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Whitby to Ban Motorhome Parking


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Not surprised , we were at the east coast few weeks ago and went to Whitby . The amount over night parking at the harbour car park was madness .

Spend £xxxxxxx on a motorhome but too tight to go to a site they would rather camp in a busy car park next to a working harbour with no facilities

Same in Scarborough with overnights on the car park areas to the north shore , the council have put great big stones in place to stop most motorhomes been able to park

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Some people like to go to the cinema others don't some like to read a book others don't (I know someone who has never read a book, Some people like to use camp sites (I don't ) I will use cl's if they are where I would like to be, but I am walking disabled, so being in the centre of town without having to drive there is a bonus for me (at least I know where I will be parking that day) would I empty my van there no, bet no one else would if the council provided the facilities to empty out. most camp sites are full these days a lot of camp site owners don't want Motor homes,they only stop one night and use all the facilities. I suspect the council are more concerned about the business rates from the camp site than anything else they forget that people in Motor homes spend money . Although after just spending £2000.00 + on repairs, I might not spend as much as usual this season.

Pete *-)

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We too prefer to overnight park where we are if we can and it is pleasant but I am inclined to agree that seaside or harbourside and town prime car parks full of motorhomes is not a very attractive proposition for both residents and car driving locals and visitors so I can see why bans are imposed.


As there is obviously a market perhaps if the council were to consider making other less high profile less well used at night car parks available for overnight use the towns would get the benefit of the trade from motorhomers and the council would get a new source of car park income without the blight?


I do not see the need to provide water and emptying facilities as most of us are capable of using a site of some sort one night in three to service the liquid side of camping.



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It's not so much a case "..some people like to use campsites..", it's as much the fact that, faced with the choice of using one or pitching up for days, on some undesignated car-park or busy seafront, "..some people.." realise the correct and proper thing to do is to use the local 'site/CL/CS etc...


Would it be okay for "tenters" to pitch their tents on the grass verges or in a town's parks and gardens?...and what about Caravanners?...would it be okay for them to pitch up and line proms and clog up car-parks?


No?...I thought not....


This is a few years old but this chap makes some interesting observations towards the bottom of the page: http://www.motorhomeplanet.co.uk/archives/4725


..and this would be useful for some......




This( taken from the first link)sums things up:


"Unfortunately, some people don’t seem to have realised that if you abuse a good thing, someone will create a new rule to ban it..." :-S

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breakaleg - 2014-06-03 1:00 PM


Some people like to go to the cinema others don't some like to read a book others don't (I know someone who has never read a book, Some people like to use camp sites (I don't ) I will use cl's if they are where I would like to be, but I am walking disabled, so being in the centre of town without having to drive there is a bonus for me (at least I know where I will be parking that day) would I empty my van there no, bet no one else would if the council provided the facilities to empty out. most camp sites are full these days a lot of camp site owners don't want Motor homes,they only stop one night and use all the facilities. I suspect the council are more concerned about the business rates from the camp site than anything else they forget that people in Motor homes spend money . Although after just spending £2000.00 + on repairs, I might not spend as much as usual this season.

Pete *-)


Pete with respect there are many who simply will not spend any money going to a site

If I was a resident in Whitby or business owner I too would not care for the local car parks been taken over by motorhomes

We went to Woolacombe few weeks ago , coming back on the Saturday morning just outside Woolacombe there must have been six/seven motorhomes parked up in a line down a farmers lane . We spent £85.00 for the week , hook up , big pitch , great showers and toilets and a view over Woolacombe ???

I have a motorhome and I don't want to spend a fortune but car parks full of motorhomes sleeping over don't look good in my opinion

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Pepe -" the correct and proper thing to do" is simply a matter of your opinion albeit probably shared by others. To state this opinion as a fact and to try and force your opinion down other peoples throats smacks of totalitarianism. You must be a liberal democrat (lol) .
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I agree with all, just saying a choice would be nice, I object to paying for an all sing all dancing site when I don't want a club/swimming pool/ showers etc now the site just outside ilfracombe (no facility c club site at £12.00 per night is fine (for me) but parking a motorhome in any coastal town in the u.k is becoming a minefield, of unclear regulations designed to free you of £70.00.


