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X250 Peugeot Boxer 2013-model radio problem


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Just got back from our local Peugeot dealer (Robins and Day). They ran a series of diagnostic tests and downloaded three software updates.


According to R&D, none of the updates were specifically to do with the radio or the CANBUS system and no faults were stored in the 'brain' of the vehicle when they checked.


So I will now have to wait and see if the fault re-appears or not.


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Thanks for the reply, my van also has a solar panel and I am now really interested to know if other people with this problem have panels fitted. If any other readers have the "Code error" problem, could they be so kind as to post to the Forum and let me know?


Thanks ..... Michael

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  • 1 month later...

Updating an old thread.


I've now seen this problem on so many brand new vans, including 2015 X2/90 bases, that I'm sure that it isn't fixable by mere mortals, let alone Peugeot dealers.


My take on this is that it is a 'feature' rather than a fault! The radio needs to communicate with the body computer to check that it is in the correct vehicle, yet it seems that the radio was not given the ability to wake-up a sleeping body computer..

First perform any other operation that wakes the body computer (ign. on/off, open a door, turn on the lights, lock/unlock etc. etc.) and then the radio will turn on without a problem. Ditto if the body computer has not yet entered sleep mode following use.


Otherwise you'll get the 'code error' and have no option but to give the body computer a jolt from somewhere else. Not clever, but that seems to be how it is.



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It really does sometimes seem that our cars and vans are made unnecessarily complicated, and any of us who have ever had problems with the canbus system in particular, will know how frustrating and expensive it can be, but whenever I read about it I am reminded of an incident some years ago.

I used to operate the transport services for an NHS hospital group, and one of the little tasks that got tagged on to the job was to administer the Staff Car scheme for those working out of the hospitals, midwives, health visitors, physios and so on. As standard they were allocated a bog standard Metro which could only be used whilst on duty, but if they elected to pay a little extra they could take the car home and use it privately as well.If they were prepared to pay even more they could chose a different car to the standard model, provided that it was still a Metro of some sort.

It was a part of the job I enjoyed, these folks would come to my office and they would be incredibly excited, for virtually all of them it would be the first time that they had ever been able to chose a brand new car, their choice of colour, trim, engine options etc, and for all of us it was great fun. They would sit pawing over the brochures, they almost always brought along a friend to help them, comparing this with that, and so on until the choice was made and all the forms signed.

On the incident I recall the client was a very large, middle aged Jamaican midwife, and she was accompanied by her friend who was a lady who resembled her in every way. They each had a brochure, and they sat there like a comedy duo, each calling the other's attention to whatever had caught their eye until finally the client announced that she had made her decision, she would have the Metro Vanden Plas 1300 5door in black. Her chum flicked through the brochure to the right page, studied the information for a while, and then announced " you can't have that one, it has electric windows." The client said that she actually wanted it because it had electric windows. Her friend explained to her that she must not have a car with electric windows, because if ever she drove into a river and the car was submerged, the electrics would fail,she would be unable to open the window and swim to the surface, and she would drown.

Whilst that part of North West London was not overly dangerous with rivers that one might drive into, I can see that there was something in her logic, but for the life of me I cannot get past the image of a very large Jamaican lady attempting to swim out of the drivers door window of a Metro. Non the less, I think she had a point, and I do wonder why things like radios, and electric windows have to be tied into the central processor unit. In my engineer days I was encouraged to be guided by the KISS principle



I had a dog called Engineer, if you kicked him he'd make a bolt for the back door.

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All of these Radio troubles could be solved by simply powerering the Radio fom the Leisure Battery. The Canbus system isn't involved then. To completely avoid the 'Switch Off' problem though, you would need to get an 'Aftermarket' radio.

