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No, my ultra fast up to date tablet is like lightening.


My connection speeds are currently running at over 60 gpbs.


All inclusive as part of paying £9 a month for landline use.


One defined advantage of staying loyal to my service provider since1997.



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Glad you posted this Lochburn. Over the last few days this site is getting slower and slower resulting in me not visiting so often.


My BB has not changed and all the other forums I visit are up to speed so it has to be the MMM server.


Perhaps Martyn can explain "One defined advantage of staying loyal to my service provider since1997" why this should make a whit of difference?

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Yes it's been slow, but now it's seemingly back to normal - which doesn't mean lightning-fast.


It needs to be appreciated that, however fast one's broadband speed is, if the website being accessed is dragging its heels there will be nothing you can do about it until the website's technical staff address the problem.

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Yes, frustratingly slow, and time of day/ day of week makes no difference. Certainly best to make a drink, then see if it has actually come up! It is extremely annoying, as nothing has changed as far as I am concerned, and all other sites I use are as speedy in response as ever.


can we ask the Moderator for a comment on this please....???

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If the Out&AboutLive website/forum has always been (and still is) slow for you, then the reason is likely to be at your end.


It's evident from the comments above that the website was unusually slow for a few days recently, but (for me at any rate) it recovered yesterday and - although it's not blindingly quick at present - I find it perfectly usable and no slower than before the 'slow' period.


You might try Madge Gentle's restarting-the-router ploy, which might do some good but really should not as you say O&AL is the only website that's slow for you.


If everything slows down, then router-restarting may result in an immediate improvement, but it shouldn't cure just a single website being problematical. As Madge says, it's worth a try, but don't expect a miracle.



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sshortcircuit - 2014-05-26 9:43 PM


Perhaps Martyn can explain "One defined advantage of staying loyal to my service provider since1997" why this should make a whit of difference?


Quite simple really, they give me a loyalty upgrade in relation to both speed and monthly fee.


So two defined advantages I suppose 8-)


This site is currently running like lightening if anyone's interested.



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Hmmmmmmm. I changed to a large ISP that assured me of a huge increase in speed, never happened. A comparison check showed the previous ISP to be a lot faster than previously supplied????? As far as I am aware both provided from my the same exchange down same line. Afraid I look at ISPs as charlatans that promise you the earth and it never happens.


MMM site has now speeded up and I have done nothing which proves it is the MMM server and nothing to do with the ISP

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O&AL forum once again painfully slow, but other websites are responding at accustomed speed. MotorhomeFacts is OK, as is the campingcar-infos website. The latter site provides a reasonable check of download speed. If you look up an 'aire' and it takes a goodly while for the map and information to appear, then your download speed is low. If the map/information appears very rapidly, your download speed is good.


The O&AL slowness won't be cured until it is addressed by Warners.

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I'm not a 'techie' by any stroke of the imagination, but I cannot see why if all the other websites I use run at the full normal speed of access, it can be anything to do with my router. The O&AL site seems to very much up and down even within the day...and I can only think its' the site itself. Why cannot we get a comment from the Moderator or Administrator ..something is clogging it up somewhere!?? - even if it's to say I am writing a load of rubbish!!
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As other forum members (including me) are having the same difficulty, there's no logical reason to think that the O&AL website's current tardiness has anything to do with your router, nor that you can do anything yourself to improve things for you.


Has anyone actually e-mailed the Administrator about this? Complaining in a forum thread that the website is running slowly may not attract the attention of the appropriate people - if lots of people e-mail the Administrator something might happen.


(Personally, I'm not particularly interested in why the website is runing slowly as it's evident the reason has nothing to do with me and I know I can't speed it up. I just want the problem resolved.)

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This site is painfully slow, so slow yesterday evening that the system just hung. In the end I gave up and similar this evening but have at least managed to open up the web page for O&AL. No problems whatsoever with any other web sites I visit - it is a pity really as this forum is good and informative.
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Only problem I have is that I'm getting on a bit and have problems staying awake waiting for it to respond. Some TV programs have the same effect so I always record what I'm watching so that I can go back to the point at which I fell asleep and watch the rest of the programm.
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