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Hit a rock in roadworks in Norway!


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Hi al;

Just calmed down after hitting a 20cm rock that scared me @£&?less and had me expecting a sudden deflation, for maybe the next couple of hours.

I stopped as soon as possible, examined tyre and proceeded carefully.

I know it would have deflated immediately if it had been a direct hit, but a glancing blow was bad enough.

The question:

Has anyone experience of pressure monitoring systems (tyre of course)! Are they worth the money?

Norwegian roads and tunnels are not very pleasant at the moment, I think we are touring the areas where they are doing all the upgrading.

We'll be sorry to leave though, super country,


Alan b

P.s. The Ducato is going great!

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Glad you are OK.

We have the TPMS on Motorhome, trailer and car and would not be without it.

It will tell you the pressure and Temp of each tyre, we also have puncture safe in all wheels as the only thing that has a spare is the trailer although I do carry a spare tyre (only) for the motorhome.

Tyre Pal cost about the same as one MH tyre?


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Sounds reasonable Mark, just looked at maintenance costs, and replacement costs and look a bit risky over a 5 year period? How long have you had them?

In my example a direct hit would have had immediate effect, but the possibility of a slow deflation was there for some hours. One day all vehicles will be thus equipped, or ought to be


Alan b

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