I find it very annoying with my Euro5 motorhome that it goes into 'Limp mode' simply because a sensor goes on the 'blink' or a filter gets blocked temporarily (DPF), then suddenly without any 'fix' being carried out it Fixes itself and works OK (albeit with the engine check light on) I check the normal things like Oil Level, battery power, but HOW can I check anything else ? This has Happened a couple of times already, both before and after It's 2nd sevice and only 5788 miles. The garage said the first 'Fault' was the DPF filter blocked, and to give it a good 'Blast'. I would prefer a Simpler sysyem.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I am supposed to be taking my Bailey Approach in to the Coventry branch of Robins and Day on January 5th to have this fault/enhancement looked at - they claim to have never heard of this happening before. Will I be wasting my time or has anybody found a complete cure for this problem?
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As of today I have not heard of a satisfactory cure for this problem. My garage was also Robins and Day and they also said that they had never heard of the problem, so perhaps you could refer your branch of R&D to their Stockport branch and between them they may get somewhere?


My van is a 2013 Auto-Sleeper Warwick Duo on a 130 bhp Peugeot Boxer. R&D had it in for a check and applied three software updates to it, but where unable to tell me exactly what they were intended to fix, except that none of them were specifically intended to cure the radio "Code error" problem. Since the updates the radio has behaved perfectly, but it has not had much use and I am not yet convinced that the problem has been fixed. Time will tell.

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Steve928 gave the most creditable answer to date on this problem several days ago...



Steve928 - 2014-12-17 9:38 AM


Updating an old thread.


I've now seen this problem on so many brand new vans, including 2015 X2/90 bases, that I'm sure that it isn't fixable by mere mortals, let alone Peugeot dealers.


My take on this is that it is a 'feature' rather than a fault! The radio needs to communicate with the body computer to check that it is in the correct vehicle, yet it seems that the radio was not given the ability to wake-up a sleeping body computer..

First perform any other operation that wakes the body computer (ign. on/off, open a door, turn on the lights, lock/unlock etc. etc.) and then the radio will turn on without a problem. Ditto if the body computer has not yet entered sleep mode following use.


Otherwise you'll get the 'code error' and have no option but to give the body computer a jolt from somewhere else. Not clever, but that seems to be how it is.



Have any of you who have experienced this problem tried his solution by making sure the body computer is awake before turning on the radio?



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Keithl - 2014-12-31 11:13 PM


Have any of you who have experienced this problem tried his solution by making sure the body computer is awake before turning on the radio?




The short answer is, "No"


The slightly longer answer is that when I have experienced the "Code error" message it has been either following turning the radio on just after it has switched off at the end of the 180 minute run time, or turning the radio on after we have been in the van for some time dong other things not involving the body computer.


I have never tried tuning the lights on, or opening a door, or switching the ignition on before trying to switch the radio on. If I were to do any of these things and the radio were to come on normally every time, I would not be surprised.


Perhaps the body computer does require a jolt to wake it up; but the point is that it should not, it should work normally without a dig in the ribs.


I will report back when I learn more and this will be when the season starts and we are out in the van more.

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  • 2 months later...

Another update to the long running saga of the, "Code error" problem of the radio.


My radio still, from time to time shows the legend of, "Code error" when it is first switched on. It will not play, or respond to any other button pushes. After about a minute, the display will dim out, and come back again showing the same words. This process will repeat 10 times and then the radio will then switch off. Switching the radio back on will not progress things at all and the same words / cycle is repeated.


To make the radio play I can either, open or close a door, switch the ignition on, turn the vehicle lights on, press the hazard light switch. Locking, or unlocking the doors using the dashboard switches does not fix the problem (I may have said previously that it does, but it definitely does not help).


Another piece of information that I have noticed and that is that two of the instrument lights glow dimly during the showing of, "Code error" and they are, the seat belt and the faulty bulb warning lights. These not only glow dimly (I only noticed them at all because it was night and the room lights were off), but they 'pulse' slowly at a rate of about 4-5 seconds. As soon as the, "Code error" message is cleared, these lights extinguish.


I am going to have another go at Peugeot, but I am not going to hold my breath for an answer.


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Tracker - 2015-03-23 5:01 PM


Apologies if it has been mentioned already as I have not read back through to find out - but could it be a bad earth somewhere as this can throw up weird symptoms sometimes?


Rich, I wondered about this when I first had the problem show up and so I added a supplementary earth strap as per Nick's advice, but sadly no change to the situation.

