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Whitby to Ban Motorhome Parking


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John J Thompson - 2014-06-04 5:54 PM


johnnerontheroad - 2014-06-04 5:50 PM


John J Thompson - 2014-06-04 5:45 PM




Please see attached letter and questionnaire, informing of the commencement of the consultation period regarding the proposed control of motor caravan parking in the given locations.

For your information, the consultation will be sent in each case to all statutory consultees, street frontages and other interested parties.


The deadline for response is the 10th July 2014. Please note this date also is now applicable to the Sandsend consultation.


Due to the volume of enquiries received, we may not be able to answer all questions raised individually before the closing date of consultation, however please be assured all comments received will be included for consideration.


Kind regards


Emily Murphy

Area Customer Care Officer


Area 3 Whitby Office

North Yorkshire County Council

Whitby Highways Depot

Discovery Way


YO22 4PZ



Motor Caravan Prohibition - Filey Road, Cayton Bay

Motor Caravan Prohibition - Osgodby Hill, Cayton Bay

Prohibition of motor caravans - 11pm - 7am - Filey

Motor Caravan Prohibition - Scarborough, Esplanade Area


Hi John,


They seem to have stopped sending out the questionnaire I requested one and to date not received, assume they have been inundated with requests.




Hi Dave


Give them another request and if you don.t get a form then they are in breach of the consultation.


As far as Durham P&R was concerned I posted about this covenant in 2009 when I suggested that they allow overnight stays in motorhomes.


Will do John, I wounder if it would be worth contacting Reberta Blackman-Woods Durhams MP she is pretty good at getting things done locally



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Guest pelmetman
bolero boy - 2014-06-03 6:24 PM


Last i read on the Weymouth aire was that it hadnt opened yet due to the 'concerns' of local campsite owners.

If anyone has the definitive latest id be greatfull for an update.


Up to to date insider info from someone who works in Weymouth parking department ;-)


"heard it probably will not happen (on that site) because of draining problems (ie there isn't any)"



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It is not true to state as some are that there are no Aires in countries like Switzerland or Sweden. We have stayed in the past at Aires in both countries, Rhine falls in former and Gota canal in later and many more are listed on camping car Info; Agree that creation of French style free Aires not appropriate for UK but trend in France is towards more charged Aires with facilities such as hook ups WiFi etc. These once set up require little in way of management costs as entry is by a barrier operated by a credit card. So all Whitby and others need to do is establish such full facility Aires with hardstanding and easy access to town centre then we have no problem with them banning all off street parking of motor homes. Regardint charges then we would think anything between 10 to 15 pounds a night reasonable, yes a bit more than France but it ie the UK. Goven such Aires would maybe spend more time back in UK. Having said that sat out in evening Sun here on aire at Toul in eastern France, 7euros with electricity and near lovely marina and town resturants before moving to New aire in ColMar town centre with all facilities including WiFi , for around 15 euros then maybe not!!
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From a Council point of view;;


Aire = Gypsies stop over = fly tipping = pi@@ed off rate-payers who have to foot the cost of the cleanup operation.


Not sure how the French manage it, maybe a touch of Gallic Gendarme baton helps the miscreants see the side of social order





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I have hosted all the documents and proposed parking bans here https://www.dropbox.com/sh/op1h1f5s1w5yp1y/AADTTmC2IB_z25SOpzeOlQQga


I also converted the questionaire to PDF as some on FACTS had trouble with it. Thread on FACTS here http://www.motorhomefacts.com/ftopic-199441-0.html


The harbour car park at Whitby is flipping massive and empty on a night. Whats the problem with people parking (and I mean parking, not camping!) overnight?


The whole point of a motorhome is that it doesnt need a campsite FFS! for a single overnight or two night stop if you wanted to go out in Whitby for a meal and a drink the harbour car park is ideal.


I agree with a previous poster. Campsite owners kicking up a fuss in the likes of Weymouth are wasting their time. Myself and others like me who dont use sites wont suddently go "Oh bother! I can't park overnight in Weymouth or Whitby, shucks! Ill go on that campsite 2 miles away" we will just go elsewhere! *-)


I filled in my questionaire using the Word Version where I typed in my objections and emailed it to

area3.whitby@northyorks.gov.uk where I got a response stating my views will be concidered at the next meeting.