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pepe63 - 2014-06-03 1:20 PM



Would it be okay for "tenters" to pitch their tents on the grass verges or in a town's parks and gardens?...and what about Caravanners?...would it be okay for them to pitch up and line proms and clog up car-parks?


No?...I thought not....



Motorhomes are self contained, tents and most caravans are not, that is why it is not acceptable for them just to pitch up on the road side or in a car park. If local authorities were to provide "Aires" type facilities the problems Whitby are having would not arise, local authorities have got to wise up motorhommers are not going away so embrace them and reap the benefits.


If you read the comments on the OP link this is most likely instigated by the local Caravan Parks,what they don't realise the people who just want to park up will not use campsites.




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mikejkay - 2014-06-03 2:03 PM


Pepe -" the correct and proper thing to do" is simply a matter of your opinion albeit probably shared by others. To state this opinion as a fact and to try and force your opinion down other peoples throats smacks of totalitarianism. You must be a liberal democrat (lol) .


Well, you can call it what you like Mike but I'm not one of those who are so short-sighted and just plain selfish enough, so as to clog up streets, proms and car-parks, as if I had some God given right

(...and a recent,pulled, thread on here gave us an insight into what some "street-campers" do with their "waste".... :-S)

...and if you think that few posts on some piddling little MH forum, is forcing my opinion down other peoples' throats, then I would suggest that you tread carefully on internet forums?!.. (lol)


..and I'd also be thankfully that you haven't got a load of "mild-campers" pitched up on your streets/local car-parks/town square etc, displaying( "expressing" ?) a physical manifestation of their "opinion"... ;-)



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Guest Had Enough

I just wish that people would think before coming out with this campsite owners' conspiracy theory. It's nothing to do with campsite owners, or hotel owners, another fallacy!


These people aren't so stupid as to think that if wild camping is banned that the wild campers will flock to their sites or hotels!


There was the same argument about Scarborough, with people claiming that the council was full of councilors who own camp sites or hotels.


The council's website shows that none of the councilors owned B & Bs and only one had anything to do with campsites and that was a site just for static caravans many miles from town. In fact the only councilors affected by a motorhome ban were the odd cafe and shop owners who would get a bit less business without motorhomers.


Councils usually ban motorhomers because of complaints from residents, and a small number of motorhomers who abuse free overnight parking in popular resorts end up spoiling it for the rest of us.




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johnnerontheroad - 2014-06-03 2:19 PM


pepe63 - 2014-06-03 1:20 PM



Would it be okay for "tenters" to pitch their tents on the grass verges or in a town's parks and gardens?...and what about Caravanners?...would it be okay for them to pitch up and line proms and clog up car-parks?


No?...I thought not....



a) Motorhomes are self contained, tents and most caravans are not, that is why it is not acceptable for them just to pitch up on the road side or in a car park.

b)If local authorities were to provide "Aires" type facilities the problems Whitby are having would not arise....



a) They should be, that is until they start sticking out awnings, wind breaks, gas bottles, gennies etc(see my 1st link!) ...so in that respect caravans can be just as "self contained"(in fact the amount of stuff some folk drape off and around their MH, it would've be quicker to "deploy" a caravan....


b)But nor would the "problems" arise, if folk just used local 'sites/CLs/CSs/Stop-overs


As for the old "they" should provide "Aires" argument...Okay then, as they'd need to be "managed" and would therefore incur a cost, so how would you be funding it? Where would you suggest that comes from?..which local services would you suggest that they cut?(..bearing in mind they've probably already shut and sold off the public loos, closed grannie's day centre..along with the mother and toddler group etc..).



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Why have a go at those who pay their taxes, including VED and are parked legally?

Why do i see hoards of untaxed vehicles, complete with obligatory caravan, strewn around any piece of 'wasteland' (owned land awaiting development) that can be broken onto.

I dont see anyone in 'authority" going out of their way to remove the real blight of the countryside, those who dont contribute yet think they can bash down fences and the like and leave their vans for weeks on end......and these are not MMM subscribers ;-)

The real answer, they dont have an address or any cash and there is no 'value' in pursuing them for any fines as theyre all drawing benefits to fund their habits.

