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Favourite Things


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What are your top 3 favourite MH accessories that you wouldn't leave home without? I'm thinking of the more unusual type of things and not things that most everyone must have like roll out awning, levelling ramps, etc. Mine are 1. SOG toilet 2. Refillable Gas Bottles with external filler 3. Watering Can (with rose removed for when the hose pipe won't reach) Just a bit of fun, but may produce some interesting ideas (lol)
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John Being more sensible, the inanimate motorhome objects that I would never go on holiday without are (not counting normal stuff like kettles, etc): - Sat Nav - takes a lot of the worry and strain out of journeys. - Mountain bikes - great way to poddle into town when you're parked on the outskirts and easier to ride around larger centres to see all the bits and bobs you want to without having to walk miles. - 12v video & TV - lovely occasionally to settle down on the fixed bed at the end of the day and watch a half-hour video whilst cuddling 2 contented dogs. - Inflatable canoe - it's lovely when you see a nice bit of river, lake or coast to be able to get the canoe out and have a paddle for an hour, especially when you see some of the wildlife up close (the dogs come to and really enjoy it). - Camera & video camera - for the obvious reasons. - Pad and pen - to be able to write a diary of what you've done which really helps bring back the memories when you read it some time later whilst looking at the piccies you've taken. - Several balls for the dog - she's got a real knack of being able to destroy them and then pines if she hasn't got one to chase. I'll leave it at that for now!
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