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Very much agree with much of what previous poster says and certainly do not want to stay on some muddy site or cl which is out of town. But not keen either on staying on a car park which is why think that what is needed are properly set up Aires with card controlled barriers, and if need be cctv to discourage travellers, with facilities like hook ups wifi etc charging say £10 to 15 a night. With these in place then fine ban motorhome parking, no problem. At same time if the local authorities also, as is case in France provided sites for travellers then no worries about them, for the most part moving onto the aire.
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  • 1 month later...

NYCC Motorhome Ban Consultation Halted


Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 1:40 PM


Subject: Response to Complaints re Motor Caravans TRO


Dear Mr Strangeway


I refer to the complaint made by you and the National Motorhome Organisation (NMO) on 9 July 2014 regarding your alleged failure by NYCC to produce a definitive statement of reasons to accompany the consultation for the proposed Traffic Regulation Order to prevent Motor Caravans from parking overnight. Your view was that this had prevented the NMO and yourself personally from submitting a response as part of the consultation process and thereby denying both yourself and the NMO a legal right to respond to the issues consulted upon.


Having reviewed the consultation process to date, the County Council have taken the decision to re-consult on the proposed Order, which will involve taking the following steps:-

?Carrying out an Equality Impact Assessment (EIA), which will detail the purpose of the consultation and how the Council’s Public Sector Equality Duty under the Equality Act 2010 will be discharged; The EIA will address the proposed mitigation against any potential impacts considered.

?Providing further clarification surrounding the proposals, their purpose, and possible impacts of the proposals (via a Statement of Reasons).

?Advertising the proposed Order in the “Motorcaravan Motorhome Monthly”.


The County Council will notify you when the consultation commences. I hope that this will serve to address both of the issues you raise and also update you on the current position with regard to the proposed Order.


The current temporary restrictions will remain in force, pending the determination of the proposed Permanent Order.


Yours sincerely


Richard Pennell


Legal Officer – Environment

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Whitby has only a limited amount of parking spaces which are mainly taken up by day visitors, and to expect the council to allow M.H to use them as Aires is in my opinion unreasonable. I know of three camp sites that are in walking distance of the harbor.


If we can pay thousands of pounds for our motor homes then we can afford to pay for a night on a camp site. At the best of times it is difficult to find a car park unless you can get there early, a lot of the visitors are hard working people that live maybe 40 or 50 miles away having a day out :-) Come on stop being so selfish Pay up and Shut up. I shall now DUCK >:-) >:-)

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maggyd - 2014-08-06 7:01 PM

Come on stop being so selfish Pay up and Shut up. I shall now DUCK >:-) >:-)


I absolutely agree Maggy - I am not averse to the odd overnight in a pleasant car park from time to time but not where it is inappropriate and certainly not longer periods than all day or overnight.


There must be other inland car parks where the council might appreciate the income from say a fiver a night per motorhome?


It's chicken and egg isn't it? If motorhomers did not abuse car parks and countryside there would be less restrictions on us but until the dross of the travellers is curbed we will continue to be tarred by the same brush - and I see little political will to curb the dross.

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maggyd - 2014-08-06 7:01 PM


. At the best of times it is difficult to find a car park unless you can get there early, a lot of the visitors are hard working people that live maybe 40 or 50 miles away having a day out :-) Come on stop being so selfish Pay up and Shut up. I shall now DUCK >:-) >:-)


A lot of motor homers are also hard working people that live a lot father than 40-50 miles away, so what's the difference.



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After reading all of the above, I realise why motorhoming in the UK had become such a 'pain', people saying that the reason for 'No UK Aires' is land cost, what a load of poppycock ! I agree that No-one expects an Aire to 'spring up' in Central London, any more than one will appear in Central Paris, or many large Cities, but in rural villages in our lovely countryside, land costs no more than in rural France, and anyway, we just mean 2 or 3 dedicated parking spaces, with a 'drive over' grey water dump station, and a chemical disposal (attached to the back of the public toilets) and a Fresh water tap. NOT an expensive proposition, a 'pay and display' with the money going to pay for the plumbing work. £2 -£3 a night.