Throw in a few words like 'harrassment' or 'prejudice' and add in the cost to achieve nothing (no fine) and you have the perfect scenario for doing nothing.

Until folk can see that something serious is being done about this real blight, they are u likely to feel guilt pangs about parking up legally for a couple of days.

Re the 'campsite owner' angle, this is exactly whats stopping the opening of the new 'aire' at Weymouth. These owners are scared they will lose revenue yet the folk using the aire probably wouldnt go withing a mile of the campsite if you paid them.

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pepe63 - 2014-06-03 2:54 PM


johnnerontheroad - 2014-06-03 2:19 PM


pepe63 - 2014-06-03 1:20 PM



Would it be okay for "tenters" to pitch their tents on the grass verges or in a town's parks and gardens?...and what about Caravanners?...would it be okay for them to pitch up and line proms and clog up car-parks?


No?...I thought not....



a) Motorhomes are self contained, tents and most caravans are not, that is why it is not acceptable for them just to pitch up on the road side or in a car park.

b)If local authorities were to provide "Aires" type facilities the problems Whitby are having would not arise....



a) They should be, that is until they start sticking out awnings, wind breaks, gas bottles, gennies etc(see my 1st link!) ...so in that respect caravans can be just as "self contained"(in fact the amount of stuff some folk drape off and around their MH, it would've be quicker to "deploy" a caravan....


b)But nor would the "problems" arise, if folk just used local 'sites/CLs/CSs/Stop-overs


As for the old "they" should provide "Aires" argument...Okay then, as they'd need to be "managed" and would therefore incur a cost, so how would you be funding it? Where would you suggest that comes from?..which local services would you suggest that they cut?(..bearing in mind they've probably already shut and sold off the public loos, closed grannie's day centre..along with the mother and toddler group etc..).



Funding, just charge a nominal fee £5ish and it would be self funding put up signs saying no camping equipment outside of vehicle, it works in France, Germany and other European countries so why no here? As for CL's and the like they are usual way out of towns and are now starting to charge nearly are much as sites.


It works here so why not elsewhere http://www.tmcto.org/index.php/motorhome-news/item/53-hawick-motorhome-stopover-success-in-2013



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Guest Had Enough
johnnerontheroad - 2014-06-03 4:28 PM


Funding, just charge a nominal fee £5ish and it would be self funding put up signs saying no camping equipment outside of vehicle, it works in France, Germany and other European countries so why no here? As for CL's and the like they are usual way out of towns and are now starting to charge nearly are much as sites.


How do you know it would be self funding? It would have to be manned with regular visits from council officials to collect the money. There would be a huge expense involved in putting in water and waste disposal facilities.


The UK is not France and it has a tiny number of motorhomers during the summer months compared to France, which is a far more obvious destination for those seeking decent weather. Motorhomers from all over Europe flock to France and Spain and it's not because there are aires, it's because the sun shines.


But the main problem is land costs. How many aires are there in central Paris for instance, or Switzerland or Sweden? Land is cheap in the middle of Brittany or similar places.


But consider this - Stratford on Avon council decides to designate a piece of land for an aire. The value of that land would be enormous but hey ho, it does it anyway. In summer there may well be a few motorhomes on it but believe me, if it did cost a fiver that would still be too expensive for some of the people we're talking about here. They'd still park on the street to save a fiver!


But it's for motorhomers, so cars are banned. There's no point in having an aire if it's clogged up with cars. So for most months of the year it's empty of motorhomers. So we now have a complex system where for some months six motorhomes are allowed, in other months 12 and in high summer the whole aire is for motorhomers.


But the car owners can't really come to terms with this and park anyway!


No council in the UK can afford to write off a large chunk of land for an aire that will be empty for three quarters of the year. Land in tourist hotspots in the UK is far too expensive.


And for the same reason you won't get aires in Monaco or central Paris!


The UK is not France! Aires are no more feasible here than they are in Switzerland or in St. Tropez.


It's time we accepted reality and stopped whinging about it.









