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friendly chat?-anything but!


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Log on for friendly chat,thats the heading on the main page- so why is it that someone takes the time to ask a sensible question and it ends up with usually the same people having a full scale ding dong that usually has nothing to do with the original query? i thought that the C.C forum was bad but one sure gets there eyes opened on here!-we are all here to help each other , instead of all the bickering and backstabbing just do what the header says-LOG ON FOR FRIENDLY CHAT! :-D
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There are a minority that indulge in the type of behaviour you mention, it is childish and makes unpleasant reading for the rest of us. I cannot fathom why they do it, maybe some sort of perverse pleasure or the release of pent up anger hiding behind the safety of the keyboard. Who knows?


Anyway, the rest of us are normal, and there is a wealth of knowledge on here.


My policy is not to answer any post that I consider a personal attack or is offensive, they soon get fed up of talking to themselves :-D



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boxerbob62 - 2014-05-28 9:28 AM


Log on for friendly chat,thats the heading on the main page- so why is it that someone takes the time to ask a sensible question and it ends up with usually the same people having a full scale ding dong that usually has nothing to do with the original query? i thought that the C.C forum was bad but one sure gets there eyes opened on here!-we are all here to help each other , instead of all the bickering and backstabbing just do what the header says-LOG ON FOR FRIENDLY CHAT! :-D


It takes two to have the argument, neither wanted to stop, best bet is to ignore it and it will soon go away.

Just like life there are always people you want to avoid,

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What gets up my nose is someone who has a genuine query posts his/hers question on here and before you know it there is always someone who will change the subject to something totally different . Maybe they have a very sad life and have nothing better to do. >:-)
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Perhaps all that boxing has made your nose over sensitive Bob and I suppose living in Berwick would naturally make you in need of cheering up!?


I do agree that there is far too much uncalled for and unprovoked rudeness and antagonism on here but isn't that true about life as we know it in the UK in general these days, where aggression and a scowl so often replace a smile?


Try not to let it upset you as there are still plenty of good folk on here willing and able to give sound advice and support when needed and good natured banter even breaks out on Chatterbox from time to almost like it used to before the angry brigade of loonies tried to take over the asylum.



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