Oh dear, I've woken up it was just a Dream. Reality, I bought an A-Frame, tour the UK by parking on sites, and use the car, to visit places ( then the prejudice just dissapears). And that was for just trying to find somewhere to park during the Day Time. Ray



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artheytrate - 2014-08-06 8:13 PM


maggyd - 2014-08-06 7:01 PM


. At the best of times it is difficult to find a car park unless you can get there early, a lot of the visitors are hard working people that live maybe 40 or 50 miles away having a day out :-) Come on stop being so selfish Pay up and Shut up. I shall now DUCK >:-) >:-)


A lot of motor homers are also hard working people that live a lot father than 40-50 miles away, so what's the difference.





All Im saying is in a area where parking is limited anyway !! why do M.H think they have a RIGHT to stop for hours or days on end clogging up the spaces that less fortunate people that only get to go out on day trips want to use.


They are area,s in places like Whitby that could be use OUTside the town :-S but too far to walk they wouldnt be used!! no ! they want to clutter up the harbour and the limited parking with their motor-homes.


And of course Motorhomers are hard working :-) how else could they have bought them !! but they are better off than some-one with a small family that want to get out to the seaside for the day USE THE FLIPPING CAMP SITES.

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Guest Had Enough

Ah, the old 'If there were aires in the UK people wouldn't go to Europe' argument. Of course they wouldn't! Let's ignore the better weather, different culture etc. These people really want to stay in the UK and it's only the lack of aires that's stopping them!


Here's an article from a man who's thought about it for more than ten seconds.




Here's a couple of paragraphs from it:


'We often see claims that aires would bring economic benefit to towns because motorhomers would spend money there but evidence to back the claims is almost invariably lacking. What is absolutely certain is that aires will not be achieved unless the land owner sees an economic benefit (or payback) to offset the level of investment needed to create an aire. If the costs were insignificant and the benefits so easily achievable then private companies would, surely, be falling over themselves to reap the profits.


The facts that many people stock up on food &c before leaving home, and those that only want an overnight stop have no time to shop anyway, are often conveniently ignored by people calling for aire facilities. So, in order to make a convincing case it will be necessary to gather solid, verifiable, evidence to show that money would be spent in the local area.


Also almost invariably, calls for aires discount the costs of setting up and managing facilities, often enough because the people making them simply have no concept of what is involved and make an inaccurate assumption that the costs are not significant. It is all too easy, for instance, to see a car park which is not used overnight and assume that it is suitable for an aire. In fact, many local authority car parks in the UK were constructed several decades ago and/or designed to be used by much smaller vehicles. That means that they are only constructed to the standards required for use by vehicles of no more than two tonnes. Adding regular usage by vehicles weighing more than three tonnes might cause expensive damage to the sub-structure unless it were to be strengthened in advance of such use.


It is also all too easy to assume that provision of fresh water and facilities for black and grey waste disposal can be achieved at a low cost. Water mains and foul sewers (as opposed to rainwater drains) may be located a significant distance from the site.'



The people who keep banging on about how easy it would be to have aires in the UK really should read the article in full.











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breakaleg - 2014-06-03 1:00 PM


Some people like to go to the cinema others don't some like to read a book others don't (I know someone who has never read a book, Some people like to use camp sites (I don't ) I will use cl's if they are where I would like to be, but I am walking disabled, so being in the centre of town without having to drive there is a bonus for me (at least I know where I will be parking that day) would I empty my van there no, bet no one else would if the council provided the facilities to empty out. most camp sites are full these days a lot of camp site owners don't want Motor homes,they only stop one night and use all the facilities. I suspect the council are more concerned about the business rates from the camp site than anything else they forget that people in Motor homes spend money . Although after just spending £2000.00 + on repairs, I might not spend as much as usual this season.

Pete *-)


Couldn't have put it better myself, also like to add for me I spent thousands on it so that I wouldn't have to be ripped off to park on a piece of grass with a provide shower block (which I don't need because I have one in the van)

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