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Help! Can't Get it Out - Hymer Cutlery Drawer


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We need to get the cutlery drawer out to investigate a whiff from the sink. Unfortunately, we're struggling to find any instructions on how to get the drawer out, even googling it acknowledges the difficulty in taking drawer out but provides no solution. Hopefully, someone reading this will be able to point us in the right direction.


Many thanks!

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colin - 2014-06-08 2:45 PM


If it has what I call 'filing cabinet' runners, then you will find a little (probably white) lever on the runner, push this up (or down depending on which side) and the drawer will pull out.

Said levers are probably underneath the side of the drawer, at the front.

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Hi, If your sink cover has a chopping board screwed underneath it , trapped gunge between the two could be causing the smell, Remove the chopping board and check. That's what was causing the smell from our sink, took a long time to find that was cause of the smell though.

Brian B.


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In the meantime you could try a pint of boiling water and half a small tub of sodium bicarbonate.

Pour into sink immediately after putting bicarb in water.

If nasty niff coming from sink or pipes this should move it



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Hi again . With our Hymer the draw has to dismantled to remove it. To gain access to the sink waste connections, I pull the draw out as far as possible, remove the cutlery from the plastic tray then the tray will lift out of the frame giving access to the waste connections.

Brian B.

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I had to smile when I read this thread! We went out in our hymer last week and I forgot to lock my cutlery drawer before we set off. Not long into the journey,travelling at about 50 mph on a relatively straight road, there was an almighty crash.our cutlery drawer had flown out and smashed onto the floor,contents included.the noise and devastation was unbelievable and very scarey. I won't forget to lock it in the future.
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Update - Sent Hubby out to investigate, our van seems to be the same as Bishbush, i.e.no way it's coming out of it's own free will! It also looks like it has had a repair of some description (perhaps it had also flown out of it's housing with a previous owner?) and they have made sure it ain't ever coming out again!! After much poking about we think we've got it sorted and have used the solution mentioned previously. Guess time will tell if this has solved the problem.


Thanks once again for all your fantastic input & suggestions - what a great resource this forum is.


Many Thanks.


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Just got back after 2months away. The waste does not smell, (and I have a strong sense of smell), but I have put some Jeyes Fluid in my waste tank, and will leave it there untill we use the van again in a couple of months time, by the time we reach our storage , it will have sloshed about quite nicely.

When away I sometimes tip cheap pine disinfectant down the drain/and loo


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