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Beware Auchan Calais


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There has been mention in recent weeks on this forum of thieves targeting UK plated vehicles at the Auchan at Calais. The reports are correct. Two days ago I saw for myself a gang of three guys obviously up to no good looking into the windows of the few parked up motorhomes and caravans that were there. The three guys are of African decent and scruffy in appearance. I was warned by a fellow motorhomers of their presence (although I had already clocked them), and who asked me to keep an eye on his vehicle whilst he bought some wine as he was on his own. I noticed all other vans and motorhomes were keeping someone in their vehicles for security. My wife refused point blank to stay put whilst I did the heavy cases of wine shopping, so I stayed instead. I'm glad I did because 10 minutes later a face of one of these guys appeared staring into my side window!

I have never, in all the years I have been using this Auchan, seen so few motorhomes and caravans. Also, I have never seen so many police patrolling in cars. I watched as the 3 men disappeared when the cops came around and then duly reappeared.

My wife, God bless her, made three separate trips - white wine trolley, red wine trolley and food trolley. We spent 450 euro's but we will not be shopping there again until the problem is solved, as I have no interest at all in my wife developing bigger muscles than myself !

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Interesting and unsettling.


We have shopped at Auchan twice a year since 2001 without any problems at all and this is the sort of news I did not want to hear on the eve of starting another trip.


Caveat Emptor!

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Thank you for the warning. We shall be heading home via Calais in a couple of weeks and would normally have shopped at Auchan. Will have second thoughts now or do as you did and not leave the 'van unattended.

Perhaps an e-mail to Auchan highlighting the problem may be in order. The situation must be costing them loss of trade.



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derek500 - 2014-05-24 8:00 PM


Madge Gentle - 2014-05-24 5:08 PM


Why not try Auchan at Boulogne to calm your fears?


Much more friendly .......











Saint Martin Boulogne's Auchan is always our choice.


Quiet and out of the way.



We use that one too, it has more wine choice, and fewer day trippers/wannabe day trippers :-( . Plus, the Flunch is good, much better than eating on the ferry.

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Surprised anyone still bothers with Auchan....especially Calais which has long been 'high risk'.


I use Carrefour at Bray-Dune which has much better facilities for MH's, the store itself is more pleasant, is within a few minutes walk of Bray-Dune Aire if you aren't doing a big shop.....and well away from either Port to be out of any potential trouble spot.



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Now my van has been repaired after our attempted break in at the Calais Auchan , we are returning to France on the 3rd of June . Giving a wide berth to Calais and even the beach aire which was always a first and last night stop .Not sure whether its still open anyway?

Our April trip included Pidou Wine to stock up for my sons wedding. There were 7 UK coaches there returning from a Battlefield tour. We did notice several dodgy individuals wandering around the coaches as the lorries park up in that area waiting for ferries. So be careful around Pidou,Calais Wine and Majestic Wine also.

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We went to refuel at Auchan Calais on 14 May and noted only two motorhomes at the Auchan store, normally there are double figures, we wondered why, now we know. We did go to Majestic wine near Auchan and spoke to one of the staff who said he had seen no problems around that store and of course the other Majestic store and Pidou are nearer to the ferry terminal where the illegals are camping. We also went to Citi Europe and Carrefour and had lunch at Flunch. No sign of any illegals and we spoke to one motorhomer who had parked overnight in the motorhome parking area with some other vans and they had seen no illegals at all. I suspect the police are being pro-active to keep the shop owners happy and problems are likely to be transient rather than permanent. We shall call at Citi Europe on the way back as we like Carrefour and the new wine shop Terre de Boissons. Be interested to see if anybody else has problems.
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On Radio Five Live this morning there was news that the French authorities are going to clear the Calais "refugee" camp tomorrow as there is a reported outbreak of scabies. So that's going to scatter them all over Calais !!
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I fuelled up last night at the Calais Auchan then washed out my tanks on the service point , must have been the same 3 coloured guys eyeing me up whilst I was busy . Spent the night at city europe with 7 other motorhomes no one wandering around , not surprising though as we had horrendous rain for a couple of hours .
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  • 2 weeks later...
If you travel Dover-Dunkirk with DFDS, you can overnight for free at the DFDS car park. In our experience it's roomy, safe and quiet, but don't do as we did and arrive there with virtually no food (Sunday in France...) and NO ALCOHOL!
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