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johnnerontheroad - 2014-06-03 4:28 PM


It works here so why not elsewhere http://www.tmcto.org/index.php/motorhome-news/item/53-hawick-motorhome-stopover-success-in-2013




Good luck to 'em Dave..but that isn't on the coast, if it was, that facility would need to be on the Prom'/seafront, otherwise some just wouldn't use it...did you not see the "Aberystwyth" thread?

(. and is Hawick considered a tourist "Hotspot"?..a genuine question, as I honestly don't know.. :$ )


I can recall threads from a few years ago(maybe not even this forum)where, due to the increased numbers of vans involved,some coastal town had placed restrictions on MH parking/overnighting on it's Prom' but they had put aside designated MH places in the coach park...


Well!...you would've thought that they were asking 'em to pitch in a slurry pit!.....


"...me 'n Doris have been comin' 'ere for years!...I don't want to pitch in some dingy coach park!....we like to sit in our van, have our tea ...and look at the sea view...it's too far to walk..."..etc

(I paraphrase but you get the idea. ;-) )


I've always thought that a town's existing Park & Ride(if they operate one?)would be a good, lowish cost place to start looking at,for providing some form of "overnighting" but I honestly don't think that, for many MHers, their locations would be "prime" enough.. :-S

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Had Enough - 2014-06-03 4:54 PM


johnnerontheroad - 2014-06-03 4:28 PM


Funding, just charge a nominal fee £5ish and it would be self funding put up signs saying no camping equipment outside of vehicle, it works in France, Germany and other European countries so why no here? As for CL's and the like they are usual way out of towns and are now starting to charge nearly are much as sites.


How do you know it would be self funding? It would have to be manned with regular visits from council officials to collect the money. There would be a huge expense involved in putting in water and waste disposal facilities.


The UK is not France and it has a tiny number of motorhomers during the summer months compared to France, which is a far more obvious destination for those seeking decent weather. Motorhomers from all over Europe flock to France and Spain and it's not because there are aires, it's because the sun shines.


But the main problem is land costs. How many aires are there in central Paris for instance, or Switzerland or Sweden? Land is cheap in the middle of Brittany or similar places.


But consider this - Stratford on Avon council decides to designate a piece of land for an aire. The value of that land would be enormous but hey ho, it does it anyway. In summer there may well be a few motorhomes on it but believe me, if it did cost a fiver that would still be too expensive for some of the people we're talking about here. They'd still park on the street to save a fiver!


But it's for motorhomers, so cars are banned. There's no point in having an aire if it's clogged up with cars. So for most months of the year it's empty of motorhomers. So we now have a complex system where for some months six motorhomes are allowed, in other months 12 and in high summer the whole aire is for motorhomers.


But the car owners can't really come to terms with this and park anyway!


No council in the UK can afford to write off a large chunk of land for an aire that will be empty for three quarters of the year. Land in tourist hotspots in the UK is far too expensive.


And for the same reason you won't get aires in Monaco or central Paris!


The UK is not France! Aires are no more feasible here than they are in Switzerland or in St. Tropez.


It's time we accepted reality and stopped whinging about it.








Frank, the solution is not to go fully overboard in the way you describe, but to share the current resources by adding six to ten motorhome places (space allowing! In car parks where practicable.

No ome needs exclusive facilities, just a reasonable and fair crack of the whip when it comes to finding a place to park.

Designated spaces, appropriate and reasonable rates and the removal of those blasted height barriers which force MH to seek alternative parking.

A tweak or two to any large car park in most towns would provide fair parking facilities for all, no special preferences, just a (paying) place to park.

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pepe63 - 2014-06-03 5:24 PM


johnnerontheroad - 2014-06-03 4:28 PM


It works here so why not elsewhere http://www.tmcto.org/index.php/motorhome-news/item/53-hawick-motorhome-stopover-success-in-2013




Good luck to 'em Dave..but that isn't on the coast, if it was, that facility would need to be on the Prom'/seafront, otherwise some just wouldn't use it...did you not see the "Aberystwyth" thread?

(. and is Hawick considered a tourist "Hotspot"?..a genuine question, as I honestly don't know.. :$ )


I can recall threads from a few years ago(maybe not even this forum)where, due to the increased numbers of vans involved,some coastal town had placed restrictions on MH parking/overnighting on it's Prom' but they had put aside designated MH places in the coach park...


