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X250 Peugeot Boxer 2013-model radio problem


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  • 3 weeks later...

I may have found the answer to the, “Code error” problem in Peugeot X250 Euro 5 vans (I don’t know about Citroen or Fiat).


As has been suggested before, the problem seems to occur when the Body Computer (ECU or ‘Brain’) of the vehicle goes to sleep during a period of what it regards as inactivity. If during this sleep time, the radio is turned on, it cannot obtain the correct security code from the Body Computer (or vice versa) and so displays the message, “Code error”. Waking the Body Computer up by either turning on the vehicle lights, operating the hazards, tuning on the ignition, or opening a cab door, causes the security code to be transmitted and the radio then works normally.


From the above it can be seen that the problem can be simply overcome by initiating one of the ‘wake-up’ calls mentioned, however this irritates me considerably and so I have rummaged round the documentation that came with the van looking for a fix.


The following procedure worked for me and has completely banished the “Code error” problem, but as I do not fully understand why it works, I can only offer it as a possible solution without any guarantee.


1) Sit in the vehicle with all doors closed and the ignition switched on; the engine does not need to be running.


2) Press the “Mode” button located to the lower right of the steering wheel until “Menu” appears in the instrument display.


3) Press the “Down” arrow button 5 times until you come to, “See Radio”


4) Briefly press the “Mode” button once and the display will start to flash, showing the set value. On my vehicle, the set value was, “On”


5) Use either the, “Up”, or the “Down” buttons to change the value to, “Off” and briefly press the “Mode” button once to confirm the change.


6) Press the, “Mode” button for a few seconds to exit from the menu system.


For a fuller description of the use of the “Mode” system, see pages 80 to 82 inclusive of the Peugeot X250 Driver’s handbook.


My guess as to why this seems to work is that the radio no longer looks to the Body Computer for the security code before starting. One possible side effect of this fix might be that you may have to enter the security code manually following a disconnection of the starter battery (the way that the system was set up on delivery did not require the code to be input; it got the data from the Body Computer when the battery was reconnected).


I have a case open with Peugeot Tech Support and if I get a fuller / better explanation or fix, I will post it here.


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  • 2 months later...

I am back after 8 weeks touring and unfortunately the "Code error" message has reappeared from time to time. Sorry for raising any false hopes with my suggested 'fix', but at the time it did seem to do the trick.


It's now back to Peugeot for them to resolve the matter. I will report more when there is something positive to say.

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Or carry a suitably weighted club hammer to wake up the sleepy computer. >:-)



more sensibly, after all this time with the 'Code error', why don't you just find a Fused Habitation 12v supply and run a line to the radio from that ? then the Chassis ECU can go and 'play with itself' because the cab Radio will be none of it's business. It's what I did. works fine. Ray

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  • 1 month later...

The latest update:


I have videoed the "Code error" in real time, showing the radio being turned on, the error message appearing, dimming out after a minute and then returning, etc. This video has been given to Robins & Day in Stockport and they have been asked to contact Peugeot Customer Services for advice.


According to R&D, there is nothing really wrong with the system and the problem is caused by the Body Systems Interface (the BSI) going to sleep and needing a dig in the ribs to wake it up again. I can understand their logic, but would have though that turning the radio on would provide the necessary 'dig in the ribs' without having to do anything else.


When I hear more, I will post again.

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  • 2 months later...

The November update.


We have been away in France and Germany for 8 weeks and had many instances of, "Code error" during this time. In addition to the Code error message, we started getting more and more odd instrument lights appearing, such as those for immobiliser and suspension assist (not fitted to our van). The immobiliser light only came on when cruise control was switched on, the other lights came and went as they pleased. On our return, I made a date with Robins & Day for their investigation and to cut a long story short, they have changed to instrument panel, with the result that the spurious lights have gone.


I will report further, but feel sure that the panel, the strange lights and the Code error fault may all be linked.

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  • 3 months later...

A news update on the "Code error" problem.


After having the instrument panel changed and continuing to get "Code error" messages, I have taken the matter further, with the following results .............


1) I have spoken to A-S and they admit that they have heard of the problem, but have no solution, or ideas as to how a solution might be found.


2) I have spoken to the Caravan Club, who profess never to have heard of the problem, but say that it sounds like a definite fault and that I should not be fobbed-off by Peugeot.


3) I have spoken to Peugeot Customer Services who were totally useless. The sum total of their advice was for me to speak to my dealer, who are the only people who can speak to Peugeot Technical Support (owners of Peugeot vehicles seemingly cannot speak directly with Technical Support).


4) The information from the dealer (Robbins and Day) has been that they have spoken to Peugeot Technical Support and they have said that the "Code error" message is a part of the system and that is that (i.e. nothing can, or will, be done).


I find the whole process ludicrous. In effect I am being told that in order to reliably switch the radio on, I must first open a cab door and that this is not to be wondered at, it is to be accepted as correct.


I have now written to Peugeot Customer Services asking for their (written) confirmation that the "Code error" message is a part of the design of the vehicle and that nothing can (or will) be done about it.


I will report further, as and when ...........................

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" I find the whole process ludicrous. In effect I am being told that in order to reliably switch the radio on, I must first open a cab door and that this is not to be wondered at, it is to be accepted as correct."



That might be the answer the only times I have seen the 'CODE ERROR' is when I have entered the van through the habitation door.

It might be if you always enter via cab doors then 'CODE ERROR' will not be seen.

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urbanracer - 2016-02-26 12:23 PM


It might be if you always enter via cab doors then 'CODE ERROR' will not be seen.


Not so. For "Code error" to display, a period of at least 10 minutes must elapse after the last 'wake-up' event has taken place.. 'Wake-up' events are ...........


open a base vehicle door

close a base vehicle door

switch on the vehicle lights

operate the hazard lights (only one flash is required)

switch on the ignition


Curiously, operating the central locking does not 'wake-up' the radio.


The cause of the problem seems to be that when the 'brain' of the vehicle goes to sleep it needs a 'wake-up' call to get it going again and bizarrely, turning the radio on by itself does not count.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had a reply from Peugeot Customer Care and they say in effect that the radio, "Code error" is normal and correct.


I find it ludicrous that turning on the radio will not necessarily turn the radio on and that we are expected to open a cab door, turn on the vehicle light, operate the hazard lights, or switch on the ignition first before the radio will work (but not in every case, as the radio will quite often work normally).


Here is Peugeot's reply .......................


Case no. xxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear Mr xxxxxxxxxx


Thank you for your recent Letter in regard to the radio in your Motorhome


I would like to confirm that I have spoken with xxxx in the Service Department at Robins & Day Stockport, who advised that you have been in recently to have a service on your motorhome. I also understand that the dealer also discussed the query you have raised with the radio in your motorhome.


I would like to confirm that the functionality of the radio automatically switching off after a period of time, following the ignition being turned off is normal.


If after the allotted time the radio does go off, if you operate the hazards or turn on the ignition etc this feeds power to the fuse box and you should then be able to again use the radio for a further allotted time.


The reason for this is because the vehicle goes into power saving mode and switches off all items that could potentially drain the battery after the ignition is turned off. If the battery is drained following excessive usage, when the ignition is turned back on, this could affect the power that is provided to the vehicle on startup.


In addition to this it is also so that a customer can use parts i.e. hazards when a vehicle brakes down and you are unable to start the vehicle.


My understanding from the dealer is that the reason you are getting the message "code error" is because you have tried to turn the radio back on without feeding power to the fuse box as described above.


I hope the above helps to answer your question, however if you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Yours sincerely

Emma Tombs

Customer Care Manager


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