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Doggy Travel

John NG5

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Hi all, I will be travlling to Spain and Portugal next year for 3 months at a time and it will be my dogs first adventure abroad. Both new to this forum but having seen how many dog lovers contribute to it, perhaps I can get an answer to this question. Being a responsible dog owner, I would like to know if there are any restictions on dogs swimming in the sea or running on a beach. Any info will be gratefully received. John 8-)
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[QUOTE]John NG5 - 2006-09-11 7:36 PM Hi all, I will be travlling to Spain and Portugal next year for 3 months at a time and it will be my dogs first adventure abroad. Both new to this forum but having seen how many dog lovers contribute to it, perhaps I can get an answer to this question. Being a responsible dog owner, I would like to know if there are any restictions on dogs swimming in the sea or running on a beach. Any info will be gratefully received. John 8-)[/QUOTE] John, I don't know about Spain but dogs are banned from the beaches of Portugal in the summer, I'm not sure of the exact dates though. Don
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Hello John. I,m a bit out of date on this, but even going back nine years restrictions on dogs at the more popular Spanish beach resorts were being introduced. I should imagine that most beaches are covered re. this and in line with the U.k. would probably start on the first of may until the last day of september. More beaches over here are now setting aside areas for you to exercise the dog, but whether this applies abroad I would,nt like to say. If only previous owners had shown a bit more consideration, then this problem may never have arisen. Howard.
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Have you got their Pet Passports yet? It takes about 8 months in all to get all the jabs, blood tests and paperwork through. And make sure that your Vet at home knows the different beasties and illnesses that some pets have returned home with - a few have died due to mis or late diagnosis! Is it really worth it for a short haul - but for 2+ months I would be inclined to get everything checked out; my cocker would have loved the open spaces :-D :-| [she loved Ynyslas ++ ] I would like to see more kennels availalbe for UK visitors with dogs so that when going to country houses etc. dogs don't get left in vehicles! >:-(
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Lizzy, I have gotten his PETS passport and all vaccinations with blood tests correct. I have considered using Eurotunnel to enter France from UK so that my dog will not be left on his own in the MH as would be if using a ferry. I will of course take him to my Vet to check for unwanted passengers on our return. By the way have you ever used Eurotunnel? £30 return for a dog !!!!!! Thankyou for taking time to reply. John 8-)
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We too found that the out of the way beaches can be used by dogs. In one village it had signs up banning dogs but all the locals were walking their dogs on it. The Spanish do not take any notice so we didn't either. We have used Eurotunnel with our two dogs and although expensive it was much better for them. Going again soon. Be aware that some of the diseases are very serious indeed. You need to use Frontline spray (stronger than the spot on) before you go and at monthly intervals while you are there and a Scalibor collar against the dreaded sand flies while you are out there. They are mainly a problem at dawn and dusk so avoid those times if you can for walkies. I work in a vet's so can pick their brains Expensive things these mutts are'nt they!! ;-) Pat
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Which breed of mutt? :-) Garlic is supposedly good for keeping away fleas (?) Also Avon's soft so simple [I think it's called] is a good cream for keeping away flying beasties on humans - maybe a bandana with some spread on would help the doggies (?) As are BOUNCE tumbeldrier sheets - supposedly the smell keeps beasties away (?) I bought a 'flea zapper' for my cocker - it's a comb run on 2 batteries which buzzes when it contacts with fleas on the coat - and kills the fleas. Great for the hunter-gatherer in me :-D and another way of getting unwanted visitors out of the dog's skin. They cost around £20.00 from good pet stores or the Sunday papers ....... worth having anyway as it means less chemicals on the pets' coats - good for cats too :-) So taken along on European trips they can be run across the dog twice daily to check for travellers .............. remember to take replacement batteries though ;-)
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Thanks again Lizzy, I'm definitely getting some really good tips from seasoned travellers like yourself. My dog is called Kester and his mother was a golden labrador whilst his father was a golden retriever but he looks more like a lab. I'm obviuosly new to the forum but when I figure out how to do it, i'll post his picture. I do give him cod liver oil tablets daily but I think I will now add garlic tabs to the list. Thanks for all your tips, and i'm just going to put my coat on to visit my pet shop to order a zapper. ATB John 8-)
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Yellow Lab ;-) X golden retriever - nice mixture. 1st Cross are usually lovely :-D I 'babysit' a tri-coloured Cavalier and a jackrussell. Both lovely dogs. I also have an Irish setter occasionally. Our cocker had a travel harness which was fixed to the passenger seat behind the front passenger. We went miles: Lake District, Wales, Exeter - she loved being out and about! Try chopping small amounts of garlic into his food 3 times a week. Although the capsules means you don't get garlic-breath kisses ;-) [at least not from Kester] (lol)
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Hi again John Sorry to disilusion you but there is no better fight against fleas and ticks than Frontline. I work for a vet and we constantly get people in whos pets are infested with fleas and/or ticks. They tell us that they have used all sorts of "alternative" remedies. Those diseases out there are too nasty to risk using something that hasn't had proper clinical trials. I hate using it but I know it is the only way to try to prevent my dogs getting something very nasty. Yes Scalibor is from your vet but not nearly as expensive as Frontline! Tick hooks are good too if you have the sort of dog that ticks are easily seen on. You hook it under the tick and twist (not pull!) it off. As I am leaving in two days to go travelling :-D I have stocked up on everything. My visa said "Ouch!". Best Wishes Pat
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Thanks Pat, you can take a lot of things for granted and it's only when you start looking for info, that experienced people, like yourself and others on the forum, open your mind to what you are heading for!!!!! Do you have a check list for the dog before you leave? John 8-)
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I'm leaving work ( where I get a discount on my doggy drugs etc). Once we are all sorted out we are full timing both here, in the summer, and Europe to start with. As we grow in confidence (foolishness?) we hope to venture further afield. The house is rented out at the moment but we may sell and downsize to a one bedroom flat if we take to the full timing kind of life! This has been several years in the planning and a whole married life in the dreaming. Dogs are seasoned travellers and will be fine I am sure. I am kind of nervous and excited all at the same time!!! Thanks for all the good wishes. Taking a laptop so will still be posting! Pat
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