Well!...you would've thought that they were asking 'em to pitch in a slurry pit!.....


"...me 'n Doris have been comin' 'ere for years!...I don't want to pitch in some dingy coach park!....we like to sit in our van, have our tea ...and look at the sea view...it's too far to walk..."..etc

(I paraphrase but you get the idea. ;-) )


I've always thought that a town's existing Park & Ride(if they operate one?)would be a good, lowish cost place to start looking at,for providing some form of "overnighting" but I honestly don't think that, for many MHers, their locations would be "prime" enough.. :-S


You are right about the park & ride, we have 4 in Durham and I often see M/H's driving round the city center looking for somewhere to stay mainly Italian and other Europeans it would not cost a lot to put a dump and water in say 2 of the parks and charge a small fee the facilities are already there to collect the cash.


It looks like Weymouth may be letting you stay overnight for FREE http://www.tmcto.org/index.php/motorhome-news/item/81-free-overnight-parking-weymouth



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Had Enough - 2014-06-03 2:50 PM


I just wish that people would think before coming out with this campsite owners' conspiracy theory. It's nothing to do with campsite owners, or hotel owners, another fallacy!


These people aren't so stupid as to think that if wild camping is banned that the wild campers will flock to their sites or hotels!





A letter in this months MMM, which is feedback from the council, reckons that the reason for the delay in the Weymouth aire is because of the local touring park owners kicking off.



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johnnerontheroad - 2014-06-03 6:00 PM


pepe63 - 2014-06-03 5:24 PM


johnnerontheroad - 2014-06-03 4:28 PM


It works here so why not elsewhere http://www.tmcto.org/index.php/motorhome-news/item/53-hawick-motorhome-stopover-success-in-2013




Good luck to 'em Dave..but that isn't on the coast, if it was, that facility would need to be on the Prom'/seafront, otherwise some just wouldn't use it...did you not see the "Aberystwyth" thread?

(. and is Hawick considered a tourist "Hotspot"?..a genuine question, as I honestly don't know.. :$ )


I can recall threads from a few years ago(maybe not even this forum)where, due to the increased numbers of vans involved,some coastal town had placed restrictions on MH parking/overnighting on it's Prom' but they had put aside designated MH places in the coach park...


Well!...you would've thought that they were asking 'em to pitch in a slurry pit!.....


"...me 'n Doris have been comin' 'ere for years!...I don't want to pitch in some dingy coach park!....we like to sit in our van, have our tea ...and look at the sea view...it's too far to walk..."..etc

(I paraphrase but you get the idea. ;-) )


I've always thought that a town's existing Park & Ride(if they operate one?)would be a good, lowish cost place to start looking at,for providing some form of "overnighting" but I honestly don't think that, for many MHers, their locations would be "prime" enough.. :-S


You are right about the park & ride, we have 4 in Durham and I often see M/H's driving round the city center looking for somewhere to stay mainly Italian and other Europeans it would not cost a lot to put a dump and water in say 2 of the parks and charge a small fee the facilities are already there to collect the cash.


It looks like Weymouth may be letting you stay overnight for FREE http://www.tmcto.org/index.php/motorhome-news/item/81-free-overnight-parking-weymouth




I have just found out Durham Park & Ride has a covenant saying no overnight parking it was put in to keep the locals happy. There is only 3 Park & Ride in Durham don't know why I said 4. *-)



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Please see attached letter and questionnaire, informing of the commencement of the consultation period regarding the proposed control of motor caravan parking in the given locations.

For your information, the consultation will be sent in each case to all statutory consultees, street frontages and other interested parties.


The deadline for response is the 10th July 2014. Please note this date also is now applicable to the Sandsend consultation.


Due to the volume of enquiries received, we may not be able to answer all questions raised individually before the closing date of consultation, however please be assured all comments received will be included for consideration.


