concern, shifting 30-40 vans a week in season ,and a pleasure to do business with.....Risk negligible I would think. its like those who lose sleep worrying about a 3/4 hr drive back on 3rd party insurance when importing. They only do it for customers and probably operate a buy back, and I have PX'ed with them and price was very good.
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Guest JudgeMental
Alan D - 2014-05-20 12:03 PM


Judge, who are you referring to , might I ask?

I would be obliged with the contact details, if possible, as I am in the market for a new pvc.



Hi Alan they are: http://www.duemo-duelmen.de/


I have had last two vans from them and both Tomag and Hugh on here also have used them recently. If they sell what make you're interested in, PM me and I will send you a contact email address. they can get other makes as well so maybe worth asking...

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sorry judge, e-mail lost . Can you resend?

As I had a good experience with a new Renault cb automatic, I am looking at Devon Conversions at the moment.

For a mad moment I tried to talk myself into the small overpriced VW California, ok for a day van perhaps but the wife thought it was nonsense.

Surprisingly, all vans seem to have long delivery times and the Dealers all have a cool air about them .


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Guest JudgeMental

Alan..you ain't going to get a devon conversion in germany :-D Possl/globecar/adria etc....I suggest you have a good look through site and decide on what models you're interested in before contacting. German market very different, more like buying a car here. They have the confidence and the turnover to hold a large stock (panel vans in the 100's) so you just pick what you want and they add the extras that day...If you want a factory order, now not the best time of year.....


details sent ;-)

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