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No buyers guide in MMM - Why?

mike 202

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Unless i am going GaGa I cannot find the buyers guide in the current MMM. I get all copies as a subscriber.

Have I missed something, ie a reason for it being dropped. Would have thought it an essential part of MMM for new readers/new to motorhoming to help purchase choice.

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Unless they have revamped it since, the last time I looked at the buyer's guide it had become so garbled and confusing with vans listed by sort of type instead of by maker with so much of the really useful info that is not so easy to find missing that I gave up.


Mind you that was a few years ago now!


Have the road tests improved yet from being a glorified advert for the makers by never finding any design or layout failings?


Remember the reverse gear sage where every X250 ever tested by MMM reversed perfectly every time - or perhaps they are all better drivers than us - except Andy Stothert of course!

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Tracker - 2014-05-28 7:06 PM


Unless they have revamped it since, the last time I looked at the buyer's guide it had become so garbled and confusing with vans listed by sort of type instead of by maker with so much of the really useful info that is not so easy to find missing that I gave up.


Mind you that was a few years ago now!


Have the road tests improved yet from being a glorified advert for the makers by never finding any design or layout failings?


Remember the reverse gear sage where every X250 ever tested by MMM reversed perfectly every time - or perhaps they are all better drivers than us - except Andy Stothert of course!


Don't forget that Stothert test drove a large coach built on an X250 and never tried to reverse it up an incline, said so himself.


I just love it when the biter gets bit, makes me smile now as I think about. Personally I never rated how the the guy was "bigged up" by MMM as some type of super photo/journo. That's MMM as it was and some would say as it still is (supporting your comments on lack of critical reviews).

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It's all part of the grand plan of dumbing down the country to accept without complaint whatever crap is pushed our way.


Make everyone believe that governments and large companies all have our interests at heart and are ready and willing to show some integrity and accept responsibility for and to rectify all their design and legislative failures.


And pigs might fly.


There would seem to be no such thing as an honest journalist - in fact journalist is an exaggeration in many cases.


Which is why I don't buy ANY magazines any more.

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Well the first three replies went straight off topic. I think its probably more to do with the fact that things don't change often enough to warrant it being in every issue. Also as you have accessed this forum, you can obviously access the buyers guide on this website. If you're not aware of it, it's here...



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My understanding is that the numbers of models had made the Buyers Guide so big it was taking up too many pages for every issue. Also by the time of publication it was some weeks out of date but the online version is near current . it will now will now be printed three or four times a year.


Apologies to the editor if I my memory of his words at the Peterborough show are faulty. Blame it on my age.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know it's off topic but I feel that Starvin Marvin's comments about Andy Stothert are unfair and uncalled for.


It was because of his persistence and valuable advice that many of us (myself included) succeeded in persuading Fiat that there was a problem with the reverse gear on some models. The fix was not perfect but did lead to some improvement.


We all have our favourite articles, but his articles were the first I always turned to in every new issue of MMM. His quirky style of writing and excellent photography is much missed both by myself,. and I'm sure many others.

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Sundowner - 2014-06-20 10:13 PM


I know it's off topic but I feel that Starvin Marvin's comments about Andy Stothert are unfair and uncalled for.


It was because of his persistence and valuable advice that many of us (myself included) succeeded in persuading Fiat that there was a problem with the reverse gear on some models. The fix was not perfect but did lead to some improvement.


We all have our favourite articles, but his articles were the first I always turned to in every new issue of MMM. His quirky style of writing and excellent photography is much missed both by myself,. and I'm sure many others.


Each to their own. The important part of my critique is that HE had an X250 to test, but because it was a coachbuilt he gave it, shall we say a cursory test, ie did not reverse it up an incline. If he had done so.....(we will never know the outcome) so he did many, but particularly himself a diservice. Then you give him plaudits for trying to recover the position for both himself and others....! What a guy.


Each to their own, see it as you wish. You have my opinion. End of.




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