Kind regards


Emily Murphy

Area Customer Care Officer


Area 3 Whitby Office

North Yorkshire County Council

Whitby Highways Depot

Discovery Way


YO22 4PZ



Motor Caravan Prohibition - Filey Road, Cayton Bay

Motor Caravan Prohibition - Osgodby Hill, Cayton Bay

Prohibition of motor caravans - 11pm - 7am - Filey

Motor Caravan Prohibition - Scarborough, Esplanade Area

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John J Thompson - 2014-06-04 5:45 PM




Please see attached letter and questionnaire, informing of the commencement of the consultation period regarding the proposed control of motor caravan parking in the given locations.

For your information, the consultation will be sent in each case to all statutory consultees, street frontages and other interested parties.


The deadline for response is the 10th July 2014. Please note this date also is now applicable to the Sandsend consultation.


Due to the volume of enquiries received, we may not be able to answer all questions raised individually before the closing date of consultation, however please be assured all comments received will be included for consideration.


Kind regards


Emily Murphy

Area Customer Care Officer


Area 3 Whitby Office

North Yorkshire County Council

Whitby Highways Depot

Discovery Way


YO22 4PZ



Motor Caravan Prohibition - Filey Road, Cayton Bay

Motor Caravan Prohibition - Osgodby Hill, Cayton Bay

Prohibition of motor caravans - 11pm - 7am - Filey

Motor Caravan Prohibition - Scarborough, Esplanade Area


Hi John,


They seem to have stopped sending out the questionnaire I requested one and to date not received, assume they have been inundated with requests.



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Dear Sir/Madam,




Filey Road, Cayton Bay, Osgodby Hill, Cayton Bay, The Beach, Filey, Crescent Hill, Filey, The Crescent, Filey, Sandsend Road, Sandsend, North Promendade, Whitby, East Terrace, Whitby, Royal Crescent, Whitby, Love Lane, Whitby, North Terrace, Whitby, Church Street, Whitby, Royal Albert Drive, Scarborough, Sandside, Scarborough, Foreshore Road, Scarborough, Esplanade, Scarborough.


As you may be aware, the County Council, as Highway Authority, introduced temporary traffic restrictions in 2012 to prevent motor caravans parking between the hours of 11pm and 7am at the above locations. In order to make these measures permanent, the Council is required to consult those directly affected by the proposal. The purpose of this letter is to provide you with details of the restrictions and allow you the opportunity to express your views.

Attached is a plan showing the extent of the restrictions in hatched red, and a simple questionnaire to enable you to signify your view(s). Please return questionnaires by 10th July 2014.

North Yorkshire County Council welcomes those using motor caravans to its sea-side resorts. The relevant streets are sea-front locations, where it is considered that the overnight parking of motor caravans significantly detracts from the amenity of the local area and the lives of those living in the streets.

If there are no reasonable objections to the proposals, it is anticipated that the restrictions will be made permanent within six months from the end of the consultation period. If objections are raised which are not resolved or withdrawn, it will be necessary to report the matter to the County Council’s Area Committee which will decide on the course of action to be pursued.

Yours faithfully


Nick West

Area Manager


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johnnerontheroad - 2014-06-04 5:50 PM


John J Thompson - 2014-06-04 5:45 PM




Please see attached letter and questionnaire, informing of the commencement of the consultation period regarding the proposed control of motor caravan parking in the given locations.

For your information, the consultation will be sent in each case to all statutory consultees, street frontages and other interested parties.


The deadline for response is the 10th July 2014. Please note this date also is now applicable to the Sandsend consultation.


Due to the volume of enquiries received, we may not be able to answer all questions raised individually before the closing date of consultation, however please be assured all comments received will be included for consideration.


Kind regards


Emily Murphy

Area Customer Care Officer


Area 3 Whitby Office

North Yorkshire County Council

Whitby Highways Depot

Discovery Way


YO22 4PZ



Motor Caravan Prohibition - Filey Road, Cayton Bay

Motor Caravan Prohibition - Osgodby Hill, Cayton Bay

Prohibition of motor caravans - 11pm - 7am - Filey

Motor Caravan Prohibition - Scarborough, Esplanade Area


Hi John,


They seem to have stopped sending out the questionnaire I requested one and to date not received, assume they have been inundated with requests.




Hi Dave


Give them another request and if you don.t get a form then they are in breach of the consultation.


As far as Durham P&R was concerned I posted about this covenant in 2009 when I suggested that they allow overnight stays in motorhomes.

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