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Hello All,


Since this has been resurrected today, I have read all through the thread again and was coming to conclusion that the dim warning light fault that has been mentioned a few times in the past (without a satisfactory fix) could be connected to this radio code error before you reached this point yourselves.


This problem with the dim lights happens when a door is opened and this just happens to be when the radio problem is solved!


I was speaking with a senior tech from a Fiat dealer the other day and he said that he had seen a few warning light faults with dim illumination of items that were not faulty or were not even fitted to the vehicle in question and he said that in every case they had been instructed to fit a new instrument panel and the problem had been solved. We, on the other hand, have swapped 2 panels without solving the problem!


It seems clear that the can bus system has a fault that is connected to the radio and the instrument panel by way of the delay timer for the interior lights and i am convinced it is centred on the wake up signal that makes the mileage illuminate when the driver's door is opened.


I still have no idea how to fix it and while the dealers are swapping panels (mostly with success) i doubt if an actual cure will be found.


While this is obviously frustrating and annoying I guess at least we should be grateful that the vehicle still starts and runs normally!

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It does though.....


The 2002 to 2006 vehicles have a couple of can-bus nodes that run through the ECU!


All of the lighting functions, for instance are routed through the switches in the middle of the dashboard. The block of switches where the hazard lights and fog lamp switches are located is actually a can-bus node and if you ever have a serious lighting fault and start looking for a faulty relay... you won't find one. It is all in there! You will have to replace the whole unit if any of the functions fail.


Good innit?


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StuartO - 2015-03-23 5:53 PM


My older MH (2006) doesn't have a cambus system and I think I'm quite grateful for that! What advantages does a CAMBUS system really bring?


It evidently cuts down on the weight and complexity of the wiring loom, (saves money). By sending several signals down the same wires, (the Bus bit). Uses the 'Computer' to sort it all out (or not as the case may be). Like ALL electronics they are subject to the constant prescence of a good earth, or they search for one where they can, with random results (seemingly).


Bit like NOT carrying a spare wheel, a great advance in weight saving..... for whom ? Ray

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euroserv - 2015-03-23 5:35 PM


This problem with the dim lights happens when a door is opened and this just happens to be when the radio problem is solved!



In my case all the doors were closed.


I first noticed the dim panel lights one night when the radio needed switching on again after running perfectly for 180 minutes. When I attempted to turn on the radio, I got the, "Code error" message and only then noticed the dim instrument lights as I reached for the light switch on the stalk by the steering wheel.


I agree that this seems a CANBUS problem, but it may have several possible causes, all of which manifest themselves in the, "Code error" fault. I have seen exactly this fault reported on a current model Fiat 500 car and this vehicle probably has a different set of sensors etc. to a diesel X250 Boxer


To be continued .............

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I used the radio removal tool shown below (I have included a 2 Pence piece to show scale). These tools are available via eBay and cost about £2 the set. They will remove the radio / CD units from many types of vehicle including Peugeot, Fiat, Citroen and Ford. Insert the tools into the visible holes in the facia, this unlocks the catches and then lever the unit out.



Ive also used the stiff long plastic wire ties in the past for this job , might work here as well .

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Steve928 - 2014-12-17 9:38 AM


Updating an old thread.


I've now seen this problem on so many brand new vans, including 2015 X2/90 bases, that I'm sure that it isn't fixable by mere mortals, let alone Peugeot dealers.


My take on this is that it is a 'feature' rather than a fault! The radio needs to communicate with the body computer to check that it is in the correct vehicle, yet it seems that the radio was not given the ability to wake-up a sleeping body computer..

First perform any other operation that wakes the body computer (ign. on/off, open a door, turn on the lights, lock/unlock etc. etc.) and then the radio will turn on without a problem. Ditto if the body computer has not yet entered sleep mode following use.


Otherwise you'll get the 'code error' and have no option but to give the body computer a jolt from somewhere else. Not clever, but that seems to be how it is.





Steve hit on the most likely reason 3 months ago!


Have any of you tried by making sure the body computer is awake before turning the radio on